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Daggerfall Mod:Location types

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The following is a list of location types used in the map tables. Some locations are not immediately available to the player and will not be displayed (or searchable) on the character's map (which are uniformly dungeons or covens). The test is simple:

System.Boolean isKnown = ( locationType == ( 0xaf & locationType ) );
if ( true == isKnown ) { 
    // display it on the map

There is an equivellent unknown algorithm as:

System.Boolean isUnknown = ( locationType == ( 0x8f & locationType ) );
if ( false == isUnknown ) { 
    // display it on the map

The end result is also quite simple. The character must "discover" unknown locations through only a few different means:

  1. Exploring the wilderness, which can take several days with no guarantee of success.
  2. By reading dungeon maps which can be:
    • Found on the bodies of fallen enemies.
    • Received as the reward for a completed quest.
    • Received as a guild promotion reward (see Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood).
  3. Being told their locations in the course of quests, which is the most common way.
Overland Map Location Types
Value Color Description
4 Light Orange Large Dungeon (Labyrinth)
7 Medium Orange Medium Dungeon (Fortress, Castle)
10 Dark Orange Small Dungeon (Ruins, Hovel)
12 Red Cemetery
13 Black Coven
0 Very Light Pink Large Town (City)
1 Light Pink Medium Town (Town)
2 Medium Pink Small Town (Village)
6 Dark Pink Tavern
8 Light Brown Manor
3 Medium Brown Farmstead
11 Dark Brown Shack
5 Light Blue Temple
9 Medium Blue Shrine
14 (Invisible) Player's Ship
  • At the game's start, only Privateer's Hold (because the player starts there), common cemeteries, all towns and homes, and temples and shrines are revealed on the player's map.
  • As the player discovers covens and the other various dungeon sites, they are revealed on the map.
  • The ship sites (0xae) are never shown on the player's map.