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Better Cities:The Slough Queen

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The Slough Queen
Console Location Code(s)
BravilDocksSloughQueen, BravilDocksSloughQueenMidDeck, BravilDocksSloughQueenLowerDeck
The Slough Queen at the Bravil Docks.

The Slough Queen is a cargo ship moored in the Bravil Docks, at the bend where the docks turn northeast.

Captain Fens values function over form, and his cabin reflects this - he has a small bed, and much of his space is used for storage; the upper cabin is lined with low shelves and has a map table. The only decoration here is a painting of his wife on the wall over his desk.

The mid deck is dedicated to the galley and crew quarters. The galley is located amidships; Fer, the captain's son, has a small cabin aft, and the space at the bow holds the crew's bunks.

The hold is used for transporting horses. Wat the Stablehand, who is in charge of their care, lives down here so he can tend to them more easily. The aft part of the ship is a small corral; the fore part holds hay, grain, tools, and other necessities for tending to the horses.