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Glenpoint has more vampire haunts than any other region. Map of Vampire Haunts and Laboratories
Name | Type | Dungeon Modules |
The Gererulla Monastery | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
The Graves of Kingwing | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Kinghouse Grange | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
The Tower of Mordyctor | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Coppering Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
The Graves of Ashston | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Hawksley Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
Castle Stadehon | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Ruins of The Gaerham Farmstead | Laboratory | 8 |
The Buckinghart Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
The Haunt of Vladivaran | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Castle Yeomsly | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
Ruins of Yeomsmith Tower | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Wickhart Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Morgayne's Shack | Laboratory | 8 |
Ruins of The Old Yeoming Place | Mine | 12 |
The Baalebrerivah Cloister | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Ruins of Wicking Orchard | Human Stronghold | 10 |
The Woodsly Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Vyctorya's Place | Laboratory | 12 |
Ruins of Old Belladolda's Hovel | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
Elolda Cultus | Coven | 10 |
The Ashton Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Ashsley Manor | Natural Cave | 14 |
Ruins of Yeomham's Hold | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
Ruins of The Hearthhart Cabin | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Yeomston Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Geratoth Hole | Natural Cave | 14 |
The Rodyrick Academy | Laboratory | 13 |
Castle Veranezzar | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Coven of Ysyn | Coven | 8 |
Castle Count Vladoban | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
The Citadel of Wicksley | Crypt | 11 |
The Tower of Mastersmith | Ruined Castle | 12 |
Ruins of The Moorhart Cabin | Vampire Haunt | 11 |
Ruins of The Ashsmith Cabin | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of Old Morgyssa's Hovel | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
Ruins of Kingsly Manor | Laboratory | 8 |
The Ashsley Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Gaering Manor | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Kingford Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Masterston Tower | Crypt | 12 |
The Laboratory of Mordore | Laboratory | 12 |
The Prison of Tristynak | Prison | 10 |
The Prison of Alaboryan | Prison | 10 |
The Hold of Hearthsley | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Ruins of Kinging Court | Coven | 14 |
Castle Hearthham | Ruined Castle | 10 |
The Edwyval Academy | Laboratory | 11 |
The Wickcroft Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Mastersley Hall | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Hearthwing Manor | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Ruins of Yeomford Hall | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Tomb of Balthezyth | Crypt | 13 |
THe Crypts of Copperhouse | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Hearthfield Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Gaerwing Orchard | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The House of Balthelon | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Ruins of Castle Moorfield | Laboratory | 10 |
Ruins of Wickhart Hall | Human Stronghold | 8 |
Castle Hearthing | Vampire Haunt | 11 |
Ruins of The Greensly Farmstead | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
The Tower of Ashsmith | Mine | 13 |
The Carolona Cabal | Coven | 14 |
Ruins of Castle Mastersmith | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Tower of Ashhart | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Cabal of Elyzona | Coven | 13 |
Ruins of Gaersmith's Hold | Ruined Castle | 8 |
The Hold of Wicksly | Natural Cave | 10 |
The Tower of Hearthsley | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Ruins of The Mastersley Cabin | Laboratory | 10 |
Andynak Laboratory | Laboratory | 12 |
The Gaerham Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Buckingsmith Manor | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Castle Inverobor | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
The Gaercroft Graveyard | Cemetery | 5 |
Castle Greening | Crypt | 12 |
The Maelitherena Manse | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
Bedane Laboratory | Laboratory | 12 |
The Ysyn Tradition | Coven | 13 |
The Crypt of Balthoboth | Crypt | 11 |
The Tombs of Buckinging | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Castle Gaercroft | Crypt | 11 |
The Moorsmith Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Old Yeomham Shack | Human Stronghold | 10 |
Ruins of Old Morganna's Hovel | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Greenford Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Hearthhart Crypts | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Buckingston Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Old Vyctyn's Place | Crypt | 13 |
Ruins of The Wickford Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 11 |
Alabistair Laboratory | Laboratory | 12 |
Baron Barivarezzar Hall | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Evelyvyra Cultus | Coven | 8 |
Ruins of Ashhouse Hall | Crypt | 14 |
The Gaerfield Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Mastering Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Castle Kingwing | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Balebreusena Cavern | Natural Cave | 13 |
The Wicksmith Crypts | Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Kingham Orchard | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of The Gaersly Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Kingham's Hold | Vampire Haunt | 11 |
Ruins of Moorfield Hall | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Hold of Gaerfield | Coven | 12 |
The Graves of Woodcroft | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of The Kingham Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
The Haunt of Vladehius | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
The Ashcroft Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Ruins of Tower Yeomcroft | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The House of Necromeleon | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Buckinging's Hold | Coven | 12 |
The Moorsley Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Morivus Hall | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Castle Lord Nebuchulam | Vampire Haunt | 14 |
Tower Mastercroft | Vampire Haunt | 13 |
Ruins of The Buckingford Cabin | Prison | 12 |
Ruins of Gaersmith's Guard | Crypt | 8 |
Ruins of Greenhouse Manor | Laboratory | 13 |
Ruins of The Ashfield Farmstead | Laboratory | 8 |
Ruins of The Kingwing Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Castle Gaering | Desecrated Temple | 13 |
Hawkton's Hold | Vampire Haunt | 11 |
The Hearthston Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Haunt of Nebuchovor | Vampire Haunt | 12 |
Ruins of The Hold of Wickford | Crypt | 11 |
The Laboratory of Bedard | Laboratory | 8 |
Ruins of Buckingham Manor | Coven | 12 |
Edwywyr Laboratory | Laboratory | 13 |
Ruins of Greenhart Manor | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of Tower Buckingford | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Ruins of Kingham Court | Coven | 8 |
The Kingfield Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Stronghold of Coppersmith | Crypt | 12 |
Ruins of Hawkhart Hall | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
The Grave of Lithivaraus | Crypt | 10 |
Ruins of Moorsley Tower | Crypt | 10 |
The Lair of Morarthoth | Spider Nest | 12 |
The Monastery of Homunogon | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Grave of Verobor | Crypt | 12 |
Ruins of Kinging Manor | Vampire Haunt | 14 |