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Better Cities:Lady Trivelda

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Lady Trivelda
(RefID: xx0038C9)
Home City Bravil
Location The Gilded Duckling
Race High Elf Gender Female
Level 1 Class Noble
RefID xx0038C9 BaseID xx0038CA
Other Information
Health 12 Magicka 250
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bravil; Gilded Duckling
Lady Trivelda heads for the card table

Lady Trivelda is a High Elf noble from Summerset Isle. She has come to Cyrodiil with her husband, Lord Kildred, and their hosts Duke Agrivaine and Duchess Giselle on the duke's ship, The Gilded Duckling, to tour various cities. Currently, they are moored in the Bravil Docks.

Since she's on vacation, Lady Trivelda stays up late and sleeps in. She wakes at 9am and gets herself put together for two hours, then sits down for a late breakfast/luncheon at 11am with her husband. She spends the next few hours wandering about the ship until dinnertime at 6pm, when she sits down to eat with her husband and their hosts (unless Kildred is off with his lover, in which case he won't be there). After dinner, she plays cards with everyone else for another four hours until 2am, then retires to bed with her husband.

She wears a dark velvet dress and diamond necklace; she has a key to the ship and carries blackberries.

Lady Trivelda is an archetypal noblewoman - haughty, arrogant, and used to her creature comforts. She assumes that you are a servant: "Why are you speaking to me? Go away!" You can still ask her about various subjects:

  • The captain: "I have no idea. We left him behind in Shimerene when we came on this voyage. Agi doesn't like having captains on board."
  • Shimerene: "It's on Summerset Isle, where we Altmer live. I have no wish to further discuss this with the likes of you."
  • The ship: "It belongs to Agi. That would be DUKE Agrivaine to you, of course. He has a much more luxurious ship, but he lent it to his cousin. Can't think why. We're visiting the few coastal cities in Cyrodiil."
  • Bravil: "Oh, I never leave the ship. Docks always stink of fish and filthy sailors. Uuurgh."
  • The duke: "Agi has been a close friend of mine since we were children. We grew up together in Shimerene, you see."
  • The duchess: "Gissy? She's from Alinor I believe. An excellent card player. You should address her as "My Duchess" or "Duchess Giselle", of course. I look forward to our card-game tonight, she nearly won the other day!"

If you catch her when her husband isn't around at dinner, and if you manage to convince her that you are her servant, or that you work for the Duke and Duchess, she'll ask you to find out what Lord Kildred is up to (see Strange Bedfellows).


  • After completing the quest Strange Bedfellows, if The Gilded Duckling has sailed away from Bravil, then it will no longer be possible to meet Lady Trivelda.