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ESO Mod:RIFF File Format

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Although RIFF files are a very popular data type used for saving WAV files, those used in the game files have modified, shortened headers which cannot be interpreted by media players. This page describes the relatively simple procedure required to make these otherwise-normal WAV files readable by any media player.

EsoAudioSoundSets.mnf Format[edit]

The sound files are in the WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE structure. All numerical values are little endian.

Original Format[edit]

The original header format for WAV files is as such:

   byte  RIFF[4]    = "RIFF"
   dword fileSize
   byte  WAVE[4]    = "WAVE"
   byte  fmt_[4]    = "fmt "
   dword fmtSize    = 0x28000000    //40 bytes
   word  fmtTag     = 0xFEFF        //WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE
   word  nChannels
   dword nSamplesPerSec
   dword nAvgBytesPerSec
   word  nBlockAlign
   word  nBitsPerSample
   word  cbSize     = 0x1600        //22 extra bytes of format info
   word  nValidBitsPerSample
   dword channelMask                //See below
   byte  subFormat[16] = 0x0100000000001000800000AA00389B71
   byte  DATA[4]    = "DATA"        //Might be "cue " in later versions
   dword dataSize

For more info on ChannelMask, refer to this site.

Game Format[edit]

The header format for the extracted audio is slightly different:

   byte  RIFF[4]    = "RIFF"
   dword fileSize
   byte  WAVE[4]    = "WAVE"
   byte  fmt_[4]    = "fmt "
   dword fmtSize    = 0x18000000    //24 bytes, not 40
   word  fmtTag     = 0xFEFF        //WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE
   word  nChannels
   dword nSamplesPerSec
   dword nAvgBytesPerSec
   word  nBlockAlign
   word  nBitsPerSample
   word  cbSize     = 0x0600        //6 extra bytes of format info, not 22
   word  null1      = 0x0000
   dword channelMask                //Same as above
   byte  JUNK[4]    = "JUNK"
   dword junkSize   = 0x04000000
   dword null2      = 0x00000000
   byte  DATA[4]    = "DATA"
   dword dataSize

Changing Format[edit]

In order to modify the header of the sound file, a hex editor has to be used. HxD is recommended, but you can use the one of your preference. Do NOT try using Notepad.

For this example we will examine 164171.riff, which can be extracted from depot\version\eso0028.dat.

Below, the first 64 bytes are listed in the unmodified header. The bytes that will be modified are indicated below:

   52 49 46 46 C4 09 AF 01 57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20    RIFFÄ.¯.WAVEfmt 
   18 00 00 00 FE FF 02 00 C0 5D 00 00 00 77 01 00    ....þÿ..À]...w..
   04 00 10 00 06 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 4A 55 4E 4B    ............JUNK
   04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 61 74 61 8C 09 AF 01    ........dataŒ.¯.

The modified version of this will be 68 bytes long:

   52 49 46 46 C8 09 AF 01 57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20    RIFFÄ.¯.WAVEfmt     Size increased by 4 bytes
   28 00 00 00 FE FF 02 00 C0 5D 00 00 00 77 01 00    (...þÿ..À]...w..    fmtSize increased from 0x18 to 0x28
   04 00 10 00 16 00 10 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00    ................    cbSize increased from 0x06 to 0x16, null1 replaced with nValidBitsPerSample;
   00 00 10 00 80 00 00 AA 00 38 9B 71 64 61 74 61    ....€..ª.8›qdata    JUNK block replaced with subFormat
   8C 09 AF 01                                        Œ.¯.

Finally, rename the file "164171.wav". Now you're good to go!

EsoAudioEn.mnf Format[edit]

The voice over sound files (vo_en) are similarly RIFF format but have a different header format and the previous method doesn't work. You can instead use the ww2ogg utility to convert the RIFF files to OGG with the following comand:

    ww2ogg 000011.riff --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin


  • This conversion process is very crude, but it works for at least some files. Some files do not seem to work with this process, but it's possible that the header can be tweaked to fix these.