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Blades:Shield Bash

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Shield Bash
Skill Type Ability
Requires Power Attack
Damagetype Bashing Damage Bashing Damage
Initial Cooldown 1.77 seconds
Cooldown 6.7 seconds
Block Duration 0.5 seconds

The fighter first blocks with their shield, then slams it into the enemy, dealing <magnitude> extra bashing damage. A shield is required.

Rank Required Level Skill Point Cost Magnitude Stamina Cost
1 4 1 54.29 155
2 13 1 81.7 175
3 22 2 101.67 195
4 31 2 120.38 215
5 40 2 143.96 235
6 49 2 162.87 260
7 171.47 275
8 184.31 290
9 194.26 310
10 211.47 325
11 227.3 340
12 240.03 355
13 251.63 365
14 260.17 380
15 267.58 390
16 276.12 405
