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Morrowind:Ginith Ancestral Tomb

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Ginith Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Irarak, NPCs
Console Location Code(s)
Ginith Ancestral Tomb
West Gash, [-13,13]
Ginith Ancestral Tomb

Ginith Ancestral Tomb is a hideout for a vampire named Irarak and his servants in the West Gash, northwest of Gnisis.

Irarak and his followers

Ginith Ancestral Tomb can be found in the West Gash region, heading west of Gnisis until you reach the coast, and then heading straight north from there. This tomb is part of a Quarra Clan quest. Inside there is a rat, a vampire of the Berne bloodline named Irarak, and a cult of five NPCs serving him. The only loot of note is a copy of Poison Song I.

Family Members[edit]

There is only one known member of the Ginith family:


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Anden Thilarvel Male Dark Elf Monk 5 61 86 0 30
Ervis Ules Male Dark Elf Mage 5 55 114 0 30
Irarak Male Dark Elf Acrobat 10 102 94 0 30
Sarvil Sadus Male Dark Elf Warrior 5 84 86 0 30
Tredere Llaren Female Dark Elf Nightblade 5 50 88 0 30
Vulyne Rothari Female Dark Elf Healer 5 50 88 0 30

Anden Thilarvel wears common pants with a matching shirt and shoes. He carries nothing but the clothes on his back and fights using hand-to-hand skills. He knows no spells aside from those provided by his Dunmer heritage.
Ervis Ules wears common pants with a matching shirt and shoes. He wields an iron flameblade in combat. He knows no spells aside from those provided by his Dunmer heritage.
Sarvil Sadus wears common pants with a matching shirt and shoes. He wields a bonemold shield and an iron vipersword in combat. He knows no spells aside from those provided by his Dunmer heritage.
Tredere Llaren wears common pants with a matching shirt and shoes. She wields a chitin shield and a cruel viperblade in combat, and knows no spells aside from those provided by her Dunmer heritage.
Vulyne Rothari wears common pants with a matching shirt and shoes. She uses hand-to-hand abilities in combat, and knows no spells aside from those provided by her Dunmer heritage.

Related Quests[edit]

Quarra Clan[edit]

Unique Dialogue[edit]

The followers of Irarak have unique dialogue for you if you're a vampire.

"You are another of the master's kind. Welcome, dark one. Welcome to the lair of Lord Irarak."
Lord Irarak
"We serve Irarak. He is our master, and one day he will bestow upon us his Dark Gift."



Map of Ginith Ancestral Tomb