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Daggerfall:Fame given by the King of Worms

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Gives you the Fame the King of Worms promised you when he gets the totem.
Location(s): Scourg Barrow
Prerequisite Quest: Totem, Totem, Who Gets the Totem?
Reward: None
ID: S0000106


This quest runs in the background and is used to control various events related to the Main Quest of Daggerfall.

The purpose of this quest is to award the fame the King of Worms promises you if you give the Totem of Tiber Septim to him.

If you give the Totem to the King of Worms, you are supposed to get a lot of reputation. For details, see the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain Reputation Gain for Associates
The Akatosh Chantry and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
Sentinel and Akorithi as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Order of Arkay and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Dark Brotherhood as well as associated factions +100 +50
The House of Dibella and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
Wayrest and Eadwyre as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Fighters Guild as well as associated factions +100 +50
Daggerfall and Gothryd as well as associated factions +100 +50
The School of Julianos and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Temple of Kynareth and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Mages Guild as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Benevolence of Mara and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Merchants +100 +50
The Temple of Stendarr and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Thieves Guild as well as associated factions +100 +50
The Resolution of Zenithar and its Deity as well as associated factions +100 +50

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered)

Note: due to a bug in the questfile, these reputation gains will not be awarded. See bugs for a third-party patch which corrects this error.


  • You won't get any reputation in the end.
    Mod Notes: The bug is likely in the original questfile
    • There is a patch for this quest which gives you all the reputation listed in the table above, plus/minus reputation for their allies/enemies. This patch can be found here.