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There is one bartender or Innkeeper in each inn. His main service is renting rooms, which come in five sizes, from a flea- and tick-ridden single (10 gold per night, negotiable) to the posh and restful Emperor's Suite (75 gold per night, negotiable). Once you rent a room, you must press the camp button to rest for the desired number of hours. The bartender can also sell you various potent potables for you to refresh yourself; be careful when overindulging, though, because just like in real life you risk poisoning yourself.

If you are looking for a way to earn some gold, talk to a bartender and you may be offered escort and delivery quests. Also, if you are on the track of an artifact, a bartender will be able to point you in the right direction.


In addition to selling alcoholic drinks and offering rooms, the Bartenders offer unique rumors and often lead to or participate in Quests. Rumors unique to bartenders are:

Work Rumors[edit]

  • "Oh, I'd go to the palace if I were you. You know, seek an audience with [Ruler's name]. If he likes you, he'd find something for you to do."
  • "I haven't heard of any positions available in the palace in weeks. The Innkeeper shakes his head. You might want to seek an audience with [Ruler's name] personally at the palace. If that sleazy Circle of Elders will even let you in, that is."
  • "Well, if my buddies are reliable and they always is [sic], there might be a job made for you up the road a ways [sic]. It's a delivery job, you know, but not just any delivery job. It's for the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name]. If I were you, I'd go to the palace and see if he's interested in your expertise."
  • "Listen, friend. Some of the [Ruler's Title]'s men are regulars here and they was [sic] talking of something going on at the palace. Seems like they was [sic] whispering something about [Ruler's name] looking for a mercenary to do a delivery job for him/her. Maybe he'll be interested in hiring you, [PC race]. I'd at least go to the palace and see."
  • "You bet I've heard something. Don't breath [sic] a word about this, [PC race], but [Ruler's name]'s looking for a tough character just like you up at the palace. I heard about it from one of the guards. Don't know what it's all about but I'll be it'll be worth your while, you know what I mean?"
  • "The [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name] is in serious trouble. If someone doesn't help him, the wickedest people in the palace will take over. I know only a little bit more, but you'll have to go to the [Ruler's Title] audience chamber in the palace. It was dangerous to me to tell you as much as I have."
  • "Do I know a job for you, young [PC race]? I can't tell you all the details, but suffice it to say, [Ruler's name]'s screwed up. I'm pretty sure he/she's lost something that belongs to the [Settlement type] to be honest. I don't know what but he/she needs someone to get it back. Trust me, he/she'll be happy to see an freelancer in the palace."
  • "Well, there has been a lot of whispering about some scandal in the palace, about the [Ruler's Title]'s [Family Relation]. Everyone knows that where there's a scandal, there's work to be had. If you want to straighten up [Ruler's name]'s affairs, get over to the palace and ask him/her yourself."
  • "I think I might have something for you. I know the [Ruler's Title] personally. Grew up with him/her right here in [Settlement name]. I remember he/she's looking for someone brave, strong, and trustworthy for a little mission. I can't tell you anything more. But if you get to the palace while he/she's in audience, you'll hear it all."
  • "Well, I can tell you I just waited on a couple of mercenaries like yourself who told me [Ruler's name] up at the palace is definitively looking for someone. Maybe you're more the type. It wouldn't hurt you any to head up to the palace and see, right?"
  • "Without compromising my friendship with the good [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name]. I can't tell you everything I know, but I think he/she's looking for someone who's more than tough, someone who's trustworthy and valorous to act as [sic] escort for her. Go to the audience chamber in the palace if you're interested. If you're not, keep your mouth shut."
  • "I have a good friend over at the palace who told me to keep an eye out for tough-looking adventurers who know how to keep their mouths shut. All I can tell you is if you go to the palace today, and the [Ruler's Title] likes you, you've got a lucrative little job possibility. Regardless, we've never had this conversation, right?"
  • "Well, there's no official word on it from the palace, but the rumor is [Ruler's name]'s looking for someone to do something sorta covert for him/her. Knowing the [Ruler's Title]'s family, I have a few suspicions. You should head up at the palace while [Ruler's name]'s in the audience chamber and inquire. But you didn't hear about it from me."
  • "Well, [Exclamation], looking for work, eh, [PC race]? Well, if you want fame and fortune, and an almost certain chance of being killed in a very unpleasant way, head up to the palace and talk to [Ruler's name]. I'm being completely serious. If you're really tough, you can't lose."
  • "[Exclamation] I heard about something that might interest you, Dark Elf, the Bartender grins. If you want to make a few gold pieces, win the admiration of all [Settlement name] and bring a very evil [NPC class] to justice, that is. Go to the palace today while the audience chamber's still open and talk to [Ruler's name]. Tell him I sent you."
  • "Kid, all I can tell you is there's work for you up at the palace if you want it. I wouldn't want it but I'm not a fighting man. You should know before you go up there, the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name]'s looking for someone to catch the meanest, toughest in Morrowind. If you're looking for something easy, don't even apply."
  • "Well, I've heard something about a manhunt the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name]'s organizing. Rumor has it the [Ruler's Title]'s going after [NPC name], but I don't believe any money's worth that. Anyhow, you should head over to the palace and find out the story for yourself."
  • "Do I know about a job for you? The Innkeeper snorts unattractively. [Exclamation] I do. Go find the [Monster type] that eat my fiancee. Well, first go to the palace and ask the [Ruler's Title] about [Monster name]. That's the [Monster type], not the [Ruler's Title] name. Anyhow, ask him the whereabouts of this monster, and I betcha he/she'll make it worth your while financially."
  • "Have you been up to the palace yet? I've heard [Ruler's name] is finally getting serious about the [Monster name] problem. I've heard the [Monster type] actually attacked the [Ruler's Title]'s daughter while she was on a picnic, so now he's angry. Well, be that as it may, you ought to go to the palace and see if you can get a job as a [Monster type] hunter."
  • "Go to the palace and seek audience with [Ruler's name]. Tell him the bartender at [Tavern name] sent you. Tell him I said you were the right kind of [PC race] to take on [Monster name]. Have you heard of [Monster name]? Well, no matter. You're going to get rich on this, kid, and you'll have me to thank."
  • "Well, if I had the money, I'd hire you myself to go kill [Monster name], that bloody [Monster type] that feeds on our [Settlement type] like a bloody leech. The Innkeeper breaks a glass in his anger. No one wants to visit [Settlement name] while that [Monster type] is around. Tell you what, go volunteer for the [Ruler's Title]'s huntsmen. If you kill.[Monster name], you're not a volunteer, but a hero worthy of reward beyond the wildest avarice."
  • "Well, I know for a fact the [Ruler's Title] of [Settlement name] is looking for a hunter. For what, you ask? Some sort of [Monster type] named [Monster name], if you can believe it. I doubt it even exists. But if it does and you kill it, you'll be bathing in gold pieces for weeks. If I am right and there's no [Monster name], at least you can explore the beautiful Morrowind countryside."

No Work Rumors[edit]

  • "Sorry, I wish I could help you."
  • "I haven't heard of anything to do that you're quite qualified for."
  • "You've come to the wrong tavern. We don't know about any jobs."
  • "No, no one here has heard of a job in weeks."
  • "Work's scarce in [Settlement name]. Keep asking around on the streets."
  • "Ask around the streets. Lots of folk have a better idea than I."
  • "Sometimes the [Ruler's Title] hires adventurers like you, but not lately."
  • "Don't think I can help you, [PC race]."
  • "Sorry, I don't think there's anything available for someone of your talents."

Alcohol Consumption[edit]

Bartenders offer various drinks. Options include:

  • Ale
  • Beer
  • Bitters
  • Cider
  • Djinn 'n Tonic
  • Guttgeist
  • Lager
  • Orcgut
  • Pilsner
  • Port
  • Red wine
  • Stout
  • Sulphurwater
  • White wine

The more you drink without exiting the Bartender's dialogue, the more likely you are to get drunk. If you become drunk, your STR, WIL, END, and LUC stats will be increased, but INT, AGI, SPD, and PER will be reduced. There are stages of being drunk and the first stage could take quite a few drinks. If you have reached your limit, but continue to drink without exiting the dialogue, each drink will add a new stage. While your increasing stats will eventually reach their max values, the decreasing stats will continue to drop down to zero and you will eventually die. A good night's rest (or time spent in fast-travel) will remove the effect and your stats will return to normal.

  • Your alcohol tolerance is based on your END stat. The formula is END ÷ (25 ÷ 2.56). This is the limit of the number of drinks you can have before becoming drunk. The first drink that makes your number greater than this value, will cause you to become drunk. Each drink greater than this value will add a new stage. This tolerance will be adjusted if you have equipped magical items or armor that increase your END stat.
  • The increase and decrease to your stat values is based on one of the drinks in the bartender's drink list. If seven drinks will cause you to receive the drunk status, then the strength of the effect is based on the cost of the seventh drink in the list. The formula for determining this effect is Drink Cost × 5 × Stage Number. If your limit is 4.023 and you have five drinks without leaving the bartender's menu, you will receive the drunk status and are at stage one. If the fifth drink in the bartender's list costs three gold, each of your stats will be adjusted accordingly by fifteen; (3×5×1). If you had six drinks, your stats will each be adjusted by thirty; (3×5×2). The first of Morning Star is the New Life Festival and the drinks are free. Unfortunately, the effect is calculated on what the drinks normally cost.
  • Over time, the number of drinks being counted towards your limit begin to drop off. One drink per in-game minute. When you are in the bartender's menu, the game-time is paused, allowing your drink counter to go up with each drink. Each time you exit the menu, game-time is started and your drink counter starts lowering. If drinking seven drinks will make you drunk at stage one, then exiting the menu and waiting for seven in-game minutes or longer will reset your counter to zero. This means you can then drink seven more drinks. Since you are already at stage one, no change occurs to your stats. However, if you begin drinking after waiting only six minutes, your counter remains at one. Drinking seven drinks at this point will bring your counter up to eight and you will be at stage two and your stats will be adjusted. The effects are cumulative and not compounded, meaning that if your effect is five points per stage, at stage one the stats are adjusted by five and at stage two they are adjusted by an additional five for a total of ten. Your limit is also calculated using your base endurance excluding the effects of your drunkenness.
  • One stage of drunkenness is removed for every hour of game-time since your last stage was reached and your stats will be adjusted to your new level of drunkenness or sobriety.
  • Bretons have an increased tolerance to alcohol, but it takes longer for the effects to wear off. The formula for calculating their limit is END ÷ (12 ÷ 2.56). It also will take two hours game-time for one stage of drunkenness to be removed.

Renting Rooms Negotiation[edit]

Besides rumors and beverages, Innkeepers/Bartenders offer rooms for passing adventurers and the price of renting them is a topic of much discussion.

Selecting room to rent
  • "Me [sic] give you [Item/Service], for [Amount of gold] gold. Okay?"
  • "[Item/Service] very nice. You [sic] stay for [Amount of gold] gold, yes, okay?"
  • "Good, you like [Item/Service]. It cost only [Amount of gold] gold, okay?"
  • "You'll love [Item/Service], I know it. Does [Amount of gold] gold sound good?"
  • "The [Item/Service] is vacant, odd enough. How about [Amount of gold] gold, kid?"
  • "Yeah, I'll let you have the [Item/Service], but it'll cost you [Amount of gold] gold, all right?"
  • "It's the cleanest [Item/Service] in town, and it's yours for only [Amount of gold] gold. Deal?"
  • "I'll let you have the [Item/Service] for only [Amount of gold] gold pieces. What do you think? You're not going to find a better deal."
  • "You can have the [Item/Service] for [Amount of gold] gold. Okay?"
  • "You'll love the [Item/Service]. I'll only charge you [Amount of gold] gold. A bargain, believe me."
  • "Ah, everyone likes the [Item/Service]. You can have it for [Amount of gold] gold pieces."
  • "Excellent choice, the [Item/Service]. I unfortunately can't ask for less than [Amount of gold] gold for it."
  • "It's only [Amount of gold] gold. You're lucky we're pretty vacant right now."
  • "I know you'll think it's incredible, but our [Item/Service] is a mere [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "Very popular choice. I will ask [Amount of gold] gold pieces, a pittance."
  • "Yeah, me [sic] think [Amount of gold] gold fair for [Item/Service]."
  • "Me [sic] hope you like it here. Everything okay? [Amount of gold] gold sound [sic] great to me too. Make sure you wear underwear."
  • "[Item/Service] got bugs. Deal? Me [sic] feel nice today. [Amount of gold] gold pieces all me charge. Sleep when you want."
  • "We got [sic] deal. Yeah, I guess. [Amount of gold] gold [sic] better than nothing. Go up to [Item/Service] when you want. Okay?"
  • "Sounds good to me. [Item/Service]'s always open to you whenever you want. We gotta deal? Good. You've got yourself a [Item/Service], kid."
  • "Don't give me no [sic] trouble and you can stay, okay? You've got yourself a bargain price for the [Item/Service], kid. I just cleaned it last month. Deal? Don't let anyone know I'm only charging you [Amount of gold] gold. It'd ruin my reputation, alright?"
  • "[Amount of gold] gold pieces is incredibly cheap for the [Item/Service]. You've got a bargain, kid. Shake on it."
  • "I don't believe I'm only charging you [Amount of gold] gold. You lucky kid, do we gotta deal?"
  • "[Amount of gold] gold for the [Item/Service], unbelievable. You're lucky this isn't [sic] tourist season. Deal?"
  • "Yes, I think we can do business. The [Item/Service] for [Amount of gold] gold. I assume it's a deal. Marvelous. If you have the gold handy, we can conclude our deal. You do, don't you?"
  • "A perosn [sic] of discernment, I can see. [Amount of gold] gold it is. I assume you have it on you, yes?"
  • "As the expression goes, you have a deal. Of course, you do have the [Amount of gold] gold here, yes?"
Refusing counteroffer
  • "No way! Me know what [Item/Service] worth! It very nice, even. Give me gold [Item/Service] worth [sic]..."
  • "Me pay that for slimepit in street, not clean [Item/Service]. Me need lot more gold than that... [sic]"
  • "Hey, me not stupid! You give me more gold or me kick you out of here... [sic]"
  • "Forget it. This is a clean hostel, it ain't no charity. Make me a real offer or get out..."
  • "No way, kid. I made you a real offer. Make me one or get the hell out of my inn..."
  • "Is [sic] you serious? I can't just give the [Item/Service] away. You'd be smart to make a better offer..."
  • "Why don't I just give the [Item/Service] away for free? Come up with a real offer or hit the road..."
  • "Took a lot of nerve to suggest that. Now cough up a real offer before I belt you one..."
  • "Not a chance, kid. Believe me, this is a nice [Item/Service]. If you want it, give me a real offer..."
  • "Please don't insult me. Make me a real offer for the [Item/Service], or quietly leave my inn..."
  • "That's an absurd offer and you know it. Kindly make me an offer I could accept..."
  • "Who do you think you're talking to? I'm trying to be open, so make another offer..."
  • "I assume that was a joke, but I fail to grasp the humor. Please make me a real offer..."
  • "Please make me a serious offer. I cannot possibly let the [Item/Service] go at that price..."
  • "You obviously are unused to a nice, clean [Item/Service]. Make me a real offer or leave my inn..."
Abandoning negotiation
  • "Maybe you come back when you gots some gold... [sic]"
  • "Sorry you gots no gold. Maybe you gets some and come back... [sic]"
  • "Me am sorry you poor. Maybe you come back later... [sic]"
  • "Afraid we can't do no business, kid. Come back later when you got money... [sic]"
  • "Too rich for your blood, eh, kid? Well, we ain't got a charity here... [sic]"
  • "Maybe you oughta gets some gold and come back. Can't do business now... [sic]"
  • "You shoulda made sure you had the money before you asked. Come back later... [sic]"
  • "That [Item/Service] is in a lot of demand, kid. I gotta make some profit. We'll talk later..."
  • "What a disappointment, I thought we could talk business. Maybe you ought to leave..."
  • "I'm sorry, but I need to make a profit. You might look at other rooms at other inns..."
  • "Sorry we couldn't work out a deal. But there are others willing to meet my price..."
  • "If you want a clean [Item/Service] here, you have to meet my price. I guess you better leave..."
  • "Obviously you're used to a cheaper [Item/Service] at some other inn. No hard feelings..."
  • "You really ought to go to a less expensive tavern. My prices aren't terribly flexible..."
  • "I'm not worried about finding others who are willing to pay. I must say goodbye..."
Answering counteroffer
  • "Um, maybe. But maybe you give me [Amount of gold] gold. Me be plenty happy then. [sic]"
  • "No, not enough. But [Amount of gold] gold pieces [sic] enough. You give me that, okay?"
  • "That close, but me need little more. Only [Amount of gold] gold. That real cheap! You pay? [sic]"
  • "Can't agree to that, friend. Howsabout [Amount of gold] gold, only 'cause I likes you? [sic]"
  • "Afraid that ain't possible. But now [Amount of gold] gold pieces, that's possible. Deal?"
  • "I'd go outta business if I said okay. [Amount of gold] gold sounds good to me. What d' [sic] ya think?"
  • "Can't do that, but I'll meet you at [Amount of gold] gold. Can't say no to that, can you?"
  • "Sorry, no deal. I might be persuaded to accept [Amount of gold] gold. What do you think?"
  • "Got too many bills to pay. What would you say to [Amount of gold] gold pieces instead?"
  • "Not bad, not bad. But I'm going to have to hold my ground at [Amount of gold] gold. Deal?"
  • "Ordinarily, I'd say yes, but I need [Amount of gold] gold for that [Item/Service]. What do you say?"
  • "Sorry, I can't accept that. How about [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • "That sounds fair to me. I respect that offer. You have to understand I need at least [Amount of gold] gold for the [Item/Service]."
  • "I regret to say I cannot accept that, but I am willing to meet you at [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "What about [Amount of gold] gold pieces? That sounds more than fair to me."


  • There are an additional 5 drinks in the game file that don't appear during play. Golem-maker, Charybdis-on-the-Rocks, Liquid Lich, High Rock Milk, and Claymore-Through-Your-Spleen. The final one is too long for the available space and would overwrite the drink price if used in the game.
  • Each inn has ten drink options. Because the stats effects are based on the price of drinks in the bartenders list, if your tolerance is greater than ten, the stats effect is no longer based on drink price. This can result in having no effect, an opposite effect, or a very strong effect, including instant death. This will not affect most characters until their endurance is almost at maximum, however it can affect Breton characters early on due to their increased tolerance.
  • Although drinks are removed from the drink counter fairly quickly, the counter is not reset if you load a save game. If you were to accidentally drink yourself to death and reload a save to try again, your drink counter may already have several drinks stored, making your initial tolerance lower than expected. Exit to DOS or allow the appropriate number of game minutes to pass to ensure the counter is reduced to zero.
  • Because there is internal rounding with the stat values, you will occasionally notice that your drink tolerance or the drink effect is one higher than expected.