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SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Conjure
School Conjuration
Type Defensive
ID 0010e38e
Base Cost 30
Items Weapons
(Click on any item for details)

Summons a <Creature> for <dur> seconds.

Conjure (a.k.a. Summon) causes the requested creature to appear and fight by your side. A different magical effect is used for each different creature that can be conjured.

When you cast a Conjure spell, the creature will appear at the location where you are currently aiming. If you are aiming at a point that is too far away from you, the crosshairs on your screen will turn red, indicating that it is impossible to cast the conjure spell in that direction; you will need to point towards a closer location before releasing the cast button.


The following items use this effect, but they cannot be disenchanted.


The following spells use the Conjure group of effects. Following each spell is the specific variant of the effect that it uses:

  • Conjure Bone ColossusCC: Conjure Bone Colossus (FExxx861; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_BoneColossus)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_BoneColossusDS
  • Conjure Cursed SpectreCC: Conjure Cursed Spectre (FExxx870; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Gloomwraith)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_GloomwraithDS
  • Conjure Flame Atronach: Conjure Flame Atronach (0001ceaa; SummonFlameAtronach)
    • If you have unlocked the Elemental Potency perk, replaced by: Conjure Potent Flame Atronach (0004e945; PerkSummonFlameAtronachPotent)
  • Conjure Frost Atronach: Conjure Frost Atronach (0001ceab; SummonFrostAtronach)
    • If you have unlocked Elemental Potency, replaced by: Conjure Potent Frost Atronach (0004e946; PerkSummonFrostAtronachPotent)
  • Conjure Haunting SpiritCC: Conjure Haunting Spirit (FExxx868; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_HauntingSpirt)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_HauntingSpirtDS
  • Conjure Skeleton ChampionCC: Conjure Skeleton Champion (FExxx877; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_champion)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_championDS
  • Conjure Skeleton MarksmanCC: Conjure Skeleton Marksman (FExxx856; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_archer)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_archerDS
  • Conjure Skeleton MinionCC: Conjure Skeleton Minion (FExxx85B; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_warrior)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_warriorDS
  • Conjure Skeleton WarlockCC: Conjure Skeleton Warlock (FExxx84E; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_warlock)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_Skeleton_warlockDS
  • Conjure Storm Atronach: Conjure Storm Atronach (0001ceac; SummonStormAtronach)
    • If you have unlocked Elemental Potency, replaced by: Potency: Conjure Storm Atronach (0004e947; PerkSummonStormAtronachPotent)
  • Conjure Tomb GuardianCC: Conjure Tomb Guardian (FExxx854; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_TombGuardian)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_TombGuardianDS
  • Conjure Undying GhostCC: Conjure Undying Ghost (FExxx85E; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_UndyingGhost)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_UndyingGhostDS
  • Flame Thrall: Conjure Flame Thrall (0007e5d2; SummonFlameThrall)
  • Flaming Familiar: Conjure Flaming Familiar (00106e35; dunHighGateSummonFlamingThrallFFAimed)
    • If you have unlocked Elemental Potency, replaced by: Conjure Potent Flame Thrall (000cdecf; SummonFlameThrallPotent)
  • Frost Thrall: Conjure Frost Thrall (0007e5d3; SummonFrostThrall)
    • If you have unlocked Elemental Potency, replaced by: Conjure Potent Frost Thrall (000cded0; SummonFrostThrallPotent)
  • Pride of HirstaangCC: Pride of Hirstaang (FExxx843; ccBGSSSE014_PrideOfHirstaang_SummonBear_PlayerEffects)
  • Storm Thrall: Conjure Storm Thrall (0007e5d4; SummonStormThrall)
    • If you have unlocked Elemental Potency, replaced by: Potency: Conjure Storm Atronach (0010ee44; PerkSummonStormAtronachPCPotent)
  • Soul SplitCC: Conjure Sundered Shade (FExxx873; ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_SoulSplit_WailingWraith)
    • If you have unlocked the Dark Souls perk, effect replaced with ccVSVSSE003_MGEF_SoulSplit_WailingWraithDS
  • Summon ArvakDG: Summon Arvak (xx00C600; DLC01SummonSoulHorseEffect)


  • Unless you have unlocked the Twin Souls perk, only one creature or NPC can be conjured or reanimated at a time. Conjuring a second will cause the first to vanish. Twin Souls allows two conjured or reanimated at once.
    • The Necromantic Grimoire Creation adds equipment that increases this limit by one. It also adds conjure spells that conditionally bypass this limit.
  • On occasion, a summoned creature will remain in place for a long time after it should have vanished. It will remain near where it was summoned and attack people nearby (even the player if they return to the area), this is caused by the player changing cells or fast travelling before the summoned creature has properly spawned.
