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Lore:Kingdoms of High Rock

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High Rock

The Kingdoms of High Rock initially started through villages founded in tactical locations, such as Wayrest, prospering and becoming fully fledged powers.[1] Breton kingdoms grew around the eight major cities of Daggerfall, Camlorn, Wayrest, Shornhelm, Northpoint, Evermore, Farrun and Jehanna.[2] These kingdoms gave rise to many dynastic families and houses, such as the Deleyn Dynasty, Gardner Dynasty and Spenard Dynasty. Another major kingdom predominately inhabited by Orcs that originated in the region of Wrothgar, is called Orsinium.

The Isle of Balfiera is a neutral ground where the Kingdoms of High Rock meet to negotiate and sign treaties.[3] Royal dynasties, and other distinct nobles and heroes from all over High Rock are buried in Cath Bedraud in northern Glenumbra.[4][5]


First Era[edit]

King Berthulic ruled one of the first free Breton kingdoms in the early First Era after the Direnni Hegemony's decline[6] in 1E 500.[3] He built a stronghold in central Rivenspire called the Lorkrata Hills. It now lies in ruins and is said to be haunted by prisoners from the Purge of the Wyrd-Hags, an event during Sun's Death[6] in 1E 668.[7]

From 1E 1029 to the mid-late First Era, High Rock was a part of the Alessian Empire, who at the time of their admission was ruled by Empress Hestra.[8] In that timeframe, Wayrest was named a kingdom in 1E 1100 with Farangel Gardner as its first king.[1] However, throughout the years under their control, the Bretons faced discrimination for their elvish heritage, and heavy taxation and regulation from the Alessians. Combined with their inability to control the distant province, the kingdoms of High Rock left the Empire by the twenty-fourth century.[9]

Second Era[edit]

The Kingdom of Camlorn was founded in 2E 301 and ever since then, its people celebrate with a great festival every year.[10]

Third Era[edit]

Map of High Rock ca. 3E 433

When Emperor Uriel IV's son, Andorak was disinherited from the Ruby Throne in 3E 247, he and his loyalists went to war with his cousin, Emperor Cephorus II. After nine years, the Elder Council granted him the throne of Shornhelm, where his line has ruled since at least the late Third Era.[11] At the time, the Camoran Usurper took over Valenwood and led a large-scale invasion north through Tamriel. The province was at a disadvantage when his forces invaded the Iliac Bay in early 3E 266. Daggerfall's throne was heavily contented by its royal family and Wayrest's monarch was in their minority. With the Bretons' hatred for the Emperor creating sympathy for the Usurper, no leaders could unite the province. It took Baron Othrok of Dwynnen and his neighboring lords to eventually defeat him in 3E 267.[12]

In the late fourth century, there were eight Breton kingdoms in High Rock: Camlorn, Daggerfall, Evermore, Farrun, Jehanna, Northpoint, Shornhelm, and Wayrest.[2][13] But ensuing events at the time changed its borders and control across the province. During the Imperial Simulacrum, High Rock was invaded by Skyrim in the War of the Bend'r-mahk. Ultimately, Skyrim took large tracts of land, and while resistance in Jehanna was feeble at best, it was more active in the border.[14] The Crypts of Hearts, typically within Shornhelm's boundaries,[15] marked the westernmost end of Skyrim's border.[16] By the end of the Third Era, so little territory had changed hands.[14] Wayrest was also involved in the war at an unknown capacity and reportedly lost.[17]

In 3E 399, the Orcish chieftain of the Minat tribe, Gortwog gro-Nagorm acquired a piece of land between Wayrest and Menevia and built the third iteration of Orsinium, aptly known as Nova Orsinium.[18] Daggerfall in 3E 403 fought Sentinel in the War of Betony. In the end, King Lysandus of Daggerfall passed away and his son, Gothryd inherited his throne. As a means to consolidate peace, Gothryd married the late King of Sentinel's daughter, Aubk-i to varying success.[19]

In 3E 417, the Warp in the West greatly shifted power across High Rock, turning its many countries into five Breton kingdoms and Orsinium acknowledged by the Empire.[20][21] The Iliac Bay and its smaller states were absorbed by its four major kingdoms (Daggerfall, Sentinel, Orsinium, and Wayrest) and now bordered each other.[20] Evermore and Northpoint were not directly affected by Warp in the West but gained new territory amid the chaos; far north to avoid Daggerfall and Wayrest, and far west to avoid Skyrim in the post Bend'r-mahk. After these previous wars, the kingdoms of High Rock favored diplomatic solutions over more conflict, though local skirmishes plagued its borders.[21]

By 3E 432, Camlorn and Daggerfall celebrated the marriage of Prince Camaron, son of King Gothryd, and Lady Kelmena, daughter of Duke Senhyn of Camlorn, possibly hinting at an alliance between kingdoms. Northpoint and Evermore had remained silent, observing their neighbors with distrust. Queen Elysana of Wayrest, considered the most feared ruler in the west, allied with Orsinium, leaving many to wonder about their next move.[21]

Fourth Era[edit]

Sometime in the early Fourth Era, Nova Orsinium was sacked by Bretons and Redguards. Many of its survivors were safely escorted to the Hammerfell-Skyrim border by the Imperial Legion, where they built the fourth Orsinium.[22]:Part 1, Chapter 6[23]

Known Kingdoms[edit]



Camlorn (sometimes called Camlarn) is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, situated on the coastal highlands of Glenumbra. Camlorn and the surrounding region is a melting pot of several different Breton cultures and its people fancy themselves as more refined and metropolitan compared to their neighbors in Daggerfall. The kingdom's nobility consider themselves an aristocracy of poets and artisans. It has also greatly benefitted from trade coming from either the Eltheric Ocean or the Iliac Bay. As of 3E 432, Camlorn was one of five major kingdoms in High Rock.


The Kingdom of Daggerfall

Daggerfall is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, located in the southwest portion of the province, on the north half of the Iliac Bay. Throughout much of history, Daggerfall was one of the largest kingdoms in High Rock, from the early First Era before the rise of its rival, Wayrest and its incorporation into the Third Empire, to the turn of the Third Era, where it was one of the province's five kingdoms. It is named after its capital city, Daggerfall.



Evermore, sometimes spelled Evermor, is a city on the banks of the Bjoulsae River in eastern High Rock, located near the border with Hammerfell.

Its impressive palace was assembled from slabs of granite quarried from nearby Markarth. Local traditions include the worship of Saint Pelin, a hero of the First Era who once served as a clergyman at Bangkorai Garrison.

Historically, the Bretons of Evermore ruled over the region of Bangkorai. These lands were subject to frequent attacks from the Reachfolk of the mountains, who asserted their birthright to the city and aimed to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Southern Bangkorai included the Fallen Wastes region of Hammerfell, leading Evermore's rulership to often be contested by the Redguards of Sentinel. Evermore's position along trade routes spanning the Tamriel allowed it to become an important trading hub. Locally, it linked eastern High Rock, the southern and central regions of Hammerfell, Orsinium, and western Skyrim, while more distant trade routes to the southeast connected it with Cyrodiil.



Farrun (or Fharun) is a northern port city on the north shore of High Rock, and one of eight kingdoms in the province. It is known for its icy winters. The kingdom of Farrun has existed since the First Era; one notable citizen of Farrun in the First Era was Lord Storig, who commanded the vanguard of the Imperial army at the Battle of Bodrum in 1E 2920 during the Four-Score War. By the Second Era it was an Orcish stronghold by the name of Fharun, named after the Fharun Clan. The stronghold was infamous for its Breton-designed prison complex, which was notorious even among the Orcs.



Jehanna (also called Jehenna or Jelhana) is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, situated on the icy shores of the Northern Coast. Nestled in the snow-covered forests of the Western Reach, it is described as being as beautiful as its name.



Northpoint (also spelled as North Point) is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, located on the northeast point of Rivenspire. Northpoint is an important trading center along the northwest trading route on the Eltheric Ocean, as well as the seat of power for House Dorell, one of the three major houses of Rivenspire. Their power extends across northern Rivenspire, including farmland around the city and beyond the sea. As of 3E 432, Northpoint was one of five major kingdoms in High Rock.



Orsinium (which literally translates to "Orc-Town" in Aldmeris, also called the City of Orcs) is the city of the Orsimer and the provincial seat of the region of Wrothgar, which came to be known as the Orsinium Area in the late Third Era. It has been sacked and rebuilt many times over the centuries, as the Orcs are often at odds with their Breton and Redguard neighbors. Orsinium was first built in High Rock, straddling the boundary between western Wrothgar and Rivenspire. In the mid-Second Era, the city was relocated to eastern Wrothgar. In 3E 399, it was relocated again to a site between Wayrest, Menevia, and the Wrothgarian Mountains. By 4E 201, Orsinium had been moved a third time, farther south to an area between Hammerfell and Skyrim. The royal palace of the city is traditionally known as Scarp Keep.

The exact date of the first Orsinium's founding is unknown, but it is known to have grown powerful as early as the ninth century of the First Era.



Shornhelm (sometimes spelled Sharnhelm) is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, located in the center of Rivenspire. Shornhelm was once the seat of power for the Kingdom of Rivenspire, the north-central region of High Rock and it was aptly ruled by the Riven-King. If no monarch is present, then the regency council, the Council of the North takes over. It is a triumvirate of the kingdom's three major houses, Dorell, Montclair, and Tamrith. The city acquired the epithet of the "Crown City of the North" for its status.


The Kingdom of Wayrest

Wayrest is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock. It is located in the center of the province, at the mouth of the Bjoulsae River. Wayrest's fortune and immense wealth come from a unique, symbiotic alliance between its merchant lords and the crown dating back to its founding in the early-mid First Era. Even its kings, except for the Septim Dynasty of the Third Era, can trace their lineage back to a merchant prince. By the late Second Era, the kingdom had one of the largest and richest populations in High Rock. It is named after its capital city, Wayrest.


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.