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Bloodmoon:Dralora Favelnim

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Quests: not written

Services: written by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by WoahBro

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by WoahBro

Unique Dialogue: not written

Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by WoahBro
Dralora Favelnim (Dralora Favelnim)
Location Raven Rock [-21, 19]
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 35 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 242 Magicka 154
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) East Empire Company 1(Clerk)
Dralora Favelnim

Dralora Favelnim is a Dark Elf commoner located outside the Bar in Raven Rock. She is the wife of the miner Seler Favelnim who is seeking a fight with everyone. Dralora will plead with you not to hurt her husband and to convince him to choose life over death.

She wears a common robe with matching shoes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Bar Brawl: Calm down an old man in the bar who is picking fights with everyone.

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Bar Brawl[edit]

When first approached:

"Are you going in there? You are, aren't you? What have they told you to do? Please don't hurt my husband!"
my husband
"I just don't know what's gotten into him! He's been sick lately, and I think he's tired. Tired of being old, tired of feeling useless... but I just don't know why he'd do this! Please make sure he's safe, %PCName. I don't know what I'd do without him. Don't hurt him, whatever you do. If he tries to fight you, just don't fight back. He can't keep it up for long..."

If spoken to again:

"Oh please, please. Don't hurt my husband. He's just an old man."
my husband
"You will make sure he's all right, won't you? He's an old man. He can't really hurt anyone."

If Seler is spared:

"Thank you for sparing Seler's life, %PCName."

If Seler is killed:

"You..... get away from me. You killed my husband!"