Blades:The Messenger
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
1. Kill the Thalmor messenger
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
After a short walk you will find a large breakable stump on the left. Eventually you will reach a clearing with some Ayleid ruins, there is a large breakable stump and ingredients here. This is also where the secret area can be found.
Continue onwards where you will find ingredients and breakables. Eventually you will reach a Thalmor soldier who has to be killed during this quest as he is acting as a messenger for the Thalmor, you speak to him first:
- "Out of the way! I am here on official business."
- I need to ask you some questions first.
- "I have nothing to say to you. Now move aside, or I'll kill you where you stand."
- I'd like to see you try.
- "You leave me no choice, then."
- A message for Justiciar Aranade, perhaps?
- "Even if it was, that is none of your business."
- Everything that affects my town is my business.
- "Your town? This town, like the rest of this decrepit Empire, belongs to us!"
- Just give it to me. I'll relay it to her.
- "I'll die before I give it up!"
After killing him, claim the chest that is behind him. The quest is then finished.
Secret Areas[edit]
The secret area can be found in the first clearing, with the lever found to the left of the wooden shack. There are three chests found in the secret area.
- Thalmor Soldier x 1