Blades:No Honor Among Thieves
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Kill all twelve goblins.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Starting Off[edit]
Speak to Gaius, and he will direct you to Wanum:
- "Hello there. Are you up for another try at stirring up a bit more chaos?"
- What's the job?
- "It's a bit of a repeat performance, in fact. The last job seemed to work quite well. This time, we're helping out the Bloodfall Queen. Go see her envoy, Wanum, for the details."
Speaking to Wanum:
- "Greetings, Warrior. The Queen has a task for you."
- What is the task?
- "The Greencaps terrorize us with no signs of stopping. We need to strike a blow against them. But they are clever, and their base is well-defended."
- I'm guessing you have a plan.
- "The Greencaps conspire with goblins. We can make it appear as though they have broken the agreement. I've acquired a shield belonging to a lieutenant from the Greencaps. Kill the goblins camped near the bandits' headquarters. Leave behind the shield."
- This plan sounds familiar.
- "I heard of your previous work for Gaius Platorius. It seems to have been quite successful."
- "Will you help us?"
- Yes.
- "I am grateful. When you are ready, I will guide you to the goblin camp."
As you begin the quest proper you will start in a forest, go onwards and you will eventually find a Iron Skull warrior patrolling in a clearing. Keep going and you will enter a goblin camp, with skulls adjourning the gates. In this camp you will find two Iron Skull warriors and lone Iron Skull shaman, once they are killed, collect the ingredients in the area and smash the breakable for loot.
Cross the wooden bridge where there are some more huts and tents, with a breakable and ingredients being here. As you continue, you will see a branched path, with there being a left and right way.
Go to the right first for the Secret Area, there is an Ayleid arch that will lead to a collection of goblin tents where two White Ghost warriors can be found. After dealing with them, continue on and you will have to fight two Iron Skull shamans and a White Ghost warrior. Once they are dead, go through the wooden shack to find the Secret Area which contains two common chests and some breakables.
Head back to the branching path, and head left this time. You will have to deal with two White Ghost warriors and a Iron Skull shaman. On the left side of the camp area, there is a skull lever that will open up a wooden shack leading to the other Secret Area, which contains a common chest and breakables.
Once you return after killing the goblins, you will speak to Gaius:
- "I've already heard back from the Queen. It appears our efforts are paying off."
- Glad to hear it.
- "Yes. I'd imagine she owes you a great deal by now. Are you keeping a tally?"
- Any more pests to clean up?
- "You are eager, aren't you?"
Either option leads to:
- "At any rate, I think it's best we lay low for a while. Let the in-fighting do its work. I'm starting to like you, Warrior. And I don't like anybody!"
- I'm flattered.
- "Don't let it go to your head."
- Just starting?
- "When you've been in politics as long as I have, you learn to be cautious about who you trust."