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Daggerfall:Generic Dialogue

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Akatosh Chantry
"The Akatosh Chantry is one of the temples dedicated to the Dragon, the God of Time, Akatosh."
"The priests of Akatosh always call their temples chantries. I suppose it's because they do a lot of singing there."
"Akatosh is a Dragon God of Time, and the temples devoted to Him are always called Chantries."
"Many orders have their mysteries, but everything about the Blades is shrouded in myth. They are rumored to be the finest warriors in Tamriel, trained for generation after generation, all within the same families. What their goals are is completely unknown."
"They may not even exist, but if they do, and the legends have a basis in truth, they're the finest warriors in all Tamriel."
"They're a knightly order alright, but unlike any other order, which defines itself by its allegiance, the Blades' master is unknown. They are a completely enigmatic group."
"You shouldn't be asking about the Blades so openly. Everyone knows that they're made up of the best fighters in Tamriel, but no one knows the purpose for their existence. That makes them dangerous."
"The Crusaders are the knights of Stendarr, God of Mercy. They protect the Temples of Stendarr and act as his compassionate blade when the situation demands."
"We, the Knights of Stendarr the Merciful call ourselves the Crusaders, for it is our sacred duty to protect the Temple and fights its battles. While we firmly espouse the Temple's philosophy of compassion and charity, we recognize that if the Temple is weak, it cannot realistically survive. Only those of great combat ability and proven devotion to the Temple and the God Stendarr are eligible for possible membership in the Crusaders."
Dark Brotherhood
"The Dark Brotherhood is a very mysterious organization, often hired as assassins by the more pragmatic rulers. They have a reputation as maniacs and daedra worshippers, but they must be doing something right. They've been around for thousands of years."
"A bunch of assassins posing as a religious order."
"They're more or less the official Assassin's Guild of Tamriel. Most kingdoms have declared them to be an illegal organization, but it's one thing to make a declaration ..."
"They're sorta a religious group, but not like a temple. Imagine a bunch of priests with knives and blood on the mind."
Fighters Guild
"The Fighters Guild is a sophisticated mercenary service. They often hire out adventurers as guards, escorts, and, occasionally, on more covert missions."
"Just a bunch of guards for hire, nothing mysterious or romantic."
"The Fighters Guild is just what its name implies -- an order for lances for hire and other mercenaries."
"The Fighters Guild is where everyone with any gold goes to hire additional guards, escorts, what-have-you. They are absolutely essential for getting things done in %reg."
Knights Mentor
"The Knights Mentor are those bound to follow the call of Julianos, the God of Wisdom and Learning. While the Schools of Julianos do most of the actual teaching, the Knights Mentor protect the sages and fight the ubiquitous forces of ignorance."
"The Knights Mentor are brothers and sisters to the School of Julianos. While they do research and expand the libraries of the School, we protect them. And, in turn,they share their expanded knowledge with us. It is a perfect relationship and benefits us each equally. Naturally, only those of exceptional military skill and demonstrated loyalty to the School and God Julianos are considered for membership into the Knights Mentor."
Knights of Iron
"The Knights of Iron are dedicated to the God of Commerce, Zenithar. They protect the members of His Resolution from those who would disrupt their trade."
"We of the Knights of Iron are in charge of the military excursions of the Resolution of Zenithar. Zenithar is not merely the God of Merchants and Commerce, He is also a warrior god. We represent that side of Him. Obviously, it does not behoove us to take any new initiates who are less than excellent fighters and completely devoted to our cause."
Knights of the Circle
"The Knights of the Circle are the protectors and guardians of the Order of Arkay. They are as dedicated to Him as His priests are."
"The Knights of the Circle are the military arm of the Order of Arkay. It is our solemn duty to protect the Order and to fight their battles. Our devotion to the God Arkay and the Order are complete. Only those of exceptional fighting prowess and unswerving loyalty to the Order and the God Arkay are considered for inclusion in the Knights of the Circle."
Knights of the Flame
"The Knights of the Flame have been affiliated with the royal Flyte family for centuries, and now they have become the protectors of the land of Anticlere."
Kynaran Order
"The Kynaran Order are those knights who have dedicated themselves mind, body, and sword to the Goddess of the Air, Kynareth. They are most often in the company of Her priests of the Temple of Kynareth."
"We are the strong arm of the Goddess Kynareth, an off-shoot of her temple devoted to fighting her causes all over Tamriel. Members of the Kynaran Order are honored for our skill and loyalty by the Temple, and given full access to the blessings and services within. According to individual rank in the Order, of course. Possible candidates for inclusion in the Kynaran Order are chosen on the basis of their combat skills and their reputation with the Temple."
Mages Guild
"The Mages Guild is the official center of magical study in Tamriel. Most major towns have a bureau of the Guild where they sell spells and magical items, in addition to their studies."
"The Mages Guild is sorta a school for studying spells. You have to already be pretty decent to get in, but even non-members can use some of their services."
"The Mages Guild is pretty much what the name suggests. It's an organization for all varieties of spellcasters to get together and teach each other. Used to be that mages were solitary types. No longer."
"It's just what you think it is. A school and a club for mages who are already pretty good to make them even better. It's been around for, oh, at least a thousand years."
Maran Knights
"The Maran Knights are those warriors who have dedicated their swords to the Mother Goddess Mara. They are sworn to protect her cause and Her Benevolences in Tamriel."
"Mara represents love and peace. She and Her Benevolence recognize that, as hypocritical as it sounds, military strength is often needed to beget this peace. The Maran Knights represent this military strength. We are admittedly a controversial knightly order. Some misguided clerics within the Temple would prefer that we disband, but they are in the minority, and all respect our skill and loyalty."
"The Necromancers are the dark mirror of the Mages Guild, powerful magicka casters who are masters of the most corruptive and daedric of spells. They are said to be led by a man they call the King of Worms. According to common rumor, he is thousands of years old and not aging at all."
"It is best not to even talk about the Necromancers. Unlike the Mages Guild, they are devoted to a singular cause. But despite horror stories to the contrary, no one knows what this cause may be."
"The Necromancers are wizards, like the Mages Guild, but far, far more secretive. Their goals and their activities are whispered about, but no one but a Necromancer knows for certain what they are."
"There's an old saying that when opposing the Necromancers, you fear what comes after death more than death itself. They are dangerous wizards, and it is best that the virtuous have little to do with them."
Order of Arkay
"The Order of Arkay is a religious order dedicated to the worship of Arkay, the God of the Cycle of Birth and Death."
"That's the temple devoted to Arkay, the God of Birth and Death."
"The Order of Arkay is a temple for worshippers of the God of the Cycle of Birth and Death."
Order of the Hour
"The Order of the Hour is the group of knights sworn to Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. They work to further His cause and protect His Chantries."
"We are the military arm of the Akatosh Chantry, the Order of the Hour, charged with the protection of the Chantry. Our knights are devoted to the Great Dragon, and dedicated to the promise of stability and permanence He represents. Our duties are varied indeed, and our honors bountiful. An initiate in our Order have the same rights and honors of an initiate in the Chantry."
Order of the Lamp
"The Order of the Lamp is the knightly order that protects the less combative [sic] oriented members of the Mages Guild."
Order of the Lily
"The Order of the Lily are the knights sworn to the ideal of Dibella, Goddess of Beauty. They protect, and when necessary, die prettily for her Houses."
"The House of Dibella is the noblest institution in Tamriel, we of the Order of the Lily firmly are devoted to its cause. Its only fault is that the priests and priestesses within are often too consumed with the propagation of beauty to protect themselves adequately. That is the sacred cause of the Order of the Lily. We protect the House and receive the training and blessings of clerics of equal rank. I can think of no better reason to fight than the cause of beauty."
Resolution of Z'en
"Any temple dedicated to Zenithar, the God of Work and Commerce, is called a Resolution of Zenithar or a Resolution of Zen."
"A Resolution is the fancy name the priests of Zenithar give to their temples."
"Zenithar is the God of Work and Commerce. A no-nonsense kind of diety, and His temples are so headstrong, they're called Resolutions."
School of Julianos
"Julianos is the God of Wisdom and Logic, and His temples are called Schools."
"They don't really worship Julianos at His temples, but since He is the God of Wisdom, they run the temples more like academies. That's why they call them Schools, not temples."
"The School of Julianos is one of the top research institutions in Tamriel, probably second only to the Mages Guild. There's a lot of rivalry between the Mages and the scholars of Julianos, actually."
Temple of Kynareth
"Kynareth is the Goddess of the Air, and Patron Spirit of many places, including the kingdom of Daggerfall. Her temples are widespread and her worship popular."
"The Temple of Kynareth worships the Goddess of the Air, the spirit who supposed first gave Morihaus the Lord's Mail."
"The priests and priestesses of the Goddess of the Air gather their [sic] to pray to their patroness."
Temple of Stendarr
"The Temple of Stendarr is dedicated to the God Stendarr, the Patron of Mercy. They are among the greatest charitable institutions in the land."
"Stendarr is the God of Mercy and His temples attempt to carry His message of peace to all Tamriel. You can judge their success for yourself."
"The cult devoted to the God of Mercy and Peace is called the Temple of Stendarr. Say what you want about them, they have an honest vision of a peaceful Tamriel."
Thieves Guild
"The Thieves Guild is the official organized collection of burglars, prostitutes, and other thugs in the area. Their headquarters is always secret."
"Even though freelance whoremasters, pickpockets, catburglars, swindlers, and muggers exist, most professional criminals in Tamriel belong to the Thieves Guild. It is best for the collective whole, and the Guild exerts a certain ... pressure to join."
"In practically every borough, hamlet, and city-state in Tamriel, the professional criminals have bounded together for mutual protection. That's the Thieves Guild for you."
"The Thieves Guild is just like any other guild -- it's just that their particular industry is crime. They offer special benefits to their members, bribe officials, and punish non-members. Just like any other guild."
"The Underking is the old bugbear of childhood stories, said to be the most powerful mage who ever lived. The stories go back to the earliest years of the Septim dynasty. No one, however, doubts the existence of those who call themselves his Agents. The living and the animated dead who say they answer to the Underking are perhaps in the hundreds."
"The Underking is, well, sort of like a lich. A very powerful, very mysterious ancient lich. Now, where does he live and what does he want? That I can't tell you."
"According to some stories, the Underking was once a powerful wizard who gave up his heart for some worthy enterprise. The heart disappeared, so the Underking cannot die or really live. But his minions do his bidding with fanatical devotion, supposedly still searching for his heart."
"The Underking may be nothing more than a myth, but his minions are very real. The common people of Tamriel definitely believe in the Underking, and fear him greatly."

Joining Factions[edit]

Akatosh Chantry
"The Akatosh Chantry is devoted to the worship of Akatosh, the Great Dragon. Akatosh is the most constant of gods, for his sphere is time itself. Perhaps, if you are in need of a blessing of time and are willing to make an appreciable donation, Akatosh might smile upon you and grant you time: time to heal your injuries, perhaps, or time to shorten your voyages. Our priests and priestess here have a variety of other skills and services available for members of the Akatosh Chantry. Naturally, one has to be judged worthy before one is sheltered under the Great Wings of Akatosh. Are you perhaps interested in joining?"
Knights of the Flame
"The Knights of the Flame are the noble warriors of the Lorddom of Anticlere. Our allegiance is unswerving to Lord and Lady Flyte, who rescued us from the chaos following the War of Betony. Only those known for their loyalty to Anticlere and our blessed patrons are judged worthy to join our order. In return for their allegiance, our knights are treated as veritable gods in Anticlere. Are you perhaps interested in joining?"
Knights of the Owl
"We of the Knights of the Owl are responsible for protecting and fighting for the royal family of Glenpoint. Only those of the most refined fighting skills and dedicated to the welfare of Glenpoint are considered for inclusion in our knightly order. Our knights are the royal escorts of the Baron and treated with unparalleled respect in all of Glenpoint. Are you perhaps interested in joining?"
Order of the Lamp
"We of the Order of the Lamp are the protectors of the Mages Guild. We follow the Palantinus, under direct orders from the Archmagister. We are given appropriate rights to certain services at the Mages Guild. One's rank within the Order approximates ones rank within the Guild, in terms of rights and privileges. The Order is only open to those who have already demonstrated fighting skills and are in good standing with the Mages Guild."

Order of the Raven
"In all modesty, the Order of the Raven is a legendary fighting order. We have the honor of having led the battle against the Camoran Usurper and freed half of Tamriel from his tyranny. We remain the vanguards of the Barony of Dwynnen, protecting the entire region. Given our reputation, we cannot admit any but the greatest warriors, the most loyal servants of the Baron, into our order. Are you perhaps interested in joining?"
School of Julianos
"The School of Julianos is no mere temple, dedicated to mindless obeisance to a distant and hazy God figure. Julianos is a God, to be sure, but foremost he is a symbol of learning, logic, philosophy, and wisdom. We espouse no moral philosophy other than the goodness of knowledge. As the great Psijic once said, the power of ignorance can truly shatter mithril like glass. That is our enemy. Scholarship is a long and difficult journey, and Julianos does not tolerate those who wish to shorten it. However, He does bless those who generously donate to His School with a temporary increase in their magical skills. While we advocate literacy and education for all Tamrielans, our policy for those who wish to join the School itself is very stringent. We have little time to waste training the slow and the lazy. Are you perhaps interested in joining?"


Congratulations, [player character name]. For all your efforts toward the greater glory of %god, we have raised you to the rank of [rank]. With this change in title, you are also gaining access to our cauldron, where our chemists devise potions for our temple. You need no longer travel to the Mages Guild in order to purchase necessary potions. You have doubtlessly heard something of our famous libraries. Now you will have access to them, for the archpriests have found you worthy of an elevation in rank. Henceforth, you are a [rank], and the libraries are yours to explore. Congratulations, [player character first name]. Your loyalty and skill have not gone unnoticed, [player character first name]. In fact, it is my honor to inform you that the temple elders have decided to give you a new title, that of [rank]. But it is more than a title. With it, you have a new privelege in the temple -- the right to use our Potionmaker. Talk to our mixer if you don't believe me. Congratulations. Our temple is not without its secrets, some of them very dark indeed. Now you have demonstrated trustworthiness enough that the elders have promoted you to the next rank, [rank]. If you wish, [rank] [player character name], you may indulge in the buying and selling of soulgems. It's a controversial practice, but soulgems may be used by enchanters to create unique magical items. I would talk to our soul procurer for more details. Whether you choose to involve yourself or not, of course, is your decision. Whatever you decide, I want to wish you congratulations on your new title. You are no neonate anymore, [player character first name]. The council has elected to promote you to the title of [rank], a very honored position in the temple. As such you are given a terrible privelege -- the right to summon daedra. Obviously, the theological implications alone should give pause, but if, in your wisdom, you decide to summon a Prince of Oblivion, we will aid you in your endeavor. The Summoner will obviously be able to tell you more. Whatever you decide to do will be wise. After all, you're a [rank] now. Congratulations, [player character first name]. The council has chosen to honor you once again with a promotion in rank. Your loyalty and your talent has won you no small esteem here, and earned you your new title, [rank]. From this moment on, if ever you need a wound healed, talk to me or one of the other clerics. We'll be happy to do what we can for you for free. Once again, my congratulations. You've earned it. Ah, congratulations, [player character first name], or shall I now call you, [rank]? The council has nearly unanimously voted to promote you within the temple, my friend. The best news of it is that this is no empty title of respect. You now have access to the spellbooks of the temple. You can talk to our scribe and purchase spells without the bother of going all the way to the Mages Guild. You're rising far, I can see. Good day to you, [rank]. Or hadn't you heard that the council just today voted you a new rank in the temple? And not just any title either, my friend, but the rank by which you have the right to use temple's Spellmaker. It's a terribly complicated, but terribly useful apparatus. If you haven't used it before at, say, the Mages Guild, you really ought to. Now that you're a [rank] and able. Allow me to offer you my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations. The council, by an appreciable majority, has decided that you will henceforth be addressed by a new title: [rank]. If that weren't grand enough, the practical side is that you can now rummage through the temple's hordish supply of esoteria, instruments, ballyhock, and phantasmagoria -- all for sale at very reasonable prices. Go on, ask the magical archivist ... [rank]. It is, I understand, quite official. Effective immediately, you are elevated in rank, and most importantly, in privelege, by order of the elder clerics, to [rank]. What this means, in practical terms, is not only more respect, but access to one of the temple's most valuable people, the enchanter. The enchanter can help you make the most mundane object you own into a force of supernal power. It's somewhat more complicated than that, but nevertheless, an honor indeed. I congratulate you on your upward spiral. A most, ah, perspicacious judgment, my child. Now then, your inceptive title will be that of [rank], but I wouldn't fret about rank. The important part is that you now have access to the temple's superlative libraries and trainers. Be patient and you will see the fruit of your labor. Learn, [rank]. Read and learn. It would appear that the Dark Brotherhood was wise in recruiting such of you. Our confidence in you has grown, and it is only right to give you an increase in rank within the Brotherhood. Consider yourself starting today a full-fledged [rank]. Our chemists have been instructed that you are permitted to buy potions and poisons from their wares, so you needn't visit the Mages Guild any longer. I would also like to give you the location of another graveyard you ought really to be acquainted, [dungeon]. Here it is, on your map. Once again, my congratulations, [rank]. So far, you have proven yourself to be more than a common thug, [player character first name]. We have decided to promote you within the Dark Brotherhood. Beginning today your rank is [rank]. Now, in addition to the regular training we provide, you have access to our cauldron. There are a number of very clever poisons that have come from that tub. Finally, let me give you the location of another graveyard you may find interesting, [dungeon]. I'll mark it on your map. Congratulations, [rank]. So far, so bad. I think it's about time you received an increase in rank to match your value to the Dark Brotherhood. Others agree with me, so you may now assume the illustrious mantle of [rank] of the Dark Brotherhood. As a [rank], you are permitted to deal in soulgems with our soul procurer. It's a nice method to add more profit to punishment -- the souls of your victims can fetch a decent price among those who want a spirit to bind in enchantment rites. Of course, you can buy soulgems from the procurer as well as sell them. I also wanted to show you a new graveyard in %reg, [dungeon]. I think you will find it very interesting indeed, [rank]. [player character first name], you have a callous disregard for human life, a disgusting nonchalance about accepting gold for murder. We couldn't be more delighted with you. The Brotherhood has chosen to once again promote you in our ranks. You are now [rank] [player character name]. It is more than a title, though. It means that you can now speak to our Spymaster, the character who keeps us informed about the newest, most important happenings in the Iliac Bay region. I can give you a little rumor myself. There's a cemetery called [dungeon], with the most delightful treasures and surprises. I know you'll love it. Here, I'll mark it on your map, [player character first name]. Or I should say, [rank] [player character first name]. Looking for a good time? You want some company, honey? Interested in some good, filthy fun? For you, how about a freebie? For old times sake, how about a freebie? Time of your life, %a gold. Special price, %a gold. What'd you say to %a gold? I ain't no charity, honey. No money, no fun, sweetie. You cannot talk to that. You get no response. What do you want now, [player character first name]? This better be good. I'm busy. All right, [player character first name]. You have one minute of my time. [oath], it's you. What is it? What the hell do you want, [player character first name]? [oath], just what I need. What? How can I help you, stranger? What can I do for you, stranger? Yes? You need something? Hello. Good day. What is it? What do you want? Good day to you, [player character first name]. How can I help you, [player character first name]? Ah, my friend. How are you this day? Good to see you, [player character first name]. How can I help you? Oh, hello, [player character first name]. Good day, [player character first name]. Hello, my friend. A warm hello to you, good [player character first name]. It warms my heart to see you, [player character first name]. Ah, excellent company. Good day, dear friend. [oath]! Good to see you, [player character first name]. Good day to you, [player character first name]. Grand to see you, [player character first name]. I'm happy to see you, [player character first name]. Ah, [player character first name], hello. Always a pleasure. Comment already copied to notebook. work possibilities good, semi-honest work opportunities for profit lucrative business opportunities gainful employment employment a bit of toil and grind %1com. If possible, I would hear about [subject] %2com. %1com. I would be grateful for information about [subject] %2com. %1com. I would appreciate any information about [subject] %2com. %1com. I was hoping you might know about [subject] %2com. %1com. Enlighten me on the subject of [subject] %2com. %1com. Apprize me of the situation with [subject] %2com. %1com. I gather you know something about [subject] %2com. %1com. What can you tell me about [subject] %2com? %1com. I am seeking information on [subject] %2com. %1com. What do you know about [subject] %2com? %1com. I need to know about [subject] %2com. %1com. Do you know anything about [subject] %2com? %1com. What does [subject] mean to you %2com? %1com. Talk to me about [subject] %2com. %1com. You must know something about [subject] %2com. %1com. What's the newest word on [subject] %2com? %1com. Any news about [subject] %2com? %1com. What's the story on [subject] %2com? %1com. I'm looking for a tip on [subject] %2com. %1com. Know anything about [subject] %2com? %1com. Any hot tips on [subject] %2com? %1com. [subject]. That's what I really want to know %2com. %1com. Fill me in on [subject] %2com. %1com. Put me wise on [subject] %2com. %1com. Ever hear of [subject] %2com? %1com. [subject] from around here %2com? Hail to thee Fair day to thee Hail %n Hail good %n Salutations, %n Good day, %n Greetings, good %n Greetings to you How do you do, %n How are you, %n Hello Hi Hi there Ahoy, %n Listen up Quite Indeed Ah, I see Fine Fascinating Well put Eloquently said Hmm I see Really Ah Mmm Yeah, whatever All right Listen Okay So ... friend stranger stranger mate buddy bud mate and [subject]2 %1com. Can you tell me where I might find [subject]? %1com. I hoped you might direct me to [subject]. %1com. Perhaps you can guide me toward [subject]? %1com. I'd appreciate your directions to [subject]. %1com. Are you familiar with the wherebouts of [subject]? %1com. Where can I find [subject]? %1com. I am trying to get to [subject]. %1com. Do you know where [subject] is? %1com. I need to find [subject]. %1com. What is the best way to [subject]? %1com. Point me toward [subject]. %1com. How do I get to [subject]? %1com. Where the hell is [subject]? %1com. I got to get to [subject]. %1com. Where's [subject]? %1com. Perhaps you already know [subject]? %1com. Are you aware that [subject]? %1com. I merely wished to tell you that [subject]. %1com. It may interest you to know that [subject]. %1com. Did you know that [subject]? %1com. Has anyone told you that [subject]? %1com. You should know that [subject]. %1com. Are you aware of the fact that [subject]? %1com. Didja know that [subject]? %1com. Listen, [subject]. %1com. I know that [subject]. %1com. Let me tell you this -- [subject]. %1com. Please, desseminate a little news, will you? %1com. Indulge me in a little gossip, if you would. %1com. You haven't heard anything interesting lately, have you? %1com. What is on the tongue of polite society these days? %1com. Would you kindly update me on the world at large? %1com. Have you heard anything interesting lately? %1com. What are people talking about now? %1com. Do you have any interesting gossip? %1com. What has been happening? %1com. What's new? %1com. What's the talk of the town? %1com. What's the buzz? %1com. And? %1com. Go on. Do want to make love with me? Tell me you want me like I want you. Do you want to fool around? I'm yours if you want me. Do you want to slip away and make love? I don't want to talk. Let's make love. Come on, sweetheart. Lets do it. Would it offend you if I said I wanted you? No more talk. I want you. I want to hold your body tight against mine. Don't you want to do something more than talk? Kiss me, [player character first name], I'm yours. Hold my body against yours until the morning comes. Let's do something we can be ashamed of. Why don't you stop talking and kiss me. [oath]! Can't blame me for asking. Oh. How embarassing. Forget I asked. I'm sorry. I thought you felt it too. Well, maybe later. Ah well, I can always dream. [oath], all business, no fun. You're wasting time with me, [player character first name]. I don't know a thing about [subject]. I don't know anything about [subject]. Not that I'd tell you if I did. Do you really think I'd tell a [race] even if I did know? Ask someone else, [player character first name]. I can't help you with [subject]. You're [player character name]. What the hell makes you think I know or would tell you anything about [subject]? I honestly don't know what in Tamriel you're talking about. You've obviously confused me with someone who cares. And what do you want me to do about it? That means absolutely nothing to me. I could probably help you with that. But I'm not going to. [oath], stop wasting my time. I'll tell you nothing. Now scram. [subject]? Even if I knew somethin', I wouldn't be a tellin' a [race]. I don't know nothin' 'bout [subject] and I ain't sayin' any more. Yer [player character name]. I wouldn't tell ya 'bout [subject] even if I did know. Go on and find a friend or someone who knows somethin'. I'm ain't either. Why would I wanna help you? I'm afraid that means nothing to me, [player character first name]. I don't understand. Is that supposed to mean something to me? To be honest, I couldn't really care less. Sorry. Ask someone else. Can't you see I'm busy? I'm sorry but I don't know and I have to go. I'm new to %cn too. Now, please excuse me. I gotta go. Ask someone else, [player character first name]. I'm running late myself. [oath], as if I know. Ask someone else. I don't particularly care to be your lackey, [player character first name]. Run along now. This conversation has grown tiresome. Leave me now, [player character first name]. Excuse me, [player character first name]. I actually have a life to lead. Ask someone who gives a damn. I neither know nor much care. I don't have the first clue, I'm afraid. Now, if you'll excuse me ... You are that foul [player character name]. I am ignorant on the subject of [subject]. Now begone. Mayhap you though I was conversant on the topic of [subject]. What a lark! [subject]? Your question presupposes that I feel an affiliation for you, which I don't. These questions are taxing my time, even if I knew about [subject]. Avail yourself of the nearest exit. If [race] knew how to read, you could find the answer yourself. I certainly don't have time to look it up. That is are certainly none of your concern. Now leave me, [player character first name]. Why should I tell you? Go bother someone else, [player character first name]. How droll. I only help to people of importance, those who have titles and lands. Now go away. I am a personal friend of %t %rn and do not cavort with your sort. [subject] indeed. How should I know? Hey! You're that loathsome [player character name]. Why am I talking to you anyway? I couldn't care less about [subject]. Take your peasant feet away from my noble person. [subject]? Let me remind you that I am nobility and you are [race] scum. Go away. Never heard of [subject], kid. Leave before I put a knife in yer back. I killed a [race] once for asking stupid questions about [subject]. I don't know. But I do know that if you stink up the air around me any more I'll stick a sword in yer gut. Yer [player character name]. I oughta slice you a second smile. But because I'm a nice guy, I'll just tell ya I don't know. You gotta bad rep [player character name]. I don't know anythin' about [subject], but if ya come any closer, I'm gonna pop ya one. Wouldn't you like to know. [subject]? That's not rare information. Ask someone else about [subject]. You don't know where [subject] is? Ha-ha-ha! Serves you right [player character name], after what you've done. If I liked [race] better, maybe I'd tell you. Everyone knows where [subject] is. Which makes it all the more fun that you don't. No, I don't think I want to talk to you anymore, [player character first name]. Shove off. What do I know? I know I don't want to talk to you anymore, how's that? Yer [player character name]. I don't think I wanna tell ya where to find [subject]. Beggin' yer pardon, but thats such a stupid question, I don't think I should haveta answer. I reckin' a little more wanderin' around will make a right good improvement in yer manners. 'Course I know where [subject] is. But I don't wanna tell the likes of you. Freakin' [race]. Always beggin' us common folk fer help. Whattya done fer me lately? Why on Tamriel would I want you to know, [player character first name]? Why the hell would I want to give you directions [player character first name]? Listen, I ain't got time for this. Why don't you just kiss off, [player character first name]. Don't know, don't care, and don't wanna to talk to ya anymore. Goodbye. Why don't you try asking me like a normal human being would? Listen, I don't give directions to people who talk to me like that. You [race] have no respect for intellect. I choose not to reveal the location of [subject]. Are you not [player character name]? I have better things to do than give you directions to [subject]. I have knowledge of [subject]. In the event you had been less rude, I might have told you. I am a scholar. I have no time for banal questions about [subject]. Scholars like myself have such knowledge. It is unfortunate your demeanor offends me. That's it. I've been as polite as I can be. Go away and leave me alone. I don't care where you go. Go to Oblivion, for all I care. Just go away. Ask a commoner. It is a waste of my valuable time to answer obvious questions. Who gave you permission to speak to me? I know where to find [subject], but now I am disinclined to tell you. I have heard of you [player character name]. You should know your place better. Nobles are not to be used as sign posts. You presume above your station [race]. I should have you flogged, instead I'll let you flee. How amusing. This...[race] peasant is looking for [subject]. I'm not about to lower myself by answering. Last bloke that asked how to get to [subject] wound up dead. Howd' ya like a knife in yer gut? Thought so. You lookin' to find [subject]? I oughta kick yer arse fer wastin' my time. You're that lousy [player character name]. Stay away from [subject]. Or else I'll haveta slit yer throat. I hate [race] scum. Git. Or I'll fill my cup with yer blood. I've heard about you [player character name]f. I'm not telling you anything about [subject]. [subject]? I know lots. But I'm not about to tell the likes of you. [race] dog. I wouldn't help you find out about [subject] for anything. I know that [subject] is none of your damn business. To be honest, I don't trust you, [player character name]. Wouldn't you like to know? You're on the right track, [player character first name]. Now talk to someone who trusts you. Listen, I couldn't talk to you about that if I wanted to. Who do you think you are, talking to me like that? Listen, I don't care for your tone of voice. I'm not sure I should talk about [subject] with a relative stranger. Of course I know about [subject]. But I don't talk about it with just anyone. I ain't tellin' ya nothin' 'bout [subject]. [subject]? I got someplace else ta be. You're that evil [player character name]! Tellin' you would be like tellin' Clavicus Vile hisself. [subject]? [subject]! I ain't gonna talk about [subject] to nobody. Why should I tell some [race] 'bout [subject]? Wouldn't you like to know? Oh, maybe I know ... something. But I'm not to talk about it. No offense, but why would I tell you anything? Its none of yer damn business. Knowledge of [subject] is priviledged, particularly with respect to you. [subject] is difficult to learn about. I shall enjoy observing your discomfort and ignorance. Where did you hear about [subject]? I'll not tell some wetback [race] any more about [subject]. I would never divulge information about [subject]. [subject]? To [player character name]? This must be some lowbrow attempt at humor. Listen, you are obviously not a busy person, but I am. Get lost, [player character first name]. This isn't going anywhere, [player character first name]. I'm going back to my life, you go to yours. I have no interest in telling you anything. Run along now, [player character first name]. Who do you think I am, the travellers bureau? Leave me alone. Nobody trusts you [player character name]. Why should I? You have my permission to prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness. [subject] indeed. A [race] wanting to know about [subject]. How droll. I've always said commonfolk need to be kept ingnorant. Of course I know all about [subject]. The problem is I don't like you. Noblemen should not consort with common rabble. Leave me. I don't think I care for your tone of voice, [player character first name]. Listen, I don't talk to anyone who talks to me like that. How impertinent to think I'd want to give you any sort of information. Goodbye. Listen, I have a life. I'd recommend you go out and get one too. Goodbye, [player character first name]. [subject]? I'll show ya the edge of my knife instead! Scram. Come any closer and I'll slit yer gizzard [player character first name]. Ya have a hankerin' ta die? Then keep askin' around about [subject]. A [race]. Wonder what color blood ya have. Come 'ere and let me see. I know all about [subject]. But if I told ya, I'd have ta kill ya. Maybe I know something, maybe I don't. But I'm through with talking, [player character first name]. I don't care to discuss that or anything else with you. Goodbye. I'm afraid I can't help you, [player character first name]. Sorry, [player character first name]. I don't know anything about [subject]. Sorry, friend. I'd help you if I could. I'm afraid I just don't know. [oath], I wish I could help you, [player character first name]. I'm really sorry, [player character first name]. I wish I knew something about that. Please forgive my ignorance, [player character first name]. I know little about that. To be honest, I know nothing about that, [player character first name]. I'm very sorry. Excuse me? [subject]? No idea one way or the other. You'll want to ask someone else. I have no idea. I wish I knew, [player character first name]. Could be anywhere. I heard that name somewheres before, but I got no idea where. Sorry. I haven't gotta clue. Gotta be somewhere 'round here. I heard 'o you [player character name]. I'd help ya if I could. I wish I could help you, [player character first name], but I know nothing about that. Sorry, friend. I can't help you there. Ask around some more, friend. Someone's bound to know. No, I don't have a clue. There's no reason ta talk down ta me like that. I can't help ya anyway. Quite a conundrum. I am completely baffled. You are the first person to ask. Sadly, I remain ignorant of the answer. North? No...south? My profuse appologies. I am unable to recall anything about [subject]. I had one once, but the wheel fell off. Would you hold my foot while I get a drink of air? An obtuse topic if ever their was one. No answer appears to be forthcoming. I'm sorry to ask, but why did you think I'd care about that? Come on, [player character first name], you know me better than to think I'd care about that! Wait. Does that sound like something I'm involved in, [player character first name]? Really. You have atleast mastered the minimum forms of etiquette, but I just don't know. How refreshing. A [race] with manners. Sadly, I know nothing of [subject]. Ah, a true servant of %reg. You may kiss my ring, but I know nothing of [subject]. [player character name]? Hmmm. I seem to remember some courtier speaking well of you. Sadly I can't help you with [subject]. [subject]? Doesn't sound familiar. Sorry, [player character first name]. I can't help you with that. I am certainly the wrong person to ask, [player character first name]. [subject]? Never heard of it. Doesn't ring any bells. If is about somethin' hot, go through the guild. Is [subject] a problem? I knows people that can take care of problems. Does [subject] have anythin' ta do with %fn? No? Then I can't help ya [player character first name]. You've gotta good rep on the streets [player character name]. Sorry I don't know nothin' about [subject]. Sure. [subject] is [hint]. That's [hint]. I suppose its okay to tell you. Its [hint]. You'll find [subject] [hint]. You'll want to go [hint]. Oh, that's [hint]. Well, it's [hint]. You'll find it [hint]. Just ask me civilly next time. If it's your concern, you'll find it [hint]. Mmm. Well, try [hint]. I guess I can tell ya [hint]. Ya gotta go [hint]. [subject] is somewhere [hint]. Go,, [hint]. That's easy, [player character first name]. It's [hint]. Last time I checked it was [hint]. Of course I'll help you. Just go [hint]. It's really easy. You'll want to go [hint]. The best way to go [hint]. What you're going to want to do is go [hint]. You asked the right person. Just look for it [hint]. Simple. You'll find it [hint]. That's [hint]. You'll find it [hint]. Our maps show [subject] to be [hint]. Hmm. I recall being instructed that [subject] is [hint]. [player character name] is it? I do not mind reveal that [subject] is [hint]. Directionally challenged [player character first name]? Try [hint]. Go [hint]. Dear fellow, try [hint]. The lower classes get lost so easily. Go [hint]. Lets see, the palace is over there...[subject] is [hint]. My personal scrivner assures me [subject] is [hint]. Try [hint]. Thats how my carriage driver goes. I know an alley short cut to [subject]. Try [hint]. You're an okay [race]. Go [hint]. I pinched some gold near [subject]. Walk [hint]. I cut someone there yesterday. Its [hint]. [subject]? Gonna pinch some coin, are ya? No? Well, its [hint]. Oh, ho! [hint] %fn told me this. [hint] You're a good sort, [player character first name]. [hint] [hint] Everybody has heard this one. [hint 2] [hint] This is all I know. [hint] I can help you with that. [hint 2] Oh, that's easy. [hint] Ah, [subject]. [hint] Well, as if you don't know already. [hint] If you must know, I'll tell you. [hint] I don't see how it's your business. [hint] This is what they says. [hint] Its a good story it is. [hint] [hint] I wouldn't wanna be called no gossip, but...[hint] Who woulda thought it. [hint] [hint] I wish I could tell you more. [hint] I'm afraid that's all I know. Oh yes. [hint] [hint] But you may already know that. Pardon me? [hint] That's all I know. Well, you probably already know this. [hint] The tomes are very specific. [hint] My scrying is rarely wrong. [hint] Some sources disagree, but I am sure. [hint 2] I suppose it is harmless. [hint 2] It is to your benefit to have queried me. I am one of the few that knows anything. [hint 2] [subject]? [hint] [hint] You surely are already aware that. [hint 2] I estimate that is the best I can tell you. [hint] But everyone knows that. [hint] [hint] Is that what you're talking about? My dear [player character first name]. [hint] Didn't you know? The talk among the court is amusing. [hint] My spies told me about this. [hint 2] [hint] I have impeccable sources. [hint 2] [hint] There may be more to it. [hint] Someone else may have the full story. [hint] Atleast that's the street buzz. [oath]. Don't you know? [hint] Here's the real story. [hint 2] I beat this info outta a guy. [hint 2] I got contacts. [hint 2] I'm not da best person ta ask. [hint] Thats all I know. Ask someone else, [player character first name]. [hint]. Which anyone could have told you. [player character name]! If only I could help. I really and truly don't know anything about [subject]. I would sell the Underking's skivvies for you [player character first name], but forgive me. I just don't know. I pains me to admit this, especially to you, but I haven't got a clue. Please don't hold it against me, but I just don't have the answer. After what you've done for us [player character first name], I'd love to tell you about [subject]. However, I don't know. [honorific], if I knew, I'd tell ya fer sure. Ya knows ya can depend on me [player character first name]. But when it comes ta [subject], I just don't know. I don't know [honorific]. Please don't think poorly of me. What I'd give ta know 'bout [subject]. I'm sorry [honorific]. [oath]. Such a simple question, and me not knowin'. I begs yer forgiveness [honorific]. My loyal patron, it grieves me to admit ignorance about [subject]. I am a fount of information [player character first name]. Sadly I lack any shred of data about [subject]. You are congnizant that I would answer if I could. [subject] is an enigma to me. You are my loyal comrade, but none of these tomes have references to [subject]. Though you are my deeply trusted ally, I know not the answer. Though your loyalty to me is beyond reproach, I just don't know about [subject]. As one of my most loyal supporters, I would tell you if I only knew the answer. [subject]? I haven't the foggiest dear [player character first name]. I heard about [subject] once, but I forgotten what it was. I trust you implicitly, so I hope you understand when I tell you that I just don't know. You're like a brother ta me [player character first name]. But I can't tell ya what I don't know. [subject]? Never heard of [subject]. Hey, I'd trust ya with my back in da alley, but I don't know anythin' about [subject]. You've never snitched on me, [player character first name]. But if I don't know, I don't know. [subject] rings a bell...naw. You know I'd tell ya just about anythin', but I can't remember. Anything for [honorific] [player character first name]. Its [hint]. Gladly [honorific]. Go [hint]. It would be my honor. Try [hint]. I'd take you there myself, but I'm needed here. Its [hint]. Its sunshine in my day to help [honorific] [player character first name]. Go [hint]. Give me a second. That's [hint]. You ought to try looking [hint]. Yes [honorific]. With pleasure. Go [hint]. For da honorable [player character name], take ya [hint]. You've always done good fer me and mine [honorific] [player character first name]. Its [hint]. I likes doin' ya favors [player character first name]. Try [hint]. Its me pleasure [honorific] [player character first name]. Its [hint]. You will find [subject] [hint]. Yes, I do know that location. It's [hint]. Let me think for a minute ... [hint]. I see ... [hint]. Readily and gladly done. Its [hint]. For you, of course. Go [hint]. The simplest of tasks. Try [hint]. Gladly [honorific]. Its [hint]. A trivial request. Go [hint]. For one of your loyalty, of course. Its [hint]. I could do no less for a loyal subject. Go [hint]. Simplicity in itself. Try [hint]. You have always helped me, now I can return the favor. Its [hint]. Of course. Have we not always been friends? Go [hint] . Ya don't haveta ask twice. Its [hint]. Fer you? No sweat. Go [hint]. 'Tis not well known, but try [hint]. Since its that or slit yer throat (wink and chuckle), its [hint]. Go [hint]. Watch yer back [player character first name]. I trust you. [hint] Most folk know this already. [hint] I shouldn't really tell you this. [hint 2] [hint 2] I know you'll do the right thing [player character first name]. You are one of the few people I'd tell this to. [hint 2] As a matter of fact, I happen to know something. [hint 2] You asked the right person. [hint 2] Beggin' yer pardon [honorific] [player character first name], but most folk know this. [hint] Always glad ta help you, [player character first name]. [hint] Me cousin told me somethin'. [hint] I overheard things. [hint 2] Does that help? I've been savin' this tidbit fer you [honorific] [player character first name]. [hint 2] I'm not sure what you already know. [hint] Well, you probably already know this. [hint] [hint] It is common knowledge that [hint]. Confidentially, this is what my research indicates. [hint 2] Trust begets trust. [hint 2] My divinations have revealed much. [hint 2] A private scrying shows many things. [hint 2] Ah yes, not everyone knows this. [hint 2] It may interest you to know this. [hint] Well ... [hint]. Does that help? You want to know more? [hint 2] I assume. Your loyalty to the %t has its reward. [hint] You have always been loyal to me. [hint] You are lucky to have asked me. Court gossip has its benefits. [hint 2] I am always glad to help you [player character first name]. [hint 2] Your faithful service is reason enough for me to tell you. [hint 2] Youse can always count on me, [player character first name]. [hint] You sharpened my blade, now I'll sharpen yours. [hint 2] Fer me drinkin' buddy, of course. [hint 2] . [hint 2] At least that what the Thieves Guild says. [hint 2] It's all over the Dark Brotherhood. ... Let me just mark [location] here on your map ... It'd be easiest if I just marked [location] on your map ... Hold on, let me show you [location] on your map ... Right here. You can see [location] on your map very nearby. Here, I'll show you [location] on your map awfully close by. It'd be best if I marked [location] on your map its right there (points to [location] your map) [location] is [direction] of here [location] is [direction] of where we're standing just keep going [direction] that way, [direction] [location] is a ways [direction] of here [location] is not too far to the [direction], if you don't mind walking [location] is [direction] of here, unless I'm mistaken [direction] of here, I think. a bit of a walk. Just go [direction] Start inserting action type 99 here... (do not translate) A bored guard says "Only castle staff and trusted guests are allow beyond those doors." A bored guard says "Only castle staff and trusted guests are allow beyond those doors." A bored guard says "Only castle staff and trusted guests are allow beyond those doors." A bored guard says "Only castle staff and trusted guests are allow beyond those doors." A bored guard says "Only castle staff and trusted guests are allowed beyond those doors." A strong, orcish voice in the back of the hall snarls "All who enter must face the trial by arms." Chanting and odd, alien noises seep under the door. The smell of sulphur and noxious potions invades your nose. The door restrains an unnatural silence, devoid of even the chittering of small insects. You hear Popudax say Our storeroom is only open to those whom I trust. A small heraldic device above the door handle clearly marks this as the private chambers of a member of the royal family. Bold, brash male voices echo from behind the door. Faint clatters of metal, obviously made by men in armor moving about, can be heard. A rhythmic clang of metal upon metal rings through the door. The door itself is slightly warm to the touch. The guard speaks up, "Careful there, Squire. That there door opens into the dungeons. Only them that has permission can get in." Faint howls and a low ominous growl from behind the door send chills down your spine. The clatter of pots and pans and the smell of fresh baked bread waft through this door. You, [player character name], are accused of the crime of %cri. If you plead not guilty and are found guilty, you will face %pen. A guilty plea will invoke the mercy of the court and your penalty will be far less. How plea you? You do not have enough gold, [player character name]. You will spend an additional %pdg days in prison. Do you wish to wait the [direction]p days until the day you are to be released? You have been found guilty, and are sentenced to [direction]p days in prison. Starting today. You have been found guilty, and are sentenced to pay a fine of %gtp gold pieces immediately. You have been found guilty, and are to pay a fine of %gtp gold pieces. In addition, you are to serve [direction]p days in prison. That is all. [player character name], you are to be executed for your crimes against the people of %cn. You are sentenced to be sealed into the %prn, to face the demons within, never to be released. [player character name], you have been found not guilty by this court. You are free to go. [player character name], this court finds you guilty, and for your crimes you are to be banished from %cn, never to return. How will you attempt to convince the court of your innocence? I can't think of any work available for a [race] like you. Why in Tamriel would I offer a [race] like you a job? Maybe you ought to learn a trade like cobbling. Work? You ought to find something else to do with your time. Ah, the curse of the drinking classes. I can't help you. Unemployed, are we? You're likely to remain so for some time. I haven't heard of any work at all, no. A [race] who actually wants to work! Amazing. Perhaps you ought to check in some other community. I don't know of any employment at all, I fear. You might check with ... No one comes to mind, actually. %pqn might have work. You can find %g2 in %pqp. Check with %pqn -- %g usually has work over at %pqp. I don't know what it pays, but %pqn has something to do over at %pqp. %pqn asked me to look for people like you. Go find %g2 at %pqp. You'd be perfect for this job %pqn needs done. You'll find %g2 at %pqp. %pqp is the place you need to go. Look for someone named %pqn. You will be the answer to %pqn's prayers. You can find %g2 at %pqp. Go to %pqp and look for %pqn. You would be perfect for %g3 kind of work. You didn't hear this from me, but go find someone named %pqn at %pqp. %pqn might have something for you to do at %pqp. As a matter of fact, %pqn asked me to direct unemployed mercenaries to %pqp. You might want to check with %pqn over at %pqp. A quest, you mean? I'd check in with %pqn -- %g's usually in %pqp. Here's what you do. Go to a place called %pqp and talk to someone named %pqn. There's no work available at all. I'm afraid everyone's searching for work these days. Not a good time to be unemployed I fear.