Oblivion:Sigil Stone

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Sigil stone icon
A Sigil Stone, still in place in the Sigillum Sanguis

Sigil Stones are the powerful artifacts that control Oblivion Gates. In order to close an Oblivion Gate, you need to find the Sigil Stone in that gate's Plane of Oblivion and remove it. The Sigil Stone is located in the Sigillum Sanguis at the top of the main tower. Once you pick it up, you will gain one Fame point, the Oblivion Gate will close, and you will automatically be returned to Tamriel in the charred region where the gate was previously located. You will acquire one Sigil Stone for each Oblivion Gate that you close; there may be up to 60 Gates.

Using Sigil Stones[edit]

Sigillum Sanguis after the Sigil Stone has been taken
A Sigil Stone

Once taken, each Sigil Stone can be used to enchant one item. To do this:

  1. Select the Sigil Stone from your inventory.
  2. Select any unenchanted, non-quest item in your inventory (weapon, armor, clothing, ring, etc.).
  3. Name the new item.

Once you are done, the Sigil Stone will vanish. Unlike standard enchanting, this can be done anywhere (an Enchanting Altar is not needed), it does not require a soul gem, and does not cost any gold.

Each stone has a predetermined strength and two specified effects that are available for enchanting. One effect for each stone is an offensive effect and will automatically be used if you choose to enchant a weapon. The second effect is defensive and will automatically be used if you enchant armor, clothing, or other apparel. These two effects are typically paired; for example, one stone provides either Absorb Fatigue or Fortify Fatigue.

The two effects are randomly determined the moment you see the message "Sigil Stone has been added to your inventory" after activating the Sigil Stone in the Sigillum Sanguis. The table below provides the list of all possible effects. If you wish to obtain a specific effect, you should save your game immediately before first picking up the Sigil Stone (it's actually possible to save your game during the delay between activating the Sigil Stone and the stone actually being added to your inventory; after saving, simply check your inventory, reload your save if it's not the one you want, then check it again once it's added). You can then repeatedly try grabbing the stone; as soon as the relevant message appears on-screen (before being teleported back from Oblivion), you can check your inventory and see which one you have obtained.

The strength of the stone is determined by your level at the moment you pick it up, as listed in the following table.

Level Type
1-4 Descendent
5-8 Subjacent
9-12 Latent
13-16 Ascendent
17+ Transcendent

Effects and Magnitudes[edit]

The effect and magnitude of the stone are determined upon receiving it from the tower, as described in the previous section. This table lists all of the possible Sigil Stones that can be acquired in the game, as taken from the Construction Set. There are 150 different Sigil Stones in all: 5 magnitudes for each 30 possible pairs of effects. The list is sorted alphabetically based on the stones' offensive (cast on strike) effects. The numbers provided under the magnitude for offensive effects are the weapon's charge/cost=uses statistics. For example, 5250/175=30 means that the weapon will have a total charge of 5250, each strike costs 175, and there are 30 uses before the weapon has to be recharged.

Effect Descendent (Form ID) Subjacent (Form ID) Latent (Form ID) Ascendent (Form ID) Transcendent (Form ID)
Absorb Agility, 30 secs 5 pts
(00041FB1) 10 pts
(00041FB2) 15 pts
(00041FB3) 20 pts
(00041FB4) 25 pts
Fortify Agility 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Absorb Endurance, 30 secs 5 pts
(00041FB7) 10 pts
(00041FB8) 15 pts
(00041FB9) 20 pts
(00041FBA) 25 pts
Resist Disease 15 pts 25 pts 35 pts 45 pts 50 pts
Absorb Fatigue 10 pts
(00041FC3) 20 pts
(00041FC4) 30 pts
(00041FC5) 40 pts
(00041FC6) 50 pts
Fortify Fatigue 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Absorb Health 5 pts
(00041FC9) 10 pts
(00041FCA) 15 pts
(00041FCB) 20 pts
(00041FCC) 25 pts
Fortify Health 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Absorb Intelligence, 30 secs 5 pts
(00041FAB) 10 pts
(00041FAC) 15 pts
(00041FAD) 20 pts
(00041FAE) 25 pts
Fortify Intelligence 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Absorb Magicka 10 pts
(00041FCF) 20 pts
(00041FD0) 30 pts
(00041FD1) 40 pts
(00041FD2) 50 pts
Fortify Magicka 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Absorb Speed, 30 secs 5 pts
(00041FBD) 10 pts
(00041FBE) 15 pts
(00041FBF) 20 pts
(00041FC0) 25 pts
Fortify Speed 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Absorb Strength, 30 secs 5 pts
(00041FA5) 10 pts
(00041FA7) 15 pts
(00041FA4) 20 pts
(00041FA6) 25 pts
Fortify Strength 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Burden, 30 secs 20 pts
(00041FD5) 40 pts
(00041FD6) 60 pts
(00041FD7) 80 pts
(00041FD8) 100 pts
Feather 25 pts 50 pts 75 pts 100 pts 125 pts
Damage Fatigue 15 pts
(00041FF9) 25 pts
(00041FFA) 35 pts
(00041FFB) 50 pts
(00041FFC) 60 pts
Fortify Fatigue 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Effect Descendent (Form ID) Subjacent (Form ID) Latent (Form ID) Ascendent (Form ID) Transcendent (Form ID)
Damage Health 10 pts
(00041FFF) 15 pts
(00042000) 20 pts
(00042001) 25 pts
(00042002) 30 pts
Fortify Health 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Damage Magicka 15 pts
(00042005) 25 pts
(00042006) 35 pts
(00042007) 50 pts
(00042008) 60 pts
Fortify Magicka 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Demoralize**, 20 secs level 2
(=10 pts)
(0004200B) level 5
(=20 pts)
(0004200C) level 7
(=30 pts)
(0004200D) level 10
(=40 pts)
(0004200E) level 12
(=50 pts)
Fortify Willpower 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Disintegrate Armor 20 pts
(00042011) 20 pts
(00042012) 30 pts
(00042013) 40 pts
(00042014) 50 pts
Shield 8 pts 10 pts 12 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Disintegrate Weapon 10 pts
(00042017) 20 pts
(00042018) 30 pts
(00042019) 40 pts
(0004201A) 50 pts
Fortify Blade 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Disintegrate Weapon 10 pts
(0004201D) 20 pts
(0004201E) 30 pts
(0004201F) 40 pts
(00042020) 50 pts
Fortify Blunt 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Dispel 30 pts
(00042023) 50 pts
(00042024) 80 pts
(00042025) 100 pts
(00042026) 120 pts
Spell Absorption 7 pts 8 pts 10 pts 12 pts 15 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
(00042053) 10 pts
(00042054) 15 pts
(00042055) 20 pts
(00042056) 25 pts
Fire Shield 10 pts 13 pts 16 pts 18 pts 25 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
(0004206B) 10 pts
(0004206C) 15 pts
(0004206D) 20 pts
(0004206E) 25 pts
Light 15 pts 30 pts 45 pts 60 pts 75 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
(0004204D) 10 pts
(0004204E) 15 pts
(0004204F) 20 pts
(00042050) 25 pts
Resist Fire 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Effect Descendent (Form ID) Subjacent (Form ID) Latent (Form ID) Ascendent (Form ID) Transcendent (Form ID)
Frost Damage 5 pts
(0004205F) 10 pts
(00042061) 15 pts
(00042060) 20 pts
(00042062) 25 pts
Frost Shield 10 pts 13 pts 25* pts 18 pts 25 pts
Frost Damage 5 pts
(00042059) 10 pts
(0004205A) 15 pts
(0004205B) 20 pts
(0004205C) 25 pts
Resist Frost 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Frost Damage 5 pts
(00042065) 10 pts
(00042066) 15 pts
(00042067) 20 pts
(00042068) 25 pts
Water Walking - - - - -
Shock Damage 5 pts
(00042083) 10 pts
(00042084) 15 pts
(00042085) 20 pts
(00042086) 25 pts
Night-Eye - - - - -
Shock Damage 15* pts
(00042077) 20* pts
(00042078) 15 pts
(00042079) 20 pts
(0004207A) 25 pts
Resist Shock 5 pts 10 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Shock Damage 5 pts
(0004207D) 10 pts
(0004207E) 15 pts
(0004207F) 20 pts
(00042080) 25 pts
Shock Shield 10 pts 13 pts 25* pts 18 pts 25 pts
Silence 5 secs
(00042090) 7 secs
(00042091) 10 secs
(00042092) 12 secs
(00042093) 15 secs
Chameleon 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Silence 5 secs
(00042089) 7 secs
(0004208B) 10 secs
(0004208C) 12 secs
(0004208D) 15 secs
Resist Magic 5 pts 7 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Soul Trap 5 secs
(00042096) 10 secs
(00042097) 10 secs
(00042098) 15 secs
(00042099) 20 secs
Resist Magic 5 pts 10* pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Turn Undead** level 7
(=30 pts)
20 secs
(0004209C) level 11
(=45 pts)
20 secs
(0004209D) level 15
(=60 pts)
20 secs
(0004209E) level 18
(=75 pts)
30 secs
(0004209F) level 25
(=100 pts)
30 secs
Detect Life 30 pts 60 pts 90 pts 120 pts 180 pts
Effect Descendent (Form ID) Subjacent (Form ID) Latent (Form ID) Ascendent (Form ID) Transcendent (Form ID)

* The uneven effect magnitude progression of the marked Frost Damage/Frost Shield, Shock Damage/Resist Shock, Shock Damage/Shock Shield, and Soul Trap/Resist Magic stones is likely an error.

** The Demoralize and Turn Undead effect magnitudes are listed in the Construction Set using points, whereas in the game the magnitudes are based on creature level. Both values are provided in the table, using the conversion from points to level described under Magnitude to Level Conversion.

Simplified Table (Offensive Effects Only)[edit]

Effect Descendent Subjacent Latent Ascendent Transcendent
Absorb Agility, 30 secs 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Absorb Endurance, 30 secs 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Absorb Fatigue 10 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
50 pts
Absorb Health 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Absorb Intelligence, 30 secs 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Absorb Magicka 10 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
50 pts
Absorb Speed, 30 secs 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Absorb Strength, 30 secs 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Burden, 30 secs 20 pts
40 pts
60 pts
80 pts
100 pts
Damage Fatigue 15 pts
25 pts
35 pts
50 pts
60 pts
Damage Health 10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
30 pts
Damage Magicka 15 pts
25 pts
35 pts
50 pts
60 pts
Demoralize**, 20 secs level 2
(=10 pts)
level 5
(=20 pts)
level 7
(=30 pts)
level 10
(=40 pts)
level 12
(=50 pts)
Disintegrate Armor 20 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
50 pts
Disintegrate Weapon 10 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
50 pts
Disintegrate Weapon 10 pts
20 pts
30 pts
40 pts
50 pts
Dispel 30 pts
50 pts
80 pts
100 pts
120 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Fire Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Frost Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Frost Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Frost Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Shock Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Shock Damage 15* pts
20* pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Shock Damage 5 pts
10 pts
15 pts
20 pts
25 pts
Silence 5 secs
7 secs
10 secs
12 secs
15 secs
Silence 5 secs
7 secs
10 secs
12 secs
15 secs
Soul Trap 5 secs
10 secs
10 secs
15 secs
20 secs
Turn Undead** level 7
(=30 pts)
20 secs
level 11
(=45 pts)
20 secs
level 15
(=60 pts)
20 secs
level 18
(=75 pts)
30 secs
level 25
(=100 pts)
30 secs

Simplified Table (Defensive Effects Only)[edit]

Effect Descendent Subjacent Latent Ascendent Transcendent
Fortify Agility 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Resist Disease 15 pts 25 pts 35 pts 45 pts 50 pts
Fortify Fatigue 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Fortify Health 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Fortify Intelligence 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Fortify Magicka 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Fortify Speed 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Fortify Strength 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Feather 25 pts 50 pts 75 pts 100 pts 125 pts
Fortify Fatigue 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Fortify Health 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Fortify Magicka 10 pts 20 pts 30 pts 40 pts 50 pts
Fortify Willpower 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Shield 8 pts 10 pts 12 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Fortify Blade 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Fortify Blunt 7 pts 8 pts 9 pts 10 pts 12 pts
Spell Absorption 7 pts 8 pts 10 pts 12 pts 15 pts
Fire Shield 10 pts 13 pts 16 pts 18 pts 25 pts
Light 15 pts 30 pts 45 pts 60 pts 75 pts
Resist Fire 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Frost Shield 10 pts 13 pts 25* pts 18 pts 25 pts
Resist Frost 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Water Walking - - - - -
Night-Eye - - - - -
Resist Shock 5 pts 10 pts 25 pts 30 pts 35 pts
Shock Shield 10 pts 13 pts 25* pts 18 pts 25 pts
Chameleon 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts 30 pts
Resist Magic 5 pts 7 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Resist Magic 5 pts 10* pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Detect Life 30 pts 60 pts 90 pts 120 pts 180 pts


  • Some background information on Sigil Stones and the Oblivion Gates they govern can be found within the game by reading Liminal Bridges.
  • Coming into contact with the Pillar of Flame under the Sigil Stone or jumping over the stone will cause you to lose health very rapidly (specifically, Damage Health 10,000 pts in 3 ft for 5 secs on Target).
  • The deactivated Daedric Siege Crawler drops a Sigil Stone, which functions the same as a normal one despite being free-rolling.
  • Although there are only 60 possible gates, it is possible to duplicate Sigil Stones. Because of this, it may be reasonable to wait until Transcendent stones appear, and then begin closing gates to get one of each stone. This way, you can get far more powerful effects than what would be possible otherwise.
  • Sigil Stones can be moved using Telekinesis. If a Sigil Stone is pressed into the bottom of an NPC and the player pushes it into the air, the NPC will go with it. This can be used to move NPCs that are stuck on objects, or kill them without legal consequences. This is easier with larger creatures such as Daedroths.
  • One can change the effects of the sigil stone they pick up by saving before they pick up the stone then load that save if the effect is unwanted (note that this does not work for the Sigil Stone from the deactivated Daedric Siege Crawler from bullet point three above; it simply disappears after reloading).
  • There is a room (TestEnchanted) inside the Testing Hall where all sigil stones are available inside a chest.


  • The Sigil Stone occasionally cannot be removed from the Sigillum Sanguis; placing the cursor over the stone will have no effect, and you will be unable to activate the stone.
  • For some quest-related gates (such as the Cheydinhal and Kvatch gates and the Great Gate), it is possible to obtain multiple Sigil Stones and Fame points when closing one gate. Repeatedly activating the stone can result in more than one being obtained.
  • If a Sigil Stone is dropped, it will make a humming sound and cannot be moved from its location using the "grab" function. However, it can be manipulated by starting from your inventory and using the alternate "drop and grab" function. Once it is dropped, you must return it to your inventory before attempting to move it again. Although Telekinesis spells allow manipulation of a Sigil Stone, this is subject to an odd bug. The Sigil Stone can be moved with telekinesis, but when you leave the cell and re-enter, it reappears at the last place it was at before having telekinesis cast on it. Sigil Stones also behave strangely when placed in certain areas. For example, if one is placed on a shelf in Rosethorn Hall, it sometimes comes away from the shelf and levitates when you leave the cell and reenter. They have also been known to randomly teleport for no reason when trying to manipulate them with the grab function.
    • Please recheck the fixedness of "behaves strangely in Rosethorn Hall" and "randomly teleports when grabbed" parts of this bug, just in case.