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General:Uutak Mythos/Spells

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Uutak Mythos Logo, featuring the Fourth Era symbol of Yneslea. (Drawn by Imperial Ascendance)
"Magic was not meant for this world, or more specifically, meant for us lowly mortals. The first deities would have coveted it for eons if not for the misguided actions of the Sun God, who was punished most severely for his mistake..." - An Excerpt from the Practices of the Tongueless Faithful

Like any race or culture that exists within the Mundus, the Echmer and the Hyu-Ket of the Ice Cream Isles are able to use and create their own forms of magic. This page exists to chronicle all of the unique spells and schools of spells taught in Yneslea, as well as providing descriptions of their origins, effects, and some small snippets of background lore to the setting.

Major Contributors: IceFireWarden (Primary), OneTrueKaos (Secondary), SilenceofAutumn (Secondary), Nekyn (Secondary), Maple (Secondary), & those of the UM Discord.

Note: As of 03/12/2021, this page is largely considered to be completed until additional content is decided to be added at a later date.

Categories of Spells[edit]

As discussed and tutored at Mustikos'arcere by its didacts, witch-hunters, and chirurgeons, there are five main types of In'eslean spells: psalms, proverbs, parables, pleas, and profanities. These generally coincide with the traditional but often reworked Schools of Magic laid out by Tamrielic Institutions like the Mages Guild and Shad Astula Academy.

Unlike in Tamriel and other nations, where magic is generally free-form and powerful due to its lack of judicial control combined with its flavorful variety, Yneslea keeps a tight rein on who can learn magic and how magic is taught. Most spells are passed down from master to apprentice and from didact to seminar without much alteration to their techniques, although the Echmer (and to a lesser extent, the Hyu-Ket) openly encourage using these techniques in practical and pragmatic ways to keep your allies safe and your enemies guessing. Tradition is more important than strength in the Ice Cream Isles, meaning they sacrifice spell power and freedom in exchange for spell utility and refinement.

Creating a new spell in In'eslae requires official showcasing to the Mustikos'arceren Administrator followed by a second demonstration for the Council of Dull Chimes due to the huge societal reforms caused by the Divine Mandate. Most spells are cast with verbal or mental incantations as an expression of the relationship between it and its caster. You also have alchemical spells, which utilize exterior ingredients and components that react to minimal magicka particles in the environment or exuded by the caster themselves.


"Songs of Grace. All of these lyrics you have memorized are fragments of the caressing song of the world. Blessed be the one who blesses upon others."

A psalm is a sacred song or hymn, usually dedicated to either a deity or a powerful symbol of faith and virtue. These types of spells are a carryover from when the Echmer were devout worshippers of the gods, and coincide with restoration magic, thaumaturgy, and alchemy. Nearly every psalm is defensive and healing in nature, although on the fringes of the civilized islands you might find a few exceptions. Associated with the Mage Constellation.

Icon/Element Name Rarity Type Lore Description Effect
Fire Reassurance Very Common Self "The first spell taught to eager young students applying for their magicka licenses in the hallowed halls of Mustikos'arcere.

The warm embrace of a loved one is a bolstering feeling. The inability to recall and draw upon such a sensation foreshadows malcontent in a youngling's heart."

A rudimentary healing spell that slowly knits minor scrapes and cuts back together; when used a fiery apparition of gentle forearms embraces the caster's shoulders.
Water Grasp at Life Common Projectile "Healing magic predominantly used by Rectors.

In Yneslea, Rectors serve under the armare and the shen'shiyami, being battle-hardened consultants that provide medical and emotional support to troops. Outside of war, they lead local ancestral parishes.

It can become a saddening reoccurrence to find one's self unable to reach a person in pain, which is why we should always attempt to try."

Caster conjures a small orb of medicinal water, before throwing it at another person usually a good measure away. The water will then douse the person and gradually heal minor to moderate wounds they have sustained.
Light Dawn's Beacon Common Self "Sorcery of the witch-hunters and exorcists of Mustikos'arcere, who are ever stalwart in their duties.

This spell originated from a song about the beginning of the world, and how the choir of the sun's rays provided guiding light for the Ehlnofey."

Caster creates a floating bell composed of magical light that illuminates dark areas and rings when it senses approaching danger. Lasts for two minutes.
Flesh/Water Fist of the Gods Common Melee "One of the few offensive psalms taught in Yneslea, and utilized by rectors, healers, and chirurgeons sent out in warzones. Studying of its name and origins reveals it to be quite old, perhaps as old as the Raelei Dynasty, as it harkens back to outdated nemeric faith principles." Caster swirls magicka from within the veins of their hands, concentrating it as they transmute it into a watery visage that has the force of a small whirlpool. Punching opponents or targets while this spell endures drenches the target and throws them back with minimal damage (as it was made for quick defense and escape, not murder).

Stronger variants like Fist of the First God, Strike of the Damned, or Pummel Across the Ages are all based around this simple but effective psalm.

Blood Shaman's Veinshiv Uncommon Weapon "Sacred Kítapoen art, somehow preserved and passed down through several races...

Extend your own life by slicing off slivers of someone else's.

The Bug Men are remembered as wise, kind, and defiant, but the fact this spell exists exudes a potent foulness that laid beneath their culture."

Caster wounds themselves, usually on the palm, and then manipulates the spilt blood to harden it into a makeshift dagger.

Living creatures stabbed by the blade lose vitality, which is then transferred to the caster.

Stone/Puppetry Sarcophagus of Hope Uncommon Summoning "A spell originally created by whimsical performers as a means of sensualization before being tweaked by Rectors.

Manipulating the twine of the earth with one's mana, construct a large golem with an injured person at its core in order to move them with better protection.

Rudimentary golems like these are the first step to creating a more advanced auralmata."

The caster thrusts their hands into the earth in the vicinity of the recipient of the spell, and uses their magicka to create a magical construct of low thought with materials the surrounding environment provides. The golem is tied to the thoughts of its creator.

More combative versions of this spell exists, which give the encased wounded the capability of controlling the golem themselves.

Flesh/Puppetry Break A Leg Uncommon Target "The show must go on, but what if the body is unwilling to do so?

A spell derived from Hyu-Ket medicine, which the Echmer later refined into the art of acupuncture used by their chirurgeons.

Dolls are easily fixable, especially by those who study how they work. And since the mortal form is nothing more than a living doll, the same principles for repair apply."

This spell requires needles or the ability to create needle-like objects.

Caster uses the needles to form a ritualistic formula on a broken, mutilated, or otherwise warped appendage before pouring magicka into the symbol. The formula then activates, causing torn flesh and shattered bone to knit themselves back together through the aid of microscopic threads.

Puppetry Drigga's Constriction Rare Target "Spell created by the honorable Drigga, who later went into self-exile.

A skilled healer, she was eventually coerced into developing a magical but nonviolent means of containment for the Cakaphons.

She succeeded, and bore witness to terrible things she began to like. The only way to save her soul was to flee forevermore."

This spell requires needles or the ability to create needle-like objects.

A caster familiar with the pressure points of the human form forcibly implants needles into these areas of the body, before dispersing magicka through them that causes quick paralysis.

Water As You Were Rare Target "A spell not often taught to sorcerers, even veterans, due to how dangerous it can be if misused.

Memory magic is a powerful tool that cannot only change the perspective of the mind but also the perspective of reality itself.

Those few reliable mages who are taught how to do it carry a heavy burden, but also a heavy discontent."

This spell is usually performed on objects. Be cautious when using it on living specimens.

Caster enshrouds a broken or warped in a whirlwind of power, before briefly meditating and trying to attune themselves to the object's history. If successful, they can revert the object back to how it was before it was damaged.

Nether/Earth Tear from the Earth Rare Target/Area of Effect "A forbidden song once sung only by the Deepseekers, before it found it's way burrowing upwards to more moral surfaces. Believed to have been created by a Rector who found true positivity in the Nether, and used the last of her life making it prosper for others." This spell requires some knowledge of the Nether in order to use effectively; otherwise it can potentially backfire.

Caster calls back to the terrors of Har-Guan and temporarily placates it with their will, creating a small to medium size glyph etched into the ground. Nether energy from Har-Guan will then spill outwards and enter the nearest friendly creatures, restoring health at the cost of draining energy from all parties and the nearby environment.


"Teach them a lesson they'll never forget. Be taught a lesson you'll hate to remember. Spells for those that acknowledge pain as the greatest motivator."

A proverb is a short pithy saying in general use, which states a common truth or offers a piece of advice. Amongst In'eslaen mages, a proverb is a spell that deals with the construction, reinforcement, and summoning of material things within the physical world OR from the spiritual/immaterial worlds. Because of this, proverbial spells cover the western schools of destruction, conjuration, and mysticism in modern thought, and are often used for violence and intimidation. Associated with the Warrior Constellation.

Icon/Element Name Rarity Type Lore Description Effect
Various Flight of Oritangu Very Common Projectile "Usually the first combat spell taught by sages in Mustikos'arcere.

Highly versatile due to its elemental malleability.

Oritangu was both a master craftsman and mage, which led him to 'smithing' spells such as these."

Caster creates an entourage of bat wing-like daggers, that can be swiftly thrown into enemies and other objects before dispersing a few seconds after impact.

Highly skilled mages can ricochet them off of surfaces or have them return.

Fire Jaigin's Javelin Common Projectile "Your typical offensive spell; easy to observe and quick to learn, but astonishingly adaptable.

Jaigin was the Vri'miy (Hunter-General) of the old Magus Legions that eventually became the Order of Exorcists. He devised spells like these to scorch literal and moral beasts down to ash."

Caster manifests a small throwing spear made of flame that can be thrusted or thrown into enemies. Comparable to traditional fireball spells.
Fire/Lightning Jaigin's True Javelin Uncommon Projectile "The original Javelin spell, and an example of hybrid casting.

Hybrid magic combines two or more elements into one, increasing power at the cost of strain and focus.

Before he was a sorcerer, Jaigin wielded a mighty spear enchanted with the strength of a storm and served many petty lords. One defeat made certain he would never wield it ever again."

Caster manifests a large throwing spear made of flame and wreathed in barely restrained lightning that can be thrusted or thrown into enemies. Comparable to traditional fireball spells.
Earth/Rock OR Earth/Rock + Fire/Lightning Funito's Stake Common Projectile/Area of Effect "Vampires, witches, lycanthropes, or despicable bastards...all evil is fueled by the heart, and it didn't take long for the most vindictive amongst the votaries to use this knowledge to their advantage. In fact, heart-hunting was a common competition in Yneslea's elder days before it was deemed too barbaric." Caster manipulates the ground around them, causing a pointed stake consisting of rock, vines, and mineral ores to erupt from the ground below an opponent and impale them, before the stake dissipates.

A hardened mage with the knowledge and/or practice can use the higher variant of this spell - Funito's Pyre - instead. As it is an example of hybrid casting, it causes the stake to become inflamed or electrified upon its creation and deals additional damage to one's enemies.

Sound/Fire Harness Will Common Area of Effect "A staple spell art of the Echmeri armare, which was subsequently passed down to other Yneslean organizations and taught to Western legionnaires.

Reinforce morale amongst your companions by sounding the horn of camaraderie."

Caster creates a war horn out of spectral flame that once blown emits a soothing noise that bolsters the confidence and eliminates the fears of those that hear it in the near vicinity for several minutes.
Lightning/Puppetry Venerant's Medium Uncommon Summoning "A spell with the underlying of faith, which are not unheard of in the Land of the Bat Elves.

A venerant is an Echmeri saint who has ascended into a state between life and death, and who can ocassionally be called upon by the devout to display powerful support in one's time of need.

This ancestral spell in particular pays homage to Venerant Aglaci, who was a Cloud-Maiden of the goddess Kiaina."

This spell requires a rosary or its equivalent to be used as a catalyst.

Bringing their hands together in ponderous prayer, the caster prostrates to the memory of the spirit attuned to the catalyst and for a brief moment causes it to materialize in the physical realm as a humanoid lightning storm with great combative ability. Has a short duration before the ancestral spirit self-banishes itself back to whence it came.

Frost Verglasian Field Uncommon Area of Effect "After the third attempt at conquering In'eslae left the Gerency fuming, the hero Lu-Su gathered his crew and sailed to Snow Hell for vengeance.

They were gone for ten weeks before they finally returned home, traumatized by their ordeal. Lu-Su's right-hand mage spoke of knolls of rolling blizzards and lakes of molten ice, which would come to inspire this tale."

Caster throws their hands to the ground, releasing a wave of liquid ice from their palms that causes near instant freezing on those unfortunate enough to be caught in its tide.
Stone (Evocation) Gatebreaker Uncommon Target "Sorcery of the Echmeri armare not typically found in the hands of common folk.

Summons a mystical battering ram.

The bat elves are masters of siege warfare, something that surprised Uriel V during his eastern campaigns."

Caster summons a massive column of spectral stone from an outer realm.

Normally used to weaken fortifications, although it can prove to be surprisingly useful in legitimate combat.

Fire Sinuses of Takubar Common Self/Projectile "A spell often mistaken for a roar spell, although it's far older.

Blow torrents of flame through one's nose.

Many believe that this type of magic originated from a wizard overburdened by the flu."

Caster either mimics a sneeze or actually sneezes while channeling magic through their nasal passageways, releasing streams of fire.

The color of the fire fluctuates on the intensity of the heat and caster control.

Soul/Metal Anhano's Blessing Common Weapon "Spell made to pay homage to Anhano, who is sometimes referred to as the Shield King.

Call upon his venerable honor and the honor of his martial followers to summon a ghostly shield.

Before sacrifice comes protection."

Caster calls upon the spirits of their ancestors and conjures up a spectral shield vaguely similar to the Sunweave of legend. It has the material hardness of steel.

Can be used for both defense and offense.

Flesh/Light Pummel Across the Ages Uncommon Melee/Area of Effect "Variant of Fist of the Gods cultivated by monks for centuries before being introduced to the West (and becoming quite popular there). Some of the greatest martial artists are able to unleash a flurry of blows so fast it feels like you're being punched across space and time. This magic intensifies that painful perception twofold." This spell is particularly effective when used unarmed or by a person of great martial ability.

Caster imagines a flurry of blows, and manifests that daydream into reality with a dozen semi-solid fists of multi-colored light emerging from their bodice to strike down an opponent.

With each punch the opponent slowly loses sense of where and when they are, resulting in short-term memory loss and the titular name of this intriguing spell.

Lightning Storm of Shields Uncommon Area of Effect "A shield wall or phalanx formation is a chief tactic of the bat elf military.

Licensed mages, feeling envious, transformed the physical into the magical.

Pragmatism at its finest, eh?"

Caster materializes a tortoise shell of bucklers and greatshields around them, before they explode outward in an electrical wave that blows things close to the caster away and does minor damage.
Flesh/Earth Vineyard of Nojin Uncommon Self/Transmutation "Spell of Feyla Nojin, caesi (an outdated Ek'hi term for heir apparent, or roughly prince) of fallen Zaida. Forced to swear an unbreakable oath to never use her hands for violence at a young age, she studied the nature of fur and hair with attendants of the goddesses of beauty and came to a spiritual revelation that cemented her as a powerful figure for many years." Caster channels mana from the rest of their body into the top of their head, giving then complete control over their hair follicles and slightly transmogrifying them into thorny vines. During the duration of this spell the caster can grow their hair to twice its length, use it to grab objects, or use it like a whip to attack foes.
Puppetry/Water Don't Breathe Rare Projection/Alteration "There's an old saying in Yneslea...the truth exhilarates, but dishonesty suffocates. A westerner might laugh and taunt at such a saying, but Ynesleans - despite their general snark - are quite serious in these matters. A spell often used by votaries, Shen'shiyami, and Eskar'edai on those that withhold valuable information." Also known as the Liar's Cough. Caster manipulates the threads of a person's mind with aquatic tendrils the mortal eye can barely see, resulting in them forgetting how to breathe during the duration of the spell. The victim, if significantly determined, can break free of this spell; otherwise, the spell's effects generally don't last long (but can be used in rapid succession).
Sound/Emotion Amygdalaen Belch Rare Self/Projectile "First of the Dragon Roar spells, made in mimicry of the strange tonal magic utilized by those divine creatures.

Burp up a roar that terrorizes enemies.

The Echmer loathe and fear drakes and their kin, but within this fear lies the road to greater power."

Caster channels their magic into a mighty, vaguely draconian bellow that causes those who hear it to become stricken with fear.

Developed with the aid of the telepathic echolocation all bat elves are capable of using.

Sound/Shadow Roar of Fracas Rare Self/Projectile "Second of the Dragon Roar line of spells commonly used by licensed elites in the archipelago.

The children of the Dragon God are masters at manipulation, due to their incredible speechcraft.

Sow the discord of time with this battle yell."

Caster channels their magic into a mighty, vaguely draconian bellow that manifests a dark fog that quickly spreads. Those who breathe it in are overcome with bloodlust, and become frenzied.

Developed with the aid of the telepathic echolocation all bat elves are capable of using.

Various Mind to Soul Rare Temporary Enchantment "Magicka can be channeled into any element, and since mana lies within, every person is every element.

Through proper meditation, breathing control, and magical focus, one can transform their raw emotions into an aura of elemental might."

This spell requires an abnormal amount of self-control, otherwise self-harm can occur.

Caster focuses their mana and emotions into a singular energy, before calling upon the particular element that is kin to that energy, and wreathing their physical weapon in it.

This spell only lasts for a few minutes, but due to the strengths and weaknesses of every element, is extremely useful.

Metal/Earth Reshape from Will Rare Transmutation "A popular spell amongst votaries, but also one not freely given out due to its raw potential upon further refinement. Ynesleans in general view their weapons as an extension of themselves, as living things with their own histories and dormant souls, who should not be tampered with or completely destroyed. The fact this spell is utilized by votaries indicates the shedding of cultural identity in order to be proficient at their societal obligations." Caster manipulates the metal of a weapon in their physical possession (holding it is required) and restructures it at the molecular level, transforming it into an entirely different weapon. Understandably, a weapon cannot be restructured into a weapon of greater composition (ex. a rapier cannot become a bastard sword), although one of lesser composition can occur within the realm of reason (ex. a shortsword becoming several kunai).

Although many legends and fables depict powerful mages being capable of manipulating supernatural substances like ebony, solarite, and adamantine with this spell, the average caster lacks that sort of capability and will mostly manipulate weapons of malachite grade and below


"Backwater alley sorceries for those kin to rough paths. Common street tricks can be cowardly, but in the right grasp even a god can be felled by sleight of hand."

A parable is a simple, colorful tale often told to someone in order to illustrate a spiritual or moral lesson they need to learn. In In'eslae, parables are classified as magic used to otherwise influence or manipulate a single individual or a large group of people (which includes illusion magic, alteration magic, gambling/luck magic, and some aspects of mind control). Known to be hard to learn in the Isles due to societal reasons, which is what makes them enticing. Associated with the Thief Constellation.

Icon/Element Name Rarity Type Lore Description Effect
Various/Script Words Upon the Wind Very Common Etching/Area of Effect "Simple magic with a variety of uses and humble origins.

Being born deaf or blind in Yneslea is treated respectfully and with concern, so magicians and scientists alike came up with solutions.

This spell is the magical equivalent of the Yneslean Sign Language and Darhril Alphabet Systems."

Caster uses elements to sketch glyphs, letterings, and symbols in thin air. These sketches can emit subtle vibrations or be imbued with sounds as well.
Silence/Shadow Fist of the First God Common Melee/Projectile "Spell made in honor of P'hanoikhei, the All-Goddess who both Lives and Dies, and birthed the world. Like her, this arcane punch both exists and doesn't, manifesting quietly within the darkness before briefly consolidating within the object of its desire. The All-Goddess, who dreams of other worlds, would approve of such a simple form of monoplane relocation." Caster forms a fist, and through great meditation, thrusts it forward in a mock punch. This mock punch generates an invisible air wave in the form of a fist that can pass through most tangible objects and entities, and even through shadows. After reaching its desired location, it will then solidify for a brief second with the acceleration of impact.

Most would think this would be a tool of combat, but in actuality most learners of this spell use it for breaking through doors, destroying trap mechanisms, and other utility reasons.

Shadow Wings of the Night Common Projectile "Another one of Oritangu's inventions, employed by unscrupulous agents of the Throne.

Ynesleans would never use such despicable tactics like espionage or assassination. Or that's what they would have you to believe.

Whisper your targets to the dark with an absentminded flick of the wrist."

Caster creates a small bat wing-like dagger that does no damage to living beings, but can be flung at physical surfaces to emit an enticing sound that lures those that hear it to the source of origin.
Light Aura of Immersion Common Self "Spell fashioned by witch-hunters for Yneslean miners.

All sorts of monstrosities lurk in the deeper reaches of the Dweech. Common peasants can't help to best them, but hide from them? That's far more doable."

Caster's bodice and armaments take on a metallic sheen and reflect light, making them nearly invisible for a minute or so.

The Yneslean version of the western Chameleon spell.

Air/Spirit Tei's Saving Throw Uncommon Area of Effect "Sorcery of Tei, the Puckish Hero.

In his youth, the mischievous bandit frequented the criminal underground in search for new tricks.

He surely would have perished if not for his rampant abuse of probability."

Caster quickly manifests a small ethereal purple die before rolling it on the ground. If it lands on the 1-3 sides, it deconstructs into a foul fog. If it lands on the 4-6 sides, it creates a weak ward in front of the caster.
Air/Spirit Tei's Critical Throw Uncommon Area of Effect "Sorcery of Tei, the Puckish Hero.

A true gambler knows that life is nothing more than a game being played by divine beings, and simply doesn't care.

All it takes is a smidgeon of luck to tip existence in your favor with a critical roll."

Caster quickly manifests a small ethereal orange die before rolling it on the ground. If it lands on the 1-3 sides, it explodes into a blinding flash of light. If it lands on the 4-6 sides, it explodes with the force of a grenade and knocks things back.
Air Mist of Concealment Uncommon Target/Area of Effect "A spell of the Echmeri armare, employed by the magicians that serve underneath admirals.

...of course the common riffraff would appropriate it.

Great for transporting garbage barges and battleships in secrecy."

Caster creates a dense mist around themselves or something else that disorients the naked and magical eyes of those outside of it, making them unable to see or sense anything within it. Lasts for a minute, and follows its point of target.
Water Euphoria Uncommon Target/Self "A spell made by ancient warlocks for... recreational purposes.

Certain establishments in the East and the West have ways of bringing out happiness that professional spellcasters would deem unnatural.

Oddly handy in combat, but that kind of sparring was probably not what the spell's creators had in mind."

Caster creates a small bubble of multi-colored water that flows in midair before speeding off to hover beneath a person's nose. It will then begin to evaporate, radiating a smell that heightens the pleasure centers in the brain (causing minor hysteria, alleviating depression in order to replace it with laughter, and raising libido).
Flesh/Mind Bear Your Burdens Uncommon Curse "While the Ynesleans are compassionate and understanding, they are also, particularly the Echmer, cautious and seemingly unforgiving to the world and its greater plights. Especially the ones it has brought upon itself.

This is one of the few illegal spells in recent memory that wormed it's way to being legitimized by the magistrate of Mustikos'arcere. It was commonly used during the Oblivion Crisis and its aftermath, where the Yneslean Representative of the Elder Council - still outraged by the Stormdrake Crusades caused by Tharn - reportedly warned the Emperor of signs of treason but upon being asked for aid after his assassination stated: 'We share information, not burdens. Tamriel awoke this beast all on its own."

Caster transfers the overwhelming fatigue and weight caused by their accumulated equipment alongside that of a nearby companions' to a desired creature, causing them to feel the physical exhaustion and exertion of three people. Depending on the total amount of equipment being carried, this can result in instant fainting, the target being pinned to the ground, or even temporary ailments like retching and broken bones.

A skilled caster can add additional companions' equipment to the mix, resulting in an even deadlier spell.

Puppetry Pass Judgement Rare Curse "A hex that shares origins with a few other witch-hunter spells, back when they were the Magus Legions.

In those days, Yneslean sorcerers were both judge and executioner. Criminals that somehow escaped their wrath often wished that they hadn't."

Caster manipulates the 'threads' of a victim's life, embedding a sentiment of negativity and misfortune deep within their soul.

For a period of three days, the victim is cursed to suffer the injustices they inflict upon others twofold in some vague manner.

Puppetry Machina Rare Target/Curse "Mind control is fascinating for a variety of reasons (most of these reasons being selfish and disgusting).

But considering the nature of mortals and the creation of the world, are we not all mentally influenced by the wills of greater powers?"

Caster creates a spectral mask that manifests upon the victim's face and digs miniscule tendrils into their mind. The victim is now sworn to the caster's will for the duration of the spell.
Shadow/Mist Imaginary Friend Rare Conjuration/Curse "A few centuries ago, there was a young child who refused to play with the other village kids. They claimed that they already had a friend, the bestest friend, that any youngster could have and their parents took no heed. A few days later the child disappeared, and their room reeked of the extraplanar. This spell was made to remind foolish people that such superficial statements should often be taken very seriously." Caster creates a foggy duplicate of their own shadow, and sends it out into the world to tail another person. This Implacable Darkness can then record all that they see, hear, and smell back to the caster, as well as communicate in limited speech with the person assigned to them. If discovered or banished, the Implacable Darkness will dematerialize and all recorded knowledge will be lost.


"Mortals entered existence as lesser imitations of godly life, and are inherently fascinated with the nature of said life. Learning the black arts requires the understanding of two basic principles. That life is ugly but living is a gift, and that death is beautiful but dying is a tragedy, which is why all spirits share a familial instinct in their mutual cravings for both."

A plea is a request made in an urgent and emotional manner, or an admission of guilt or innocence by a person when judged in court. The bat elves, like the other races, have an intense dislike for necromancy. But where they differ in their perspective on it comes from the disgruntled realization that understanding the cycle of life and death in tandem can result in advancement in medicine as well as furthering research into spiritual phenomena, making pleas viable but highly ostracizing spells. Pleas generally deal with obscure soul magic used in conjunction with bone magic and opening temporary rifts to outer realms containing the restless dead. Associated with Nirn, which is considered a constellation unto itself by some.

Icon/Element Name Rarity Type Lore Description Effect
Soul Gracious Gift of Peace Very Common Target "One of the few virtuous pleas.

Rectors and some witch-hunter groups carry immense guilt over the people they kill and the people they can't save. The least they can do is give these poor souls comfort in their final moments."

Affectionately placing a hand onto the suffering and/or dying allows the caster to harmonize their souls, before gently weakening the target's body-soul connection so that they may pass over painlessly.

Only works on those whose ties to life are nearly severed.

Soul (Evocation) Kaos' Skullstorm Uncommon Projectile "Sorcery of Kaos, the Good Lich.

Despite having been born in the West, the undead adventurer quickly took to the In'eslean ways of spellcasting and spell creation.

Kaos traversed many of the Death Planes in search of enlightenment, and chronicled his discoveries in the form of magic."

Caster calls upon a congregation of spectral skulls from the Soul Cairn to hover around their head like a crown, before sending them flying towards a target with a mere finger point.
Bone/Soul Strike of the Damned Common Melee "A deceased loved one will often choose to remain in the mortal coil as long as possible to protect their kin, even if its detrimental to their very undead existence. If given the opportunity, some will even temporarily possess those of their blood to exact vengeance against even the most minor of grievances." This spell requires a rosary or its equivalent in order to be used properly.

Caster evokes the actual soul or memories of the deceased within an on-hand object, allowing it to temporarily possess their appendages (like a hand or foot) in order to strike a supernatural blow against an opponent. The appendage possessed looks like it is wreathed in ghostly bone.

This spell also temporarily gives the caster's appendages the same properties of silver, solarite, and other magical minerals, allowing them to deal harm to Spectral creatures.

Light Back to the Pit Common Weapon/Exorcise "A spell inspired by a true tale. According to the Pasa'vagans, the first exorcism in Echmeri history occurred when a mighty daedric being known as the Jaebarwahk possessed the body of a young boy and went on an arson-fueled rampage. Hirao Raelei, an apostle of Invighna at the time, cast the being out with the eponymous title of this spell and a blinding flash of divine intervention." Caster manipulates stray aedron particles in the air alongside raw mana in order to create a sword of blinding sunlight. Although it does no physical damage, if plunged into the body of one currently possessed by a daedric being it will deliver a metaphysical shock to the vestige contained within the mortal form and expunge it (more powerful daedric beings can resist this, however).

An emergency spell known by most exorcists. More sure proof forms of exorcisms are generally used in its stead, and a skilled caster can instead rely on daedrons in order to drive out aedric spirits.

Soul Be Still Uncommon Area of Effect "A magic technique invented by the Bonerats, a subsect of witch-hunters who specialize in hunting down illegal necromancers.

There are several rumors surrounding the Bonerats, especially concerning their usage of icons sacred to Narhi'ma, but their loyalty to the Rhetoric Throne is unshakeable."

Caster utilizes trace amounts of soul residue in the air and knits them together into an invisible shell that disrupts the regeneration of magicka when within its proximity.
Flesh (Evocation) Azure Calling Uncommon Summoning/Target "Gralmoghal learned the art of soul-craft during his long years of servitude guarding the Gates of the Underworld.

Although true resurrection is beyond mortal ability, he needn't teach his disciples that important facet.

For gods, humor is in the fine details."

Calls forth a vestigial spirit from the realm of Grahmoghal to inhabit and reanimate a corpse.
Bone (Evocation) Kaos' Spineblade Rare Weapon "Osentivka, the Realm of Bone and Marrow, is ruled by the demigod son of Magomak, God of Worms.

Kaos' has a noticeable disdain for the Worm God, even though he tries to hide it in academic bluster.

Perhaps this spell was created partially to spite him."

Caster quickly pulls a large, machete-like spine out of a small portal to Osentivka, before slashing it towards encroaching foes.
Bone/Puppetry Marionette of the Macabre Rare Summoning/Bind "While gross and disturbing, this is one of the few spells a necromancer can use that isn't wholly evil.

Or at least it is from the elven perspective. To them, burials are disrespectful and condemns a soul to a worldly purgatory.

What is a greater evil than that?"

This spell only works on skeletons of humanoid or beastial origin.

Caster binds the threads of their mind to the bones of a long deceased, imprinting a desire of stalwart protection in it so that it may guard their life. Lasts for a few minutes depending on skill level.

Flesh/Puppetry Recall Life Rare Bind "A spell with an unclear creator, although it might have come from Akavir.

Just because something lacks a pulse doesn't mean it lacks a purpose.

Manipulate the cords that bind and restore the grotesque to a small pittance of life."

This spell only works on mutilated body parts.

Caster invokes the vestigial remains of soul energy within a severed limb, causing it to reanimate and be bound to the caster's will. A dangerous spell, as harm to the reanimated part will be transferred to the caster.

Bone/Soul Dark Touch Rare Curse "A powerful hex illegalized in subsequent hearings in the court of law and magical study.

Imprint the mark of death on an unfortunate soul and draw death to them. Probably created through the veneration of a callous god."

Caster summons an ethereal skeleton hand that tries to grab the target's exposed skin; if it succeeds, the victim is wracked with a 'soul sickness' that causes uncomfortable burning and draws the restless dead to them for several days.
Nether (Evocation) Crawlers of the Deep Rare Summoning "Magic that manipulates the power of the Underworld is not true magic; it is anathema.

Daemons are the twisted reflections of all life, mortal or divine, and treating with them contaminates the essence of one's being.

How this spell even survived the usual purgings is unusual. What kind of necromancer would sink to such lows?"

Caster creates a one way portal into Har-Gaun that materializes in the form of a reddish, steaming cesspool.

One to two Wickermen, a type of daemon from the Nether Realms, will emerge from the pool and fight on behalf of the caster.

A dangerous spell, as the nether energy will start to damage the sorcerer and the Wickermen aren't easily controlled.

Soul Necrosis Rare Temporary Enchantment "Studies show that this spell is so old that it must have been a byproduct of the First Wars.

Wreathe one's primary weapon in necrotic energy summoned from a realm of corpses.

Necromancy was once a respected art, especially for early mortals, who knew nothing of death and feared it."

Caster imbues their weapon with the same energy emanated by undead creatures, giving it powerful properties and making it extremely harmful to living things.

Like all temporary enchantments, this spell will not last for long.


"The balance between absolution and damnation can be a hard one to find, and on the darkest days, temptation can be difficult. Forbidden magic should be handled with care, as they beckon to the imperfections of primal mortality."

To be profane means to be secular, unorthodox, and disrespectful of traditional and religious practices; a profanity is blasphemous or obscene language. In regards to the other categories of In'eslaen spells, profanities are deemed prohibited and incredibly dangerous for several reasons. The foremost reason is that profanities are usually not powered by mana, but by other forms of (potentially harmful) energy like anti-magic, silence, stamina, and sometimes even the caster's own vitality. The second is that the creation of a profanity usually requires a hefty sacrifice or deep madness. Associated with the Serpent Constellation.

Icon/Element Name Rarity Type Lore Description Effect
Silence Passlife One-of-a-Kind Target "Memory of an old spell created in the West a long time ago.

Mnemonic residue can be a potent force, and memories of mana reach back into a spell's long existence.

Who would have thought that magic used for eliminating walls was once utilized for far more sinister purposes."

Breaks down and dematerializes living and nonliving matter, inflicting horrific injuries on flesh and turning armor and weapons into useless rust.
Nether Iron Maiden One-of-a-Kind Target "A profanity spoken by a foolish hedge-wizard who traveled deep into Har-Guan and taught his newfound knowledge to his followers.

Torture is a foul practice, but one that keeps kingdoms prosperous and keeps rebels cowardly.

And yet many inflict such pain for sport."

Coagulated metal and brownish mist springs up from the ground, forming into a construct that envelops an individual before stabbing them with rotting blades.
Shadow Rip Out One-of-a-Kind Dispel/Area of Effect "The Shadow Realms are infinite in scope and possibility. Which is why this spell is so disturbing, and its creator rightfully executed.

It's one thing to be struck down. It's another to be struck out of the world itself."

Envelop an object or entity within a vortex of shadowy chains that devours them whole and displaces them into one of the myriad shadow realities, never to return.
Sound/Light Scream of Rakhat One-of-a-Kind Self/Projectile "A profanity created by an ancient abbess who almost truly became dragon.

This is the last of the roar spells, made to mimic the reality-bending tongue of Akkrahz. The abbess went to Tsaesci to help in her attempt.

But months of bathing in the blood of time's children led not to her dragonhood, but to vampiric madness."

The final stage of the "drake roar" line of spells, made to mimic the deific shouts of dragons. Reaching deep into the bowels of one's soul and mana, a searing beam of pure magic is bellowed out of the throat.

It is accompanied by a sound said to be the raging roar of the Time Dragon, which disorients foes.

Puppetry Encore One-of-a-Kind Bind "The apex of puppetry magic is also its pinnacle of depravity.

'Voodoo' magic, as it is sometimes called, is often attributed to the Goddess of Dreams and Nightmares, Aelivaem.

The grand stage of life is naught but an illusion. But even an illusion can hallucinate something very real."

Through the use of clay, bone dust, blood, and the flesh of the target individual, a highly detailed figurine can be created that can be used to physically manipulate the victim perfectly.

Everything that is inflicted upon the figurine is inflicted on the person the doll was made in the image of.