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Better Cities:Jensen Fishgut

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Jensen Fishgut
(RefID: xx0206E3)
Home City Bravil
Location Bravil Docks
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 2 Class Pauper
RefID xx0206E3 BaseID xx009277
Other Information
Health 24 Magicka 204
Respons. 25 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bravil; Bravil Docks
Jensen Fishgut lives on the Bravil Docks, begging during the day and finding shelter at night.

Jensen Fish-Gut is an Imperial pauper who lives on the Bravil Docks.

Jensen's daily routine is fairly simple. He rises at 8am every morning and spends the morning panhandling on the eastern end of the docks. At noon, he moves to the western end and resumes begging for change for a few hours, then wanders back over to the eastern docks. At 6pm, he stops to eat dinner for two hours, then resumes wandering around until 9pm, when he heads back to the western docks to join a group of folks around a bonfire. He stays there, eating and chatting, until 5am, when he returns to his bedroll.

Jensen wears sack cloth shirt, pants, and sandals, and carries a small amount of gold.

Despite being a beggar, Jensen has a sense of humor: "Spare a bag of gold?". If you express surprise, he'll say: "Well, I thought I'd try it. You never know, might get lucky one day. How about a single coin instead?" If you agree to give him a single gold coin he'll reply: Just one, huh? Oh well", but if you still refuse, he'll sigh: I knew it was too much to ask. I'd try asking for a copper coin or two, but you'll just say you don't have any. They always do."

If you ask why he's called "Fishgut", you should be prepared for a lengthy tale:

"I don't want to talk about it. ... You won't believe me."

I'll believe you!

"You won't. ... Oh all right, if it'll stop you staring like that. I was once swallowed whole by a giant slaughterfish. I was stuck in its stomach for two days."

How did you get out?

"A pirate crew was fishing for their supper, when the slaughterfish I was stuck in got caught in their nets. They gutted it and I slid out. They weren't happy to see me."

Go on...

"Well, they were sailing around the Quin'rawl Peninsula one night, and came quite close to the shore. So when no one was looking, I jumped overboard and swam for the beach. I found myself in Markgran Brook. I stumbled across the Deserts of Anequina, then across the West Weald to Skingrad. From there I followed the road back to Anvil."

Go on...

"Finally I made it back to Anvil, only to discover that my home was no longer my home. So I wandered Cyrodiil for a bit, and finally arrived here."

How did you end up in Bravil?

"I grew weary of traveling, and since I had no money, and no home, I just stopped moving. Here is where I found myself."