Lore:Bestiary P
Painted Troll[edit]
Painted trolls are a strange form of troll created by the Brush of Truepaint. They are weak against turpentine, which can be applied to a weapon as poison when fighting them. The first six trolls were created in 3E 433 as guardians by a foolish Bosmer thief who tried to steal the brush from its owner, Rythe Lythandas. The trolls turned on their creator and killed him.[1] The fat of Painted Trolls is very useful in alchemy, and by 4E 201 Rythe was apparently creating his own trolls in order to extract the rare ingredient.[2]
Pangrits are spiky, bipedal chitinous creatures that are visually comparable to a cross between a guar and a shark.[3] They dwell along Abecean shores, and are stubborn and often dull-witted.[4] Juvenile pangrits are known as nymphlings, and do not possess the spikes of the adults.[5]
Pangrits are similar to guar in that they are easy to train and their meat is edible. They are apparently delicious with a honey glaze or spice berry sauce.[3] Tame pangrits can be found in the company of Hadolids, who train them for war and use them as beasts of burden.[6][7] They can also grow large enough to serve as mounts. Their origins are unknown: rumor has it the pangrit was created by the Hadolids, but these claims are unverified. Some believe that pangrits are simply tamed beasts, as created creatures would likely be more intelligent.[7]
Pangrit spit possesses waterproofing properties.[8]
Pariah Scamp[edit]
Pariah Scamps are tiny Daedra from Malacath's Ashpit, described as small, black, foul-smelling homonculi. They possess a unique power known as Pariah's Vision Diversion, which causes mortals to not notice them, because they look everywhere the scamps aren't. A mortal can temporarily gain this power by eating a pariah scamp.
The magic used to summon them is fairly unreliable. Scrolls prepared for the summons must be used within a day of inscription. The binding is also volatile and subject to Aetheric decay. The scamps can apparently be summoned in a dormant state, which is useful for those looking to store them until they need to eat one. Pariah scamps should be stored deep underground and far away from each other as a precaution to prevent their proximity to one another from awakening them.[9]
- See also: Scamp
Parraptons[UOL 1] are insects typically the size of horses that are used as aerial mounts by House Dres,[10] and are kept in stables resembling tall saltrice silos. They are a species of giant wasps, they have multifaceted eyes and other qualities reminiscent of them.[10][UOL 1] Following a strict hierarchy, approval from the queen is needed to ride her children, who is a behemoth twice the size of her kin. Such an audience must not be taken lightly, for she may deny a request for fear for her children's safety. Furthermore, the queen also handpicks which of her children is best fit for the rider. Riders powder their hands and rub them together to signal to their parrapton, which depending on context, will signal when they are to fly or land. A parrapton is no longer a drone when the queen selects a mate.[UOL 1]
Parrots are birds with colorful plumage that are capable of mimicking speech. They are often kept as pets. Gerrick, an Altmer merchant who lived on Stros M'Kai, had a parrot that revealed the location of buried treasure to Cyrus.[11] They are known to be featured in traveling shows.[12] Their meat is used in a Breton dish known as Parrot-and-Pumpkin Salad.[13][14]
One man believed the Cyrodilic bird men were actually just parrots who had tall tales spread about them.[12]
Peacocks are colorful, blue-feathered birds known for being eye-catching.[15] Their meat is often used in Altmeri cuisine.[16][17][18]
Pearl Oyster[edit]
Pearl oysters (or simply oysters) are a species of bivalve mollusks found on the coasts of Solstheim that are similar to clams and kollops. Like clams and kollops, oysters produce pearls. Oysters are part of Cyrodiilic cultural cuisine, and are served alive in their shells.[19] Oyster shells are used for a variety of purposes, and can be repurposed as containers.[20]
Pelicans are a type of bird, known to the Nords of the Third Era.[21]
Petrels are a species of seabirds. Some ships, such as the Storm Petrel are named after them.[22][23]
Phoenixes are mythical creatures present in Altmeri and Bretonic folklore. Little is known about phoenixes except for their intense red plumage. Aurbic Phoenix imagery is associated with the school of Restoration.
Pheasants are wildfowl often hunted for their meat, which is then salted and roasted.[24]
Pigs are common farm animals, raised for their meat. There are various breeds, such as the bristlegut pig, which is a cross between a domestic pig and a Skyrim boar. The white-coated pink pearl pig, and the black-and-white Psijic Domino Pig bred on the island of Artaeum. Which is smart enough to count to five and learn to recognize its name.
Pigeons are birds found in Cyrodiil, High Rock, and the Summerset Isles, that have a reputation for being dirty,[25] and are related to doves. They are preyed upon by gryphons.[26] Rock Pigeons are eaten by Bretons at picnics, where they are grilled and deboned, and can be served with combwort chutney, ballom pudding, and a jug of syllabub.[27]
Plague Husk[edit]
Plague husks are violent, feral, and seemingly undead victims of the Llodos Plague, a contagious disease. Those that do not die in the late stages of the disease become these zombified creatures.[28]
Plankton are tiny organisms that float in water, classified as either animals or plants.
Septimus Signus referenced plankton metaphorically in his Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls. He sought to illustrate one of the origins of the Elder Scrolls by imagining a life beneath the waves, endowed with sharp vision and surrounded by beautiful fabric. By placing the fabric over one's gills, one would begin to breathe in and absorb its threads. While the plant fibers nourish the soul, "the wretched plankton would pollute the cloth until it stank to heavens of prophecy". He posed the question of whether one is the sea, the breather, or the fabric, or if one is the breath itself.
Plovers are a type of small bird. Corimont Mouth-Plovers are kept as pets by high-status Argonians to aid in cleaning their fangs after meals.[29] Golden Plovers are the namesake of a type of dye.[30]
The Pollywog is an aquatic life stage of the Grummites of the Shivering Isles. They are born from the egg sacs that Grummite females hang above water, out of the reach of their aquatic predators. The Pollywog quickly grows limbs, and turns into an amphibious Baliwog within weeks.
Porcupines are small[31] rodents, known for their spines which become erect when they are agitated.[32] They were the namesake of various inns and taverns in the late Third Era.[33] They were also the namesake of the forest "Porcupine Grove".[34]
- See also: Hedgehog
Porpoises are aquatic mammals that live in the Eltheric Ocean around the island-kingdom of Pyandonea. They are constantly hunted by the Maormer because of their blissfulness, and their expressive joy. Their hide is often fashioned in traditional Pyandonean belts, seen on their armor and clothes.[35]
- See also: Dolphin
Prairie Dog[edit]
Prairie Dogs are small rodents found in the West Weald of Cyrodiil.[36] They were introduced to northern Valenwood by Wood Elf tribes to help maintain the overall health of the forest.[37] Deepsnow Prairie Dogs are a breed of prairie dogs that are native to Skyrim. Their white fur helps them blend into the mountains of Skyrim, as they are eaten by the native Nords.[38] Prairie dogs are not related to actual dogs.
Psijic Mascot[edit]
Psjiic Mascots are creatures of the Psijic Order's design, said to be illusory constructs created from Magicka and conjured in the shape of their conjurer's desired creature form.[39][40][41] They are distinguishable from common fauna by having arcane body imprints that the Order's monks use themselves.[42] Although the beasts most commonly have a blue runic psijic imprints imbued within them, some are conjured with red imprints that represent a monk's regrettable choices.[40][41] Some are conjured for use as pets, and others are conjured in a mature form to use as warmounts.[39] There are rumors that the Psijics use them as portable storage batteries of Magicka.[43]
There is also speculation on if the mascots are truly magic constructs or rather real animals with an enchanted appearance.[44] The Psijics refuse to clarify the true nature of these creatures.[43]
Pumpkin Spectre[edit]
Pumpkin Spectres are humanoid pumpkin Daedra native to the demi-plane of Detritus.[45] Hollowjack is a Pumpkin Spectre and a Daedra Lord who rules over Detritus.[46] Those seen in Detritus display very disturbing behavior, such as playing kick-ups with skulls, dancing maniacally, and cannibalism. They are not inherently hostile to visitors, showing a propensity to spook them with sudden scares and shushing them when witnessing their devious acts.[47] Hollowjack sometimes summons these creatures to Tamriel during the Witches Festival to torment mortals.[45] Visions of these nightmarish beings are also summoned by hedge wizards during the Witches Festival, a holiday that takes place on the 13th of Frostfall each year.[48]
- See also: Scarecrow Spectre
The Purified are beings that have been lustrated for purification by the Daedric Prince Meridia. For mortals, this usually involves being stripped of their free will and bestowed with the gift of immortality for the purpose of serving her for all eternity. The Purified are imbued with a golden radiance within their bodies that causes them to emit a glow from beneath their skin. Beings who join the ranks of the Purified include those who willingly pledge themselves to Meridia's service, as well the unwilling, such as those who defy her. They are also referred to as Lustrants by Molag Bal's Dremora minions, though this is sometimes used as a catch-all term to refer to Meridia's followers.
Pygmies were a diminutive humanoid species that supposedly inhabited the Shivering Isles. They are said to have all been eaten by the Grummites.[49] Their skeletal remains can be found scattered throughout the Isles. The skull of a pygmy was one of the objects on display at the Museum of Oddities in Dementia circa 3E 433.[50]
The word pygmy is used in Tamriel to describe comparatively small creatures, such as with the Pygmy Sunfish and Weeping Pygmy Shark.
- ^ A Brush with Death quest in Oblivion
- ^ Elgrim's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ a b Bolga's Guide to Galen Beasts — Bolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral
- ^ Scarlet War Pangrit mount description in ESO
- ^ Pangrit Nymphling pet description in ESO
- ^ There are Pangrits serving the Hadolids within Graven Deep in ESO: Lost Depths
- ^ a b Turquoise War Pangrit mount description in ESO
- ^ Crafting Motif 114: Systres Guardian Style — Zoellene Ruqueville, Scholar and Former Guard
- ^ Naryu's Journal/Wrothgar — Naryu Virian
- ^ a b The Origin of Cyrus! — Michael Kirkbride
- ^ Orsone's dialogue in Redguard
- ^ a b An Argument For Common Sense — Uruld, preserved by Gollred
- ^ Parrot-and-Pumpkin Salad recipe in ESO
- ^ Loremaster's Archive - Bretons & High Isle — Lady Arabelle
- ^ Preening Peacock skin description in ESO
- ^ Peacock Pie recipe in ESO
- ^ Altmer Skywatch Celebrant's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Roast Peacock Serving Platter item description in ESO
- ^ The Feast of Saint Coellicia II — Arfons Jellicandante, Expert on Nibenese Cuisine
- ^ Oystershell Candy Stash item description in ESO
- ^ Holmar's dialogue in Tribunal
- ^ Sailing Orders — The Ascendant Magus
- ^ Lady Arabelle Davaux's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Dead Pheasants in Skyrim
- ^ Bursar of Tributes' dialogue in ESO
- ^ Craftreeve Midalmo's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Picnic at Pelin (A Horror Story) — DeWitte Bourbois
- ^ Nostrum's Notes
- ^ Corimont Mouth-Plover Cage item description in ESO
- ^ Fledgling: Golden Plover dye in ESO
- ^ Nulfaga's dialogue in Daggerfall
- ^ Urgarlag Chief-bane's dialogue in ESO: Shadows of the Hist
- ^ The names of various Taverns in Daggerfall
- ^ Porcupine Grove in Blades
- ^ Crafting Motif 64: Pyandonean Style — Telenger the Artificer
- ^ Prairie Dogs in ESO
- ^ South Weald Prairie Dog pet description in ESO
- ^ Deepsnow Prairie Dog pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Psijic Escort Charger mount description in ESO
- ^ a b Senche Cub of Scarlet Regret pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Senche of Scarlet Regret mount description in ESO
- ^ Body Imprint of the Psijic Order Body Marking description in ESO
- ^ a b Psijic Mascot Senche Cub pet description in ESO
- ^ Psijic Mascot Wolf Pup pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Pumpkin Spectres in ESO
- ^ Flavor text for Pumpkin Spectre Mask and Hollowjack Spectre Mask
- ^ Pumpkin Spectre actions viewed in the Seat of Detritus
- ^ Elder Scrolls Online - Crown Store Showcase
- ^ Una Armina's dialogue in Shivering Isles
- ^ Events of Oblivion: Shivering Isles
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ a b c Ted Peterson's posts in The Blue Dawn