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Tamriel Rebuilt:People in Helnim

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A list of all the people in Helnim.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aarlen Lleranoth Male Dark Elf Pawnbroker 8 75 122 90 30 Aarlen Lleranoth: Pawnbroker Merchant
Aljef Guar-Leg Male Nord Commoner 2 61 62 80 30 Aljef Guar-Leg's House
Alvril Ralinith Male Dark Elf Merchant 6 73 116 0 30 Outside (25,1) Merchant
Andreran Morath Male Dark Elf Merchant 11 106 132 80 30 Eternal Voyager
Areanne Vara Female Imperial Alchemist Service Mages Guild Wizard(Wizard) 8 67 144 80 30 Guild of Mages Merchant
Attia Saradelphin Female Imperial Noble Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 7 76 100 90 30 Chapel of Kynareth
Balis Favani Female Wood Elf Rogue Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 13 108 100 90 30 The Red Drake
Barirrid Popillius Female Imperial Sorcerer 6 70 124 0 30 The Red Drake
Barra'tho Male Ohmes-raht Savant Imperial Archaeological Society Historian(Historian) 12 89 142 80 30 Imperial Archaeological Society
Brandirn Male Nord Smith Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 15 172 83 100 30 Fort Servas Merchant, Smith
Caedan Jorval Male Imperial Agent 17 123 116 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company, Vault Trainer
Calaciren Female High Elf Healer 8 57 116 100 30 The Red Drake
Cantorius Tramel Male Imperial Priest Imperial Cult Disciple(Disciple) 13 90 114 100 30 Chapel of Kynareth
Carin Lateur Female Breton Scribe 3 47 128 75 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Carva Hertia Female Imperial Rogue 5 66 86 80 30 Eternal Voyager
Cervius Veris Male Imperial Merchant 7 79 120 100 30 Cervius Veris: General Merchant Merchant
Conjur Male Wood Elf Agent 8 66 96 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company Trainer
Cyertil Female High Elf Apothecary Service 8 59 158 100 30 Cyertil: Apothecary and Healer Merchant
Derana Llenam Female Dark Elf Shipmaster 6 30 108 90 30 Docks Boat Services
Derawin Male Wood Elf Alchemist Service 5 45 126 90 30 Marketplace Merchant
Disela Female Wood Elf Merchant 17 136 152 90 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Domus Terrinus Male Imperial Priest Service Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 4 69 100 90 30 Fort Servas Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spell Maker
Drarayne Henim Female Dark Elf Guard Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 5 79 88 80 30 Gate Towers
Edwina Luciane Female Breton Champion 27 210 142 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Elia Marie Female Breton Thief 6 56 116 90 30 Falkoth: Clothier
Ensalda Lacinius Female Imperial Battlemage 16 116 166 100 30 Ensalda Lacinius' House
Enura Benoth Female Dark Elf Merchant Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 13 115 138 50 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Erjal Sea-Weary Male Nord Commoner 7 91 74 90 30 Lighthouse
Falkoth Male Wood Elf Clothier 5 51 112 90 30 Falkoth: Clothier Merchant
Falura Lleste Female Dark Elf Publican 6 61 116 100 30 The Red Drake Innkeeper
Fasil Dran Male Dark Elf Scribe Census and Excise Office Operative(Operative) 7 84 90 60 30 Web of Air
Farvil Madryen Male Dark Elf Smith Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 10 124 94 80 30 Guild of Fighters (Outside) Merchant, Smith
Feladir Male Wood Elf Pauper Thieves Guild Toad(Toad) 3 40 84 100 30 Prison Tower
Feliwa Male Argonian Scout 4 62 86 80 30 Outside (25,1) Trainer
Fothil Aralas Male Dark Elf Scout 5 75 88 60 30 Census and Excise Office Trainer
Garath Benaque Male Breton Guild Guide Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 12 77 158 90 30 Guild of Mages Offers transport to Firewatch and Nivalis
Garus Barinius Male Imperial Agent Census and Excise Office Inspector(Inspector) 16 118 112 90 30 Census and Excise Office Trainer
Gelaron Male High Elf Savant Imperial Archaeological Society Historian(Historian) 12 89 162 80 30 Imperial Archaeological Society
Godred the Weary Male Nord Priest Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 5 66 72 90 30 Chapel of Kynareth
Goler Mervas Male Dark Elf Agent 13 102 106 80 30 Imperial Archeological Society Trainer
Golgrom gro-Argal Male Orc Fisherman 4 76 64 60 30 Outside (25,1)
Greedy Hofmund Male Nord Thief 13 112 98 90 30 Falkoth: Clothier Merchant, Trainer
Grodring Male Nord Barbarian 3 69 64 80 30 Eternal Voyager
Hafinsil Male High Elf Savant 9 74 150 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Hanmar Brave-Pot Male Nord Warrior 17 196 86 90 30 The Red Drake
Hartise Female Redguard Master-at-Arms Fighters Guild Guardian(Guardian) 21 220 92 80 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Hermea Artea Female Imperial Warrior Fighters Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 101 90 80 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Hessei-Lig Male Argonian Enchanter Service Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 9 68 144 100 30 Guild of Mages Enchanter, Merchant, Trainer
Hides-Him Male Argonian Cook 4 54 112 80 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Hradell Male Nord Commoner 7 91 74 50 40 Aarlen Lleranoth's Basement
Irelle Namarce Female Breton Acrobat Census and Excise Office Novice(Novice) 3 48 104 90 30 Docks
Janson Male Redguard Barrister 8 84 102 80 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Joran Male Nord Barbarian 14 149 80 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Kah-Meelai Male Argonian Witchhunter Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 11 74 164 80 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Kaishi Female Cathay Lamp Knight Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 17 162 132 100 30 Guild of Mages
Kamlen Male Redguard Savant Service Imperial Cult Acolyte(Acolyte) 8 84 106 90 30 Chapel of Kynareth
Kerlag Mist-Foot Male Nord Mage 22 130 152 80 30 Zafirbel Bay Company
Laera Female Wood Elf Commoner 4 53 86 100 30 Derawin and Laera's House
Lariast Batalle Male Breton Trader Service 7 77 120 100 30 Lariast Batalle: Trader Merchant
Leopold Dufrese Male Breton Noble 7 71 120 100 30 Leopold Dufrese's House
Lielle Veris Female Breton Agent 6 56 112 100 30 Cervius Veris: General Merchant Trainer
Ligrod gro-Muzar Male Orc Commoner 9 100 78 50 30 Aarlen Lleranoth's Basement
Llethran Narad Male Dark Elf Agent 10 86 100 90 30 Zafirbel Bay Company Trainer
Maeva Rarian Female Imperial Savant Imperial Archaeological Society Assistant(Assistant) 6 64 120 80 30 Imperial Archeological Society
Mainette Jes Female Breton Acrobat Thieves Guild Footpad(Footpad) 3 48 104 90 30 Mjornir's Meadhouse
Maril Bavani Female Dark Elf Agent 12 97 104 0 30 Zafirbel Bay Company Trainer
Maron Arluna Male Imperial Agent 7 71 94 0 30 Zafirbel Bay Company Trainer
Maurice Falois Male Breton Savant 9 74 150 80 30 Imperial Archeological Society
Mella Firesse Female Breton Trader Service 2 41 104 90 30 Outside (25,1) Merchant
Mera Telalu Female Dark Elf Agent 4 50 86 100 30 Falkoth: Clothier
Mirabelle Talimet Female Breton Agent 2 35 102 80 30 Prison Tower
Mjornir Male Nord Trader 8 96 102 90 30 Mjornir's Meadhouse Merchant
Neval Male Redguard Warrior 11 146 76 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company, Vault
Nevama Ildam Female Dark Elf Trader Service 8 82 102 90 30 Outside city walls Merchant
Nileno Dralara Female Dark Elf Pauper 4 50 84 0 30 Outside (chapel alley)
Octavia Maris Female Imperial Savant 5 59 116 90 30 Imperial Archaeological Society
Parjho Male Khajiit Smith 6 61 136 100 30 Parjho: Used Armor and Weapons Merchant
Peladia Varousha Female Imperial Warrior Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 12 145 98 100 30 Parjho: Used Armor and Weapons
Ralan Ronileth Male Dark Elf Scribe Census and Excise Office Clerk(Clerk) 5 69 118 80 30 Census and Excise Office
Ralten Affinia Male Breton Mage Service Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 7 63 120 100 30 Guild of Mages Spellmaker, Spell Merchant
Reema Female Redguard Commoner 4 68 66 90 30 Lighthouse (pier)
Roljir Male Nord Guard 14 171 88 100 30 Prison Tower
Sahali Female Redguard Sharpshooter Census and Excise Office Taxman(Taxman) 12 114 122 100 30 Web of Air
Samiail Female Wood Elf Commoner 4 53 86 100 30 Helnim
Sanas Indalor Male Dark Elf Mage 9 70 128 20 10 The Red Drake
Servas Capris Male Dark Elf Guard Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 13 152 106 100 30 Fort Servas
Temis Lorthus Male Dark Elf Merchant 6 73 116 80 30 The Red Drake
Tiron Naren Male Dark Elf Agent 10 86 100 90 30 Mjornir's Meadhouse Trainer
Tiunia Veltrus Female Imperial Healer Service Imperial Cult Acolyte(Acolyte) 8 67 96 90 30 Chapel of Kynareth Merchant, Spell Merchant
Utaga gra-Balgran Female Orc Warrior 17 195 106 100 30 Zafirbel Bay Company, Director's Chambers
Vara Solius Female Imperial Agent Census and Excise Office Agent(Agent) 8 76 96 90 30 Census and Excise Office Trainer