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Heroes of Skyrim

Legends:Aela the Huntress (Nord)

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Aela the Huntress
Creature (Nord)
LG-card-Aela the Huntress.png
Deck code ID af
Card Set LG-icon-Heroes of Skyrim.png Heroes of Skyrim
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png7
Attribute Strength Strength
Power Power 3 Health Health 3
Rarity Legendary Legendary
Summon: Deal 1 damage.
Beast Form: +2/+2 and destroy a Wounded creature.

Aela the Huntress is a unique legendary Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Heroes of Skyrim expansion. If an enemy rune is destroyed while she's in play, she will change into her Werewolf version.


In addition to the card's availability in the Heroes of Skyrim expansion, one copy is included in the Aela's Companions theme deck.


When summoned:

"Blood running hot!"

When attacking:

"I'm ready for the hunt!"

When effect triggers:

"The moons call to me!"


  • This card's werewolf transformation applies the Blood Running Hot card effect.
  • Concept art for this card was shown in displays at PAX East 2016.
  • Aela first appeared in Skyrim.
