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A shard of adamantium ore

Adamantium (also called Adamantine) is a rare and ageless[1] metal used for making valuable armor and weapons. It is typically seen in a lustrous silvery color dubbed "Adamantine Silver",[2] though adamantium equipment can also have a stone blue hue[3] or a dark grey coloration.[4] The ore is very heavy and can be used in alchemy.[5] Adamantium armor can appear as either a high-quality heavy weight armor or medium weight armor. It is above the quality of Mithril[4] or Orichalcum,[5] but is inferior to Stalhrim[5] and Ebony.[4] The armor has a high potential for enchantment.[5] Adamantium weapons can harm magical creatures that resist normal weapons.[4]

The oldest structure on Nirn, the Adamantine Tower, was created by the Aedra using the material around ME 2500,[6] and it was intended to be a place for discussing the creation of Mundus.[7] Known for using the techniques of both men and mer in crafting her exceptional wares, the Breton Asterie Bedel created the legendary claymore Chrysamere in the Merethic Era, which is one of the oldest mortal-made objects forged using Adamantium.[8][9] The Staff of Towers which was constructed during the Alessian Slave Rebellion, features an adamantine shard for the Adamantine Tower for one of its eight segments.[10] The Adamantium Helm of Tohan is an ancient artifact of obscure origins with immensely high potential for enchantment.[11]

Residing in Mournhold is the Dunmer Indalen family, who have been adamantium crafters for many generations. There are small deposits of Adamantium that can be found in the ruins of Old Mournhold.[12] The statue of Ephen in his tomb underneath Mournhold depicts him wielding a hammer and poised on an adamantium anvil.[13]



  • Differing in only one letter, Adamantine is not to be confused with Adamantite, a widely available green material used to forge arms and armaments in Altmeri style during the mid-Second Era.[14][15]
  • Adamantine is also not to be confused with Dwarven Adamant, which is a white-hued alloy of ores of unknown origin, believed to be the most durable material ever made. It is among the rarest materials on Nirn.[16][17][18]

See Also[edit]
