Arena:Queen Blubamka

Queen Blubamka is the queen of Rihad. She can be found anytime in Rihad Palace and helps you in your first quest, Fang Lair.
When you talk to her for the first time she will already know that you are looking for Fang Lair.
She will greet you by saying "Welcome to Rihad, (player name). I am Queen Blubamka, and I agree to tell you about Fang Lair, for a favor. You see, not too long ago a band of goblins, led by Golthog the Dark attacked this stronghold. They carried away with them much treasure, including a parchment which held within its writings clues to decipher the part of the Elder Scrolls which spoke of the location of the legendary Fang Lair."
"Golthog and his goblins fled to an ancient and ruined fortress called Stonekeep, outside the city. I fear that a large band of mercenaries or soldiers will be unable to find them. A single person however, would be much more successful. Perhaps your arrival is fortuitous. If you would agree to try and recover this parchment, I will inscribe the location of the Stonekeep onto your map. If you are successful and return with the parchment, I will be able to decipher the location of Fang Lair. I promise to give you that location as reward for your help."
If you accept, she gives you the location of Stonekeep and says the following: "Excellent. Stonekeep lies near Rihad. Be careful, Golthog is crafty and evil. It is even rumored that he is a necromancer serving the Underking. When you have the parchment, return with it here and I will find out the location of Fang Lair for you..."
If you decline, she instead says: " I am sorry that you cannot help us now. If you should change your mind, come ask again of Fang Lair. I will be pleased to have an opportunity to recover the parchment..."
If you return to her after declining, she says: It is a pleasure to see you again, (player name). I trust that you are ready to recover the parchment from Golthog at Stonekeep? As you already know, if you agree I will tell you the location of Fang Lair as a reward. What do you say?"
If you've successfully recovered the parchment, she greets you with: "You have recovered the parchment! I hope you put Golthog into an early grave as well. Still, I will complete my end of the bargain..."
Queen Blubamka motions to a courtier who respectfully bows and brings forward a pen. Staring intently at the parchment, the Queen takes a few moments and then inscribes the location of Fang Lair, somewhere in the province of Hammerfell, onto your map...
If you came back without recovering the parchment, she says: "You could not recover the parchment! Golthog is a dangerous foe, not one to be taken lightly. Rest yourself. If you feel up to trying again later, I will be happy to assist you..." The Queen dismisses you with a wave of her hand...