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Better Cities:Tipp

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(RefID: xx1661EA)
Home City Bravil
Location The Gilded Duckling
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 1 Class Commoner
RefID xx1661EA BaseID xx165F99
Other Information
Health 12 Magicka 250
Respons. 30 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bravil; Gilded Duckling
Tipp collects supplies for the kitchen

Tipp is a Breton commoner who serves Duke Agrivaine and Duchess Giselle and their guests on board The Gilded Duckling, a ship moored in the Bravil Docks.

As ship's cook, Tipp keeps longer hours than anyone else. He wakes at 7am and spends two hours preparing breakfast for everyone (snatching a bite himself along the way). After that, his schedule varies a bit: On Morndas, Middas, and Fredas, he visits Kashmir's Fresh Fish, on the docks, to do some shopping for four hours; on Loredas and Sundas, he'll visit the Butcher Shop instead. On Tirdas and Turdas, he'll remain on board the ship, working in the galley. At 5pm, he'll return to the ship (if he's gone shopping) and prepare dinner (again, eating by himself). After that, he spends a few hours cleaning up before going to bed at 11pm.

Tipp wears a baker's apron, sailor's britches, and rough leather shoes; he carries a key to the ship and a hunk of mutton.

Tipp is rather preoccupied with his job; if you catch him on the ship, he'll tell you: "You're not supposed to be down here." If you meet him on the docks, he'll say: "I'm a little busy just now." He is willing to take some time to answer questions, though:

  • The captain: "Can't remember. Oh wait, Aldaril, I think. He didn't come with us on this voyage though."
  • His job: "Doesn't this apron give it away? I'm a cook! I work on The Gilded Duckling, I prepare all the meals for the Duke and his guests."
  • The ship: "It's a ship. It floats. What more is there to know?"
  • The duke: "Duke Agrivaine is a fine man. He could've picked any of the other four cooks on his staff to come with him on this voyage, but he picked me. A fine man!"
  • The guests: "He brought some Lord and Lady with him this time. The Lord is nice enough, though he spends a lot of meals on the mainland. But the Lady... she's a handful. Dunno how he puts up with her."
  • Lady Trivelda: "Don't like her. I won't have her in my kitchen! Not that she'd deem it worthy of her presence anyway. She complains about most of my meals. Bah, let's not talk about her."
  • The duchess: She can be a bit much at times, but she's always very positive. Not like that Lady Trivelda woman."


  • After completing the quest Strange Bedfellows, if The Gilded Duckling has sailed away from Bravil, then it will no longer be possible to meet Tipp.