Online:Governor Fortunata ap Dugal
Governor Fortunata ap Dugal (lore page) |
Home City | Anvil | ||
Location | Anvil Castle | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Female |
Health | 127,470 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Red Sails Gold Coast Trading Company (formerly) |
Governor Fortunata ap Dugal is the Imperial ruler of Anvil. She lives a hedonistic lifestyle inside of Anvil Castle, where she even keeps lions for entertainment.
Related Quests[edit]
- Signed in Blood: Murder a noble in his own estate to seal your place in the Dark Brotherhood.
- A Special Request: Complete a high-profile contract... or two.
If spoken to prior to A Special Request, she will say any of the following:
- "Edwina! Another stray animal wandered into my court. Edwina! Where is that girl? Well, what do you want?"
- "I suppose you were expecting my predecessor, hmm? Know that I, Fortunata ap Dugal, now rule Anvil and brooks no gainsy from the common rabble."
- "The Gold Coast welcomes you, reluctantly. My buccaneers and I are the law here now, and you'll respect it or be thrown in a ditch."
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Signed in Blood[edit]
You'll overhear a conversation between Lord Quintus Jarol, Count Carolus Aquilarios, and Governor Fortunata ap Dugal as you're traversing the Wine Cask Passage in the Jarol Estate. The conversation occurs in three parts, and is on a timer.
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Seriously, Quintus, I appreciate you providing a safe place for our meeting, but couldn't you have straightened up a bit before we got here?"
- Lord Quintus Jarol: "My apologies, Governor Fortunata, but there's no safer place south of Varen's Wall than right here—vermin notwithstanding."
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "I don't know, Fortunata. This place seems to suit you."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "That's no way to speak to your betters, Count Carolus. Speaking of which, when are you going to finally turn Kvatch over to a proper ruler? Your people deserve so much greater than you."
- Lord Quintus Jarol: "My lord and lady, please! We have a more pressing concern and it affects us all!"
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Careful, Quintus. I won't be spoken to in such a manner. But you're right. The Dark Brotherhood grows stronger and threatens everything we've built here."
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "I forgot to mention. Primate Artorius sends his regrets, but Cathedral business forced him to remain in Kvatch. He indicates that he will support whatever we decide."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "I rule Anvil with an iron glove, but you let that glorified priest walk all over Kvatch, Count Carolus."
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "I govern while Artorius handles spiritual matters and the Cathedral's defenders, the Order of the Hour. I've allowed them to patrol Kvatch until the murderer is apprehended."
- Lord Quintus Jarol: "Haven't the last few murder victims been suspected members of the Dark Brotherhood? Perhaps if we do nothing, this murderer will solve our problem for us."
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "I refuse to allow a vigilante to freely stalk the streets of my city. That's why I allowed Artorius to expand the Order of the Hour's authority."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you and Artorius were building an army. Should I be worried, my dear Count?"
- Lord Quintus Jarol: "Count Carolus, can we at least get your assurance that the Order will return to the Cathedral once this threat is resolved?"
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "Primate Artorius gave me his word, and I give you mine."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "And why should I trust either of them, Quintus? What good is their word when I find the Order at Anvil's walls"
- Count Carolus Aquilarios: "That won't happen, Fortunata. We're not as ambitious and ruthless as you."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Despite his holy station, Artorius is a man. He has the same needs and desires as any other."
Suddenly, Commander Pelletus appears.
- Commander Pelletus: "Lord Quintus! Intruders have penetrated the estate. We need to move the three of you immediately!"
- Lord Quintus Jarol: "Don't be alarmed, my friends. We've prepared for any contingency. Commander, secure the halls. Make sure no one follows us!"
- Commander Pelletus: "Of course, my lord. We'll find the intruders."
A Special Request[edit]
Arrive at the castle and you'll find the Pirate Queen slumped on her throne with her bard Lara-Ma and her two "pets" on either side of her; Seafoam the lion and Torvic Malon:
- "Well, you look interesting. I'm quite certain I don't remember seeing you around the castle before. Even so, I do hope there's a good reason for this interruption."
- <Remain silent.>
- "Ah, of course. You're one of them. I wasn't sure you'd honor my request since I refused to perform that ghoulish ritual of yours.
I suppose even the Brotherhood can be bought—for the right amount of gold." - <Remain silent.>
- "You're just going to stand there, all dark and silent? Well, I wanted to convey my orders directly so there'd be no misunderstanding.
The Order of the Hour has expanded its mandate beyond the Kvatch Cathedral. That's a threat I can't ignore." - <Remain silent.>
- "That is so annoying.
Anyway, I'm sure Count Carolus is behind this. He constantly undermines my authority, damn the man! I want you to kill Commander Marcus Scipio and show the Count that the Hour can't protect him from my wrath." - <Remain silent.>
- "Perhaps you could blink once, just to let me know you understand.
Oh, and one more thing. After you murder Scipio, go and tell the Count what you did. Scare the pants off him and drive home the point that the Order of the Hour can't help him." - <Remain silent.>
- "I do like hearing myself talk, but this is ridiculous. Ah, well.
The Hour holds Castle Kvatch under lock and key. You'll need to find a way inside to get at Scipio. My Rat Master tells me the guard tower is the best route. The castellan has the key."
- "I do like hearing myself talk, but this is ridiculous. Ah, well.
- I'll kill the Commander and inform the Count when the deed is done.
- "The Hour has moved its most elite members into Castle Kvatch and locked the place down. You'll need to find a way inside to get at Scipio.
My Rat Master tells me the guard tower might be the best route. The key can be found on the castellan."
- "The Hour has moved its most elite members into Castle Kvatch and locked the place down. You'll need to find a way inside to get at Scipio.
- "Perhaps you could blink once, just to let me know you understand.
- Anything else?
- "Now that you mention it, there is one more thing. After you murder Scipio, go and tell the Count what you did. Scare the pants off him and drive home the point that the Order of the Hour can't stop the inevitable."
- "That is so annoying.
- So who do you want me to kill?
- "I'm sure this is all Count Carolus's doing. He constantly defies me, damn the man! Doesn't he realize the Gold Coast is better off under my control?
Anyway, kill Commander Marcus Scipio. That should show the Count that the Hour can't protect him."
- "I'm sure this is all Count Carolus's doing. He constantly defies me, damn the man! Doesn't he realize the Gold Coast is better off under my control?
- "You're just going to stand there, all dark and silent? Well, I wanted to convey my orders directly so there'd be no misunderstanding.
- You wanted to meet me?
- "I prefer to convey my orders directly, so that nothing gets lost in the translation.
You know about the Order of the Hour? The religious warriors that protect the Kvatch Cathedral? They've expanded their mandate and now pose a threat I can't ignore."
- "I prefer to convey my orders directly, so that nothing gets lost in the translation.
Speak to her again before leaving and she'll say:
- "That's all, assassin. We've met, you've heard what I want you to do, and I've paid my gold. Next time I see you, I expect to hear that Commander Scipio is dead.
And that Count Carolus was frightened so badly that he soiled his pantaloons."
Complete the events in Kvatch and return to Anvil Castle. Make your way to Fortunata's room:
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "How in Oblivion's bleakness did you get in here? No, don't tell me. I don't really want to know your trade secrets."
- "To what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit? Can I assume that my little problem has been dealt with?"
- Commander Scipio is dead and Count Carolus has been informed.
- "That's perfect. Splendid, even. I'm going to overlook the way you so rudely barged in here and offer you a drink.
Join me on my balcony. I'm sure you'll appreciate the view."
The Governor will call for her wine:
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Fetch my wine, girl. You know the one. And bring something … less expensive for my friend here."
Follow her out on to the balcony:
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "I miss sailing the open sea. Things were more clear out there. Kill or be killed. Take whatever you can carry. Fight to keep what's yours."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "It's the same here, I suppose. We're just less honest about it."
You hear someone approach behind you:
- Mirabelle Motierre: "Your wine, Governor."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Mirabelle? Where's Edwina?"
- Mirabelle Motierre: "You know how clumsy Edwina can be, Governor. While she cleans up her mess, I brought your wine so you wouldn't be kept waiting."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Initiative. I like that in a serving girl."
Fortunata takes the glass of wine Mirabelle pours her and steps to the edge of the balcony.
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Very well, then. A toast! To taking what you can and fighting to keep what's yours."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "The wine … what did you do?"
- Mirabelle Motierre: "We'll drink to your memory, Governor. And to the glory of the Night Mother."
- Governor Fortunata ap Dugal: "Mirabelle? She's one of … you?"
- Mirabelle Motierre: "Life is fleeting, Fortunata. An illusion. And in the end, everything belongs to Sithis. Tell him I said hello."
Fortunata gasps, stumbles, and falls backwards of the balcony, landing on the rocks below.
- Fortunata is the sister of Kvatch arena master Codus ap Dugal. If spoken to after her death, he will mention that they had been estranged anyway.
- Fortunata also shares her surname with Torradan ap Dugal, a pirate of the early Third Era. Like his predecessor, he was also based in Anvil, as well as the leader of a red-themed band of pirates. However, there is no obvious familial relationship between the two.