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Blades:Sabina Clovia

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Sabina Clovia
Location Town
Race Imperial
Gender Female
Sabina Clovia

Sabina Clovia is an aspiring conjurer. She is first encountered during Rescuing the Townsfolk and will wander the town thereafter.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Bloodfall Queen[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Rescuing the Townsfolk[edit]

When you enter the room where Sabine is imprisoned, she will try to get your attention:

"Help me!"

After you free her, she will provide more info:

"Thank you! I think the goblin leader still has Lond, the town blacksmith!"

If spoken to again:

"I'm out of here!"

The Lair of the Sorcerer-King[edit]

Do you have any information on undead sightings?
"I haven't heard anything specific, sorry."

Wrath of the Sorcerer-King[edit]

"Thank you for protecting our town. We're lucky to have you."

Bloodfall Queen Questline[edit]

Gabrielle's Hunt[edit]

If spoken to before speaking to Gabrielle:

"Oh, Warrior! Did you meet her yet?"
"The conjurer! She looks so strong! I wanted to ask her if I could apprentice under her, but... I'm sure she doesn't have time."
I can ask for you.
"You will? Oh, thank you! I'm getting too excited. Calm, Sabina. I will not be disappointed if she says no. But I hope she says yes."
You're probably right.
"Well, if you happen to hear her mention looking for an apprentice, please put in a good word for me."

If spoken to again before speaking to Gabrielle:

"So? Did you speak to her yet?"
Not yet.
"Okay. Let me know when you do..."

Once you arrive at the forest and speak to her there:

"Good luck in there, Warrior."
Did you follow us here?
"Yes, you didn't notice me? Gabrielle said it was my first task as her new apprentice to follow you here and not be seen or heard. I guess I passed!"

If spoken to again:

"I hope you find something good!"

Once you return to town:

"What a thrill! I'm sad I didn't get to go in with you, but I did learn a lot."

You then have 4 options to reply with:

Glad to hear it.
"I'm glad this is working out. Thanks again for your help."
It's not safe for a novice.
"I know, I know. Next time, I won't be so novice!"
Maybe next time.
"I hope so. Thanks again for your help."

One option leads to another set of dialogue options:

I'm not sure I trust Gabrielle.
"What, really? Why?"
She's too eager.
"Well, she wasn't very eager to teach me, that's for sure. But she did seem very enthusiastic about you..."
I think she's lying.
"You mean, there really is no treasure? But... why? I guess that's the question. To get closer to you?"
Just a hunch.
"Oh, I get those, too. You have to listen to your hunches!"

Any of these three options leads to:

"Well, I'm going to keep apprenticing with her. She really is a good conjurer, I can attest to that. This way I can keep an eye on her at the same time."
Good thinking.
"Thanks! I might not become a great conjurer, but at least I can be a good spy."
Be careful.
"Don't worry. I grew up with three sisters, so lying is basically second nature to me."

Gabrielle's Apprentice[edit]

If spoken to before you head off to the ruins:

"I think we're leaving soon. Maybe you could meet us there?"

Once rescued in the ruins:

"Oh, Warrior, am I glad to see you. This place is more dangerous than I thought. I can't believe you're rescuing me again... remember when you saved me from those goblins in Highwinter Castle?"
Just get to safety.
"Oh, sorry! I'm going."

If spoken to again in the ruins:

"It was pretty brave of me to go in here though, right?"

Gabrielle's Treasure[edit]

If spoken to before speaking to the Queen:

"Oh, there you are. I was looking for you. Something's happening."
What do you mean?
"The Queen has been talking with Gabrielle and she seems quite excited. You should go talk to her and find out what's going on."
Okay, I will.
"Keep me informed, all right?"

If spoken to again:

"Let me know as soon as you've talked to the Queen."

After speaking to the Queen:

"So, what is it? Are we finally going for that lost treasure?"
The Queen and Gabrielle are.
"What about you? Aren't you going too?"
I'm staying here.
"What? That's so unfair! You did all the legwork. I guess that's why Gabrielle said my training was done. I can't even summon a flame atronach yet... I'm starting to think she never meant to teach me anything at all."

You then have two options, the first being:

You sound a bit bitter.
"Me? Not at all. I just don't like them leaving us behind when we're so close to finding the treasure. Hey, I just thought of something. What if we followed them?"
I don't understand...
"Well, what if it's more dangerous than they expect?"
You mean, as backup?
"Yes, exactly! Who knows, this may turn out to be more dangerous than they expect..."

The other is:

Maybe we could still go.
"What do you mean? The Queen asked you to stay here."
She doesn't have to know.
"Oh...I think I see what you're getting at here."

Either of these two options will lead to:

"We could follow them at a distance and serve as back up if needed. If it turns out we're not needed then we just come back here, and they'll be none the wiser."
I'll go, you stay.
"Oh no you don't! This was my idea! I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not."
Let's do it.
"Great! Let me know when you're ready!"
I need to think about it.
"Don't think for too long, it looks as if the Queen is ready to leave at any moment."

If spoken to again:

"I'm ready to go, just say the word!"

Once you start the quest and meet her in front of the cave entrance:

"Thank you for bringing me along. I'm sure I'll learn a lot just watching you in action."
"I have to ask, though... If you've never been here, how do you know where to go?"
Call it... intuition.
Just don't get in my way.
"Okay, I won't!"

If spoken to again:

"You lead the way, I'll follow."

In the throne room:

"Did I hear correctly? The River Snake is the Queen's father?!"

There are two options to pick from, the first being:

It would seem so.
"But how can this be? And why is he trying to kill her?"
There's no time for that now.

The other option is:

I'm not surprised.
"You're not? Well, I am!"

Either leads to:

"What are we going to do now?"
I'll flank them.
"What about me?"
You stay here.
"But I can...oh, alright."

If spoken to again:

"Are you sure I can't help you?"
Just stay out of the way.

After killing Gabrielle:

"Did you see that? I summoned an atronach!"
I did see that.
"I didn't quite control it, but... it's a start!"
We'll talk about it later.
"Right, let's get out of here!"
Nice work, Sabina.
"Thank you, I... Well, I guess we should get out of here now."

If spoken to again:

"Come on, before this whole place comes crashing down!"


When spoken to in town:

"Thanks again for rescuing us from those goblins... let me know if you need help with anything!"
Can you tell me what happened here?
"I'm only telling you this because I trust you. I believe this is punishment from the Divines for agreeing to ban Talos worship. People who would not renounce him were given to the Thalmor. Horrible!"
What do you do for a living?
"I hope to become a great conjurer one day! Sadly, all I can summon now is disappointment."
Do you get a lot of people passing through?
"We've seen a few Imperials and Thalmor pass through in the recent months. Well, that and the occasional traveling merchant."