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Arena talk:Bugs

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Keep Dropped Weapons In Treasure Piles[edit]

I found a glitch similar to the previous data clearing exploits.

Previously known glitch - Increased Treasure Piles[edit]

Another data clearing exploit.

Enter a dungeon and find a stairwell going down. Move down the stairs, then turn and go back up. Each repetition of moving up and down the stairs will increase the amount of items in the treasure piles.

Extension - Synopsis[edit]

Data clearing exploit N+1.

You can not only increase treasure piles, but can keep your dropped weapons in there too.

Enter a multi-level dungeon. Pick up a treasure pile. Drop some items you don't need in the very exact location where the treasure pile was. Move to another level (with a stairwell up or down) and go back to the level where you left your items. If you left your weapons in the right spot and the exploit worked for you too, you will find a treasure pile with your weapons in it.

(Note: if you drop your weapons in a place with no treasure pile, the weapons will gone when you leave the level. See FAQ section: inventory)


  • 2 occasion today in my setting
  • Arena free version (1.06) with Windows XP + DOSBox.
  • I think it needs more experiment preferably with different settings and dungeons to confirm and reveal the details.
  • I have a screenshot of this glitch, but in general I try to avoid registration on too many sites. Maybe I will upload it later, if I will be familiar with this site and the local media file policies.
  • Share your experiences if you have encountered this glitch too, but be careful! Experimenting with software bugs may produce unexpected results. Make a backup save if necessary.

-- 10:57, 3 September 2012 (UTC)

Random Death Glitch[edit]

I have been encountering a small glitch in which if your character has very low health he/she may die randomly. I am not sure if this is a real glitch. I will try to do some testing to reproduce this glitch some more. Kzljr1 (talk) 18:04, 25 May 2014 (GMT)

did this happen after fighting a creature? :I fought a golem which was on the wrong side of a fence leading to a palace and afterwards, any time I entered any building, I would die. :Even at full health, this staid an issue. TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 13:08, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

Artifact Quest - Map Dungeon Location Problems - Quest Unplayable[edit]

I was wandering around a city in Morrowind. I asked for General Rumors of several townsfolk, and they gave me a series of different artifact tips, about three or so, each one different from the previous ones. I went to the inn specified by the last citizen to whom I spoke, and the patron there was selling information for a different artifact than any of the ones about which I had just heard.

I paid for the information on where to find the map to the Warlock's Ring. The information vendor said that it would be in Morrowind. The Logbook, however, said that it would be in Valenwood. When I checked my continental map, I saw no dungeon locations in Morrowind, and no new dungeon location in Valenwood. There was only an existing dungeon in Valenwood from a previous artifact quest. I checked every province, and I found no dungeon matching the name given in the Logbook, nor any new dungeon at all. It appears that I paid for the information, but was completely unable to begin carrying out the quest.

I wonder if it is possible to get another artifact quest for the same artifact without completing this one, since I cannot actually complete it, or if the Warlock's Ring is just permanently unavailable to that playthrough. I also wonder if I can get a new artifact quest for a DIFFERENT artifact without completing the one I last started, or if this permanently locks this playthrough out of finding artifacts.

I even tried revisiting the previous dungeon in Valenwood to see if perhaps the map to the Warlock's Ring was placed there instead of generating the new dungeon that it was supposed to generate. Unfortunately, that old dungeon contained nothing of interest.

Agiar2000 (talk) 02:59, 3 June 2017 (UTC)

Give me evidence that the "Duplicating Weapons and Armor" exploitable glitch works...[edit]

For it clearly not working for me! I'm playing this through the Bethesda launcher (Floppy) version, I'm at the Elite Supply Store located in Winterhold, Skyrim, the item is a pair of Elven Greaves (beforehand I tried the "Cheap Repairing" glitch with it, & that did work, by reducing the 600 days down to 8 days of repairing). How to exactly do it? Here's what I'm doing:
goes in store
click repair, then status
click Elven Greaves
"Your Elven Greaves is ready."
click cancel, then exit
talk to the blacksmith again
click repair & it doesn't show the "status" button, it shows the list of my equipment like the Blacksmith doesn't have anything of mines

If no one can't provide a better explanation of how this glitch works or evidence like in a video (I prefer) within some days or so I'll be removing it from the glitches. I'm going to experiment with it more, but how it's doing for me it seems fake or that it got patched in 1.06.Clyde BlueSnake (talk) 00:53, 31 August 2020 (UTC)

Well, this glitch still not working for me, but I found a new Problematic Glitch! Words of wisdom, make sure to unequip the item you about to repair...(Edit: Remove about the whole bug I encounter off this discussion section be less clutter and not derailed off the subject. Check "Not removing equipped armor before repair bug" under glitches of what I'm referring to.)
Thanks to a backup save, I got myself out of that bug, that I accidentally derail this discussion section about it, oops. Anyway, back to the topic, the "Duplicating Weapons and Armor" exploitable glitch. I got to a Blacksmith again and tried it again, even giving him more than one thing to repair, and still no duplicated piece of armor under repair. Hope no one don't mind I'll just be deleting the "Duplicating Weapons and Armor" exploitable glitch off from the glitches for it's not working whatever I do.

Clyde BlueSnake (talk) 09:20, 1 September 2020 (UTC)

East West Reversed[edit]

I've seen various conversations and speculations and controversies about East and West being reversed. I've added this as a glitch for the following reasoning: The compass on the in-game map clearly shows our standard compass with West on the left. I've added an image to the gallery that shows an example of a quest where we are told the location is West of the city (left). In the image I've inlaid an image of the wold map showing that the destination is actually to the East of the city (right). While we want to avoid speculation on our pages, this question and subsequent speculation about it has been around from the earliest days and continues through today. I have not personally seen evidence of an early beta version which has the directions reversed or any remarks from it's creators on this question. However, in addition to the quest glitch we find an image in Codex Scientia showing a compas where East and West are reversed (West on the right)(also included as part of the gallery image). We also see the Sun rising in the West. It is understandable that people question and speculate about this. I view this in the same vein as "How many Talin's are there". I've tried to acknowledge the fact that some speculate and presented the evidence for this speculation, while at the same time not declaring we know the true reasons behind these things. --Satribe (talk) 19:18, 25 November 2020 (UTC)

Added signature to previous. --Satribe (talk) 23:47, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

1.07 - "Who are you" crash and Missing Inn names from dialogue.[edit]

The "Who are you" crash is repeatable. It may take talking to hundreds of NPCs to verify which dialogue pieces specifically cause the crash, but start a new character and start talking and it proves itself. However, later in the game there is a condition that keeps occurring in my games that "seemingly" contradicts the information. Meaning if I have this secondary glitch, the dialogue snippets that cause the "Who are you" crash may show up. However, if you happen to get a dialogue that "does" mention a store, keep talking to NPCs and you'll see that none of the Inns are being listed. This is the secondary glitch. Each time I became aware of it was after exploring a dungeon on the continental map. I can cause it with a new character and moving from Stonekeep, but it doesn't always occur. Arriving from one town, but exiting to a different town seems to cause it more often. However, since camping fixes the secondary glitch, you have to arrive at the next town during the day to be able to test for it. Because it's rare and seems random at this point, I'm going to remove it as it's own glitch, but I still want to mention it under the "Who are you" crash in order to explain a condition that might be encountered that seems to contradict the information. Considering 1.06 doesn't suffer from this, I believe they are both parts of the same bug relating to how locations are stored for use in dialogue. --Satribe (talk) 04:35, 7 February 2021 (UTC)

The secondary glitch is the same as the one that gives incorrect inn names in a settlement. I've been able to reproduce this in all patches and versions. This is probably what makes it seem that these names are random. For at least versions 1.06 and 1.07, the inns, temples, and stores have the same name for all instances of the game, unless this (or another) glitch is occurring. Settlements are created using the same type of random SEED generation as the Wilderness areas. Even the drinks are the same if you go to the same inn. However, because they are "generated" with the code, rather that "static", a glitch can cause them to become generated differently than another instance of the game. This specific glitch can occur and be detected right after leaving the starter dungeon, though it can occur leaving any dungeon. I haven't been able to distinguish if it is caused in the creation of the character, and then that character is always susceptible, or if it is something that occurs while in the dungeon. -- Create a new character and save before leaving the dungeon. After leaving the dungeon, immediately travel to the Imperial City to the inn at location (104, 65). This inn is called the "Crimson Djinn". If it is anything else, you currently have the glitch. Exit and reload your save and try it again. Whatever it said the first time, it will continue to say the same thing. However, if it didn't say "Crimson Djinn", try the following: Reload the save. Exit the dungeon, but this time, exit to the wilderness and save the game and exit to DOS. Now when you reload your game and travel to that inn it will be the corrected "Crimson Djinn". --Satribe (talk) 15:08, 20 February 2021 (UTC)
This may be a 3rd issue rather than more info on the 2nd. It does affect all versions, but may be limited primarily to Imperial City. I wasn't expecting to continue to find more info. Moving any investigative notes to the Forum rather than filling the discussion page. --Satribe (talk) 11:21, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Bugged Escort Portrait[edit]

I thought it was oddly specific to female, so I tested it. It is exactly as it is written. You are much less likely to even get an escort job for a male. However, as a male character, you don't seem to get any escort jobs that have your character's face. I assume this was intended to be true for female characters also, but since you can get your character's face, it doesn't appear to have the mechanism to remove it after the quest. Even with another escort quest, it just continues to show your face. --Satribe (talk) 00:52, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

How much time have you spend looking at this issue :In my experience I found just as many escort quests playing as a male for the first 5 months playing the game 1.07 CD. :What stood out was I had several days where 2 or more quests where escorts. :I do not remember if any had my portrait however, so I cannot either enforce nor debunk your claim. TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 13:06, 26 September 2023 (UTC)

Apprehension quest unable to be completed[edit]

I have been trying to complete the criminal capture or whatever side quest for rulers but i cannot do it. I find the target matching the class mentioned. But the target dies when I attack them, how are you supposed to capture?

TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 04:43, 4 May 2024 (UTC)