Legends:Solo Arena/The Alchemist

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The Alchemist
The Victorious
LG-arena-Imperial 3.png
Class WillpowerEndurance Spellsword
Elo 700
Theme Elixir Supports
Prophecies Prophecy 2x Healing Potion
Attributes Willpower 22Endurance 6Neutral 2
Rarity Common 14Rare 13Epic 3

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
1 Willpower Septim Guardsman Creature (Imperial) 0 1 2 2Rare Rare Guard
2 Endurance Suppress Action 0 2Rare Rare Silence a creature.
2 Willpower Cheydinhal Conscript Creature (Imperial) 1 1 3 1Common Common
2 Willpower Cheydinhal Sapper Creature (Imperial) 1 1 3 1Common Common Drain
2 Willpower Execute Action 1 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 2 power or less.
2 Willpower Apprentice's Potion Action 2 1Common Common Gain 5 health.
2 Willpower Bruma Profiteer Creature (Imperial) 2 3 2 2Rare Rare When you summon another creature, you gain 1 health.
2 Willpower Cathay-raht Veteran Creature (Khajiit) 2 1 5 1Common Common
2 Endurance Elixir of Vigor Support 2 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature +0/+1.
2 Willpower Elixir of the Defender Support 2 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a friendly creature Guard.
2 Endurance Enchanted Plate Item 2 1Common Common +0/+3
Summon: Draw a card.
2 Willpower Healing Potion Prophecy Action 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Gain 5 health.
2 Neutral Elixir of Conflict Support 3 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature +1/+1.
3 Willpower Tower Alchemist Creature (Imperial) 3 2 4 3Epic Epic Your Activated supports have unlimited uses.
2 Willpower Hive Worker Creature (Kwama) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare