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Bookstores | |
Opening Hours | 09:00 - 21:00 |
Buys | Books (including the Oghma Infinium) |
Sells | Books |
A bookstore is a store where you can buy and sell books. To select an item for buying, you must click on one of the store's shelves with the cursor.
Store Locations[edit]
This page or section is incomplete. You can help by adding to it. Most stores not yet added For more information, see the help files, the style guide, and this article's talk page. |
Region | City | Quality | Name |
Abibon-Gora | Abibon-gora | Best | Andyn's Bookshop |
Abibon-Gora | Tsetono | Best | Alabyn's Quality Books |
Alik'r Desert | Alik'ra | Poor | Lady Uthynak's Bookstall |
Alik'r Desert | Alik'ra | Best | The Odd Bookshop |
Alik'r Desert | Anteliiga | Average | First Class Book Center |
Alik'r Desert | Ceranda-Kom | Poor | The Emperor's Bookshop |
Alik'r Desert | Ceriburea | Average | Agrard's Quality Book Center |
Alik'r Desert | Ceriburea | Good | The Lord's Books |
Alik'r Desert | Isfunnusa | Good | The Champion Book Dealer |
Alik'r Desert | Kaloguja | Average | Alabyctor's Incunabula |
Alik'r Desert | Mettula | Average | The Adventurer's Bookshop |
Alik'r Desert | Mettula | Best | Mettula's Best Bookstore |
Alik'r Desert | Mettula | Best | The Lord's Bookstore |
Alik'r Desert | Ramoaweyn | Good | Lady Andastyr's Book Dealer |
Alik'r Desert | Rhogila | Poor | Lady Rodistyr's Incunabula |
Alik'r Desert | Rhogila | Average | Vintage Bookstore |
Alik'r Desert | Tsetissiara | Poor | The Essential Bookstore |
Alik'r Desert | Tsetissiara | Best | Tsetissiara's Best Bookstall |
Alik'r Desert | Tsetissiara | Poor | Vintage Bookstore |
Anticlere | Aldingborne Commons | Good | The Lady's Bookshop |
Anticlere | Aldingborne Commons | Poor | Agrywyr's General Book Dealer |
Anticlere | Aldingborne Commons | Average | The Adventurer's Books |
Anticlere | Aldingborne Commons | Good | The Essential Books |
Antiphyllos | Antiphyllos | Poor | Antyphyllos [sic]|'s Best Bookseller |
Antiphyllos | Antiphyllos | Average | The Emperor's Bookstore |
Antiphyllos | Antiphyllos | Poor | The Essential Bookcenter |
Antiphyllos | Jalallaara | Average | The Essential Bookshop |
Antiphyllos | Jalallaara | Best | Peroryan's General Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Aldingwall | Best | Perywyr's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Aldingwall | Best | Lord Theodoryan's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Aldingwall | Average | Andane's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Aldingwall | Poor | The Emperor's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Arkhope | Average | Lord Edwyn's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Baelwick | Worst | Lady Edwistair's Book Center |
Daggerfall | Blackfort | Worst | Lady Tristywyr's Books |
Daggerfall | Burgtry Commons | Average | The Essential Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Burgwall | Average | Bargain Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Burgwall | Poor | Vintage Books |
Daggerfall | Burgwall | Good | Vintage Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Cathleigh | Average | The Emperor's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Charenborne | Poor | The Adventurer's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Charentown | Worst | Vintage Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Charentown | Average | Gondyrick's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Charing | Average | First Class Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Charing | Average | Bargain Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Charway Rock | Worst | The Emperor's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Chesterwark | Poor | The Adventurer's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Chesterwark | Poor | Lady Dunyctor's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Cromfort | Good | Doctor Agryval's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Cromfort | Average | First Class Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Cromwell | Good | Lady Dunywyr's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Cromwych Hill | Average | Gondyctor's General Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Cromwych Hill | Poor | Lady Gondard's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Cromwych Hill | Good | Vintage Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Cromwych Hill | Average | The King's Books |
Daggerfall | Crossborne | Good | Lady Bedyval's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Daggerfall City | Poor | The Adventurer's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Daggerfall City | Average | The King's Books |
Daggerfall | Daggerfall City | Good | Bargain Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Daggerfall City | Good | The Superior Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Daggerfall City | Best | The King's Books |
Daggerfall | Deerbridge Hollow | Average | Doctor Gondastyr's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Deerbridge Hollow | Good | The King's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Deerbridge Hollow | Average | The Adventurer's Books |
Daggerfall | Gothgate | Average | Edwynak's General Books |
Daggerfall | Gothwick | Poor | The Emperor's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Gothwick | Good | Lady Agrane's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Grimfort | Good | The Adventurer's Books |
Daggerfall | Grimfort | Average | Doctor Uthynak's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Grimfort | Poor | Rodyn's Books |
Daggerfall | Horidge | Worst | The Emperor's Book Center |
Daggerfall | Horwell | Poor | Doctor Edwore's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Ipshead | Poor | The Emperor's Books |
Daggerfall | Ipshead | Best | Ipshead's Best Book Center |
Daggerfall | Ipshead | Poor | The Essential Book Center |
Daggerfall | Ipsworth Field | Poor | The Odd Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Kirkcart Wood | Average | The King's Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Kirkcart Wood | Poor | Kirkcart Wood Book Center |
Daggerfall | Kirkcart Wood | Poor | The King's Book Center |
Daggerfall | Kirkcart Wood | Good | Gondoryan's Finest Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Kirkley | Average | Gondore's Quality Book Center |
Daggerfall | Kirkley | Average | The Superior Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Knightsham | Average | The King's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Knightsham | Average | Lady Edworyan's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Knightstown | Poor | The Emperor's Books |
Daggerfall | Knightstown | Good | The King's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Knightstown | Good | The King's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Knightstown | Average | Rodywyr's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Longgate | Best | Doctor Dunyval's Books |
Daggerfall | Longmoth | Best | Bargain Books |
Daggerfall | Longmoth | Good | The Adventurer's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Longtown | Poor | The Champion Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Longtown | Poor | Longtown Book Center |
Daggerfall | Longtown | Average | The Champion Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Longtry Field | Best | The King's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Longtry Field | Good | The Champion Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Longtry Field | Good | Uthyn's General Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Longwark | Average | The Adventurer's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Longwark | Worst | Lady Gondyctor's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Mercester | Average | Mercester's Best Book Center |
Daggerfall | Mercester | Good | Gondyval's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Mercester | Good | The Adventurer's Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Mercester | Average | Vintage Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Mertower | Average | Bargain Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Midbeth | Good | Midbeth's Best Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Midbury | Average | Gondistyr's Finest Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Midbury | Average | The Odd Books |
Daggerfall | Midbury | Good | Lady Edwywyr's Book Center |
Daggerfall | Midbury | Average | The Adventurer's Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Midbury | Best | Lady Theodyctor's Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Midmarket Rock | Good | First Class Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Midwick | Worst | The Emperor's Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Newcester | Best | The Superior Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Newcester | Good | The Champion Books |
Daggerfall | Newcester | Average | The Odd Books |
Daggerfall | Newtower | Poor | Rodore's Books |
Daggerfall | Newtower | Worst | Edwyn's Quality Books |
Daggerfall | Oxwick | Average | The Essential Book Center |
Daggerfall | Oxwick | Poor | Lady Rodistair's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Oxwick | Worst | The Emperor's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Oxwick | Best | Uthyval's Finest Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Penbrugh | Best | The Emperor's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Pentale Commons | Poor | The Champion Books |
Daggerfall | Pentale Commons | Good | Pentale Commons's Best Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Pentale Commons | Good | The Essential Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Pentale Commons | Worst | Lady Bedyctor's Books |
Daggerfall | Reyford | Best | Tristyctor's Finest Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Reyford | Best | Reyford's Best Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Reyford | Best | Reyford's Best Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Ripmarket | Best | Vintage Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Ripmarket | Poor | Doctor Mordistair's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Ripmarket | Average | The Superior Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Ripmarket | Average | Theodistyr's General Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Ripmore | Best | The Superior Bookstall |
Daggerfall | Ripmore | Average | Gondore's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Ripwych | Good | The King's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Singcroft | Poor | First Class Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Singmoth | Poor | The King's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Singmoth | Average | Vintage Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Singmoth | Average | The Superior Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Singmoth | Poor | The Adventurer's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Singwark | Worst | Singwark's Best Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Stokworth | Poor | Tristastyr's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Stokworth | Average | Stokworth Books |
Daggerfall | Stokworth | Average | Bargain Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Stokworth | Poor | Bargain Bookseller |
Daggerfall | Stokworth | Good | The Emperor's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Tunbeth Hamlet | Average | Lord Gondistyr's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Tunbeth Hamlet | Good | Doctor Tristywyr's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Tunton | Average | The King's Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Tuntower | Worst | Lord Rodastyr's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Uptower Moor | Poor | Uptower Moor Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Vancroft Wood | Worst | The King's Bookstore |
Daggerfall | Vancroft Wood | Best | Vintage Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Vanmarket | Poor | Alabyctor's Garments |
Daggerfall | Vanmarket | Poor | Andore's Finest Apparel |
Daggerfall | Westhead Moor | Poor | Lady Mordyrick's Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Westhead Moor | Average | The Odd Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Westhead Moor | Good | Bargain Book Center |
Daggerfall | Whiteborne | Poor | First Class Book Center |
Daggerfall | Whiteborne | Average | The King's Incunabula |
Daggerfall | Wilderford | Good | The Champion Book Center |
Daggerfall | Wilderford | Average | Bedistyr's Quality Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Wildertown | Poor | Agristair's General Bookshop |
Daggerfall | Wildertown | Good | The Odd Book Dealer |
Daggerfall | Wildertry | Good | The Essential Book Center |
Glenpoint | Glenpoint City | Average | The Emperor's Bookstall |
Glenpoint | Glenpoint City | Good | The Superior Book Dealer |
Kozanset | Kozanset | Poor | Gondyctor's Quality Book Dealer |
Kozanset | Kozanset | Best | Lord Gondard's Books |
Kozanset | Kozanset | Best | Rodore's Finest Bookshop |
Kozanset | Kozanset | Average | The Champion Bookseller |
Menevia | Aldingbury | Best | Edwynak's Bookstall |
Menevia | Aldingbury | Best | Uthistair's Quality Lyceum |
Menevia | Baelbrone | Best | The Essential Bookseller |
Menevia | Menevia City | Best | Bargain Bookstore |
Santaki | Santaki City | Best | The Odd Book |
Sentinel | Akhahanu | Average | Lady Perynak's Bookshop |
Sentinel | Khajoharet | Average | Doctor Tristyval's Bookstall |
Sentinel | Khajoharet | Best | Alabane's Finest Books |
Shalgora | Baellech | Average | Bargain Bookshop |
Shalgora | Baellech | Poor | The Essential Bookstall |
Shalgora | Baellech | Best | The Superior Bookstore |
Shalgora | Charidge | Best | First Class Bookseller |
Shalgora | Charidge | Average | Alabyn's Book Center |
Shalgora | Charidge | Average | Alabore's Quality Incunabula |
Shalgora | Easttower Hollow | Good | Vintage Bookshop |
Shalgora | Easttower Hollow | Average | Lord Dunastyr's Bookseller |
Shalgora | Gothton | Average | Bargain Book Center |
Shalgora | Horwood Borough | Best | Doctor Tristastyr's Book Center |
Shalgora | Horwood Borough | Good | Peryctor's Finest Book Dealer |
Shalgora | Kirkbrugh | Good | Vintage Bookstall |
Shalgora | Kirkbrugh | Good | Edwistyr's Incunabula |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Poor | The Emperor's Book Center |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Good | Vintage Book Center |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Good | Lord Uthistair's Incunabula |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Good | The Count's Book Center |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Average | The Odd Book Center |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Best | Perastyr's Quality Bookseller |
Shalgora | Shalgora City | Best | Lord Theodyn's Bookstall |
Shalgora | Tammarket | Worst | Alabistyr's General Book Dealer |
Shalgora | Westwell | Good | Westwell Book Center |
Shalgora | Westwell | Poor | First Class Bookseller |
Shalgora | Westwell | Average | The Emperor's Book Center |
Tulune | Aldville | Worst | Doctor Agryrick's Bookshop |
Tulune | Arkcart | Average | Vintage Bookseller |
Tulune | Knightspath | Poor | Lord Bedistair's Bookseller |
Tulune | Knightspath | Worst | Bedore's General Bookshop |
Tulune | Tulune City | Good | Dunistair's Finest Books |
Tulune | Tulune City | Good | Bargain Books |
Tulune | Tulune City | Poor | Doctor Agristair's Book Dealer |
Tulune | Westwall | Best | The Superior Incunabula |
Tulune | Westwall | Average | The Emperor's Book Dealer |
Tulune | Wilderwold | Good | Doctor Theodane's Bookseller |
Tulune | Wilderwold | Poor | The Baroness's Bookstore |
Wayrest | Merhope Hall | Average | The King's Seminary |
Wayrest | Merhope Hall | Good | Bargain Bookstall |
Wayrest | Merhope Hall | Best | Adventurer's Book Dealer |
Wayrest | Merhope Hall | Best | Lord Theodyval's Books |
Wayrest | Oxvale Borough | Poor | Champion Bookstall |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Aldingmoth Wood | Average | The Lord's Bookstall |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Aldingmoth Wood | Best | The Superior Bookstall |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Aldingmoth Wood | Worst | The Champion Bookshop |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Oxhope | Best | Doctor Alabywyr's Books |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Oxhope | Average | First Class Book Center |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Oxhope | Average | The Odd Book Dealer |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Oxhope | Average | Oxhope's Best Bookseller |
Wrothgarian Mountains | Oxhope | Poor | Edwyctor's Finest Bookstall |
Bookstore Map Blocks[edit]

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