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Glenpoint has more vampire haunts than any other region. Map of Vampire Haunts and Laboratories

Name Type Dungeon Modules
The Gererulla Monastery Desecrated Temple 12
The Graves of Kingwing Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Kinghouse Grange Desecrated Temple 10
The Tower of Mordyctor Human Stronghold 8
The Coppering Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Graves of Ashston Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hawksley Graveyard Cemetery 5
Castle Stadehon Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of The Gaerham Farmstead Laboratory 8
The Buckinghart Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Haunt of Vladivaran Vampire Haunt 8
Castle Yeomsly Vampire Haunt 13
Ruins of Yeomsmith Tower Vampire Haunt 8
The Wickhart Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Morgayne's Shack Laboratory 8
Ruins of The Old Yeoming Place Mine 12
The Baalebrerivah Cloister Desecrated Temple 8
Ruins of Wicking Orchard Human Stronghold 10
The Woodsly Graveyard Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Vyctorya's Place Laboratory 12
Ruins of Old Belladolda's Hovel Desecrated Temple 8
Elolda Cultus Coven 10
The Ashton Cemetery Cemetery 5
Ruins of Ashsley Manor Natural Cave 14
Ruins of Yeomham's Hold Desecrated Temple 12
Ruins of The Hearthhart Cabin Vampire Haunt 8
The Yeomston Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Geratoth Hole Natural Cave 14
The Rodyrick Academy Laboratory 13
Castle Veranezzar Vampire Haunt 8
The Coven of Ysyn Coven 8
Castle Count Vladoban Vampire Haunt 12
The Citadel of Wicksley Crypt 11
The Tower of Mastersmith Ruined Castle 12
Ruins of The Moorhart Cabin Vampire Haunt 11
Ruins of The Ashsmith Cabin Natural Cave 12
Ruins of Old Morgyssa's Hovel Desecrated Temple 10
Ruins of Kingsly Manor Laboratory 8
The Ashsley Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaering Manor Desecrated Temple 8
The Kingford Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Masterston Tower Crypt 12
The Laboratory of Mordore Laboratory 12
The Prison of Tristynak Prison 10
The Prison of Alaboryan Prison 10
The Hold of Hearthsley Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Kinging Court Coven 14
Castle Hearthham Ruined Castle 10
The Edwyval Academy Laboratory 11
The Wickcroft Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Mastersley Hall Crypt 8
Ruins of Hearthwing Manor Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of Yeomford Hall Giant Stronghold 8
The Tomb of Balthezyth Crypt 13
THe Crypts of Copperhouse Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hearthfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaerwing Orchard Ruined Castle 8
The House of Balthelon Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of Castle Moorfield Laboratory 10
Ruins of Wickhart Hall Human Stronghold 8
Castle Hearthing Vampire Haunt 11
Ruins of The Greensly Farmstead Desecrated Temple 12
The Tower of Ashsmith Mine 13
The Carolona Cabal Coven 14
Ruins of Castle Mastersmith Natural Cave 10
The Tower of Ashhart Ruined Castle 8
The Cabal of Elyzona Coven 13
Ruins of Gaersmith's Hold Ruined Castle 8
The Hold of Wicksly Natural Cave 10
The Tower of Hearthsley Ruined Castle 8
Ruins of The Mastersley Cabin Laboratory 10
Andynak Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Gaerham Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Buckingsmith Manor Desecrated Temple 13
Castle Inverobor Vampire Haunt 10
The Gaercroft Graveyard Cemetery 5
Castle Greening Crypt 12
The Maelitherena Manse Desecrated Temple 12
Bedane Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Ysyn Tradition Coven 13
The Crypt of Balthoboth Crypt 11
The Tombs of Buckinging Cemetery 5
Ruins of Castle Gaercroft Crypt 11
The Moorsmith Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Old Yeomham Shack Human Stronghold 10
Ruins of Old Morganna's Hovel Vampire Haunt 8
The Greenford Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hearthhart Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Buckingston Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Vyctyn's Place Crypt 13
Ruins of The Wickford Farmstead Vampire Haunt 11
Alabistair Laboratory Laboratory 12
Baron Barivarezzar Hall Vampire Haunt 8
Evelyvyra Cultus Coven 8
Ruins of Ashhouse Hall Crypt 14
The Gaerfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Mastering Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Castle Kingwing Desecrated Temple 8
The Balebreusena Cavern Natural Cave 13
The Wicksmith Crypts Cemetery 5
Ruins of Kingham Orchard Crypt 8
Ruins of The Gaersly Farmstead Vampire Haunt 12
Kingham's Hold Vampire Haunt 11
Ruins of Moorfield Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Hold of Gaerfield Coven 12
The Graves of Woodcroft Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of The Kingham Farmstead Vampire Haunt 13
The Haunt of Vladehius Vampire Haunt 13
The Ashcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Tower Yeomcroft Giant Stronghold 8
The House of Necromeleon Vampire Haunt 8
Buckinging's Hold Coven 12
The Moorsley Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Morivus Hall Vampire Haunt 12
Castle Lord Nebuchulam Vampire Haunt 14
Tower Mastercroft Vampire Haunt 13
Ruins of The Buckingford Cabin Prison 12
Ruins of Gaersmith's Guard Crypt 8
Ruins of Greenhouse Manor Laboratory 13
Ruins of The Ashfield Farmstead Laboratory 8
Ruins of The Kingwing Farmstead Vampire Haunt 12
Castle Gaering Desecrated Temple 13
Hawkton's Hold Vampire Haunt 11
The Hearthston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Haunt of Nebuchovor Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of The Hold of Wickford Crypt 11
The Laboratory of Bedard Laboratory 8
Ruins of Buckingham Manor Coven 12
Edwywyr Laboratory Laboratory 13
Ruins of Greenhart Manor Mine 8
Ruins of Tower Buckingford Vampire Haunt 8
Ruins of Kingham Court Coven 8
The Kingfield Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Coppersmith Crypt 12
Ruins of Hawkhart Hall Vampire Haunt 8
The Grave of Lithivaraus Crypt 10
Ruins of Moorsley Tower Crypt 10
The Lair of Morarthoth Spider Nest 12
The Monastery of Homunogon Desecrated Temple 8
The Grave of Verobor Crypt 12
Ruins of Kinging Manor Vampire Haunt 14