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Lore:Death Dealer's Fete

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Death Dealer's Fete

The Death Dealer's Fete is a signet ring associated with the Daedric Prince Sanguine. The ring is cursed, allowing one to hear a glimpse of some revelry in the dead of night, full of laughter and anguished screams. Its enchantment, Escalating Fete, invigorates the wielder during conflicts, increasing higher the longer they are locked into combat.[1] Its intended purpose is believed to be for preventing exhaustion during sex.[2]

It is believed to have been forged in the mid-First Era, and like many rings of that time, has a crude fastening system with heavy handed smithing that makes its silver prongs near unbreakable. The artifact's power comes from the various components that make up the ring's anatomy. The prongs themselves serve as conduits for siphoning magicka. They hold the center stone, an excessively huge and asymmetrical blood-red ruby that is warm to the touch and resonates with great power. The ring's shank is designed for discomfort, as it features minuscule barbs. This design choice is also present within other rings that Sanguine gives to mortals that attend his parties. These rings were enchanted to unexpectedly tighten to prevent exhaustion, though it is unknown if the Fete itself also has this enchantment. The base contains a faded inscription which, when touched, inspires reckless indulgence. The bridge was sculpted to resemble a fanged maw; its open spaces are thought to have once held jewels.[2]


Sometime after its purported creation in the First Era, the ring was dismantled into five pieces and ended up in the hands of Tamrielans and otherworldly forces. Circa 2E 582, the ring's bridge was rewarded to a member of one of the three Alliances for their service in Cyrodiil. The signet base was later recovered by one of the Alliances in the Imperial City, from the corpse of one of Molag Bal's patrolling horrors.

After Molag Bal's failed Planemeld, the Celestial Serpent erected magical anomalies in Craglorn to siphon the Celestial Mage's power, to which mercenaries employed by the Star-Gazers of Belkarth shut down. One of these sellswords obtained the ring's shank from one of these sites. In the western corner of Craglorn, the Daedric Prince Boethiah was holding a tournament within an arena in Dragonstar, where one of the combatants was rewarded with the ring's prongs.

Dagon later attempted his own bid for Tamriel, opening his own portals to the Deadlands. From its depths, the center stone was recovered from the cache of a Havocrel "Duke of Storms" serving as a commander for Mehrunes Dagon. With the ring's pieces rediscovered, they later made their way to the hands of the University of Gwylim's Antiquarian Circle, allowing them to reassemble the ring.[3]

See Also[edit]


  1. ^ Death Dealer's Fete description and bonus in ESO
  2. ^ a b Death Dealer's Fete codex entries in ESO
  3. ^ Death Dealer's Fete method of acquisition in ESO