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Tamarilyn Point[edit]

Tamarilyn Point (also spelled as Tamarilyne Point) is a region found on the southwest tip of the County of Menevia, in the province of High Rock. The Bretons of Tamarilyn had once worshipped the old goddess of flowers, Druagaa, but while veneration has long since been dead, the festival held on Gardtide (on the 1st of Rain's Hand) continues to honor her and the old cult of flowers. It has always been a great success. The region is the home of the Tamarilyn Coven of witches, who often congregate west of Whiteflower Garden and Lysandus' Tomb.


Tamburkar was a forest featured in the fictional novel series The Adventures of Eslaf Erol. It was located in the province of Skyrim, outside the kingdom of Erolgard and near Mount Jensen and the village of Hoarbeld. Eslaf Erol committed his first act of thievery here.


Tamriel (/ˈtˈamɹi-ˈɛl/ tamri-EL), also known as the Arena, is one of the main continents of the planet Nirn. This land is a great melting pot of cultures and races; being home to at least a dozen races, with dozens more having died out or changed in ages gone by. The continent of Tamriel is divided into nine provinces, which have on occasion been united under the rule of the Empire.

"Tamriel" itself is Elvish for Dawn's Beauty. Though, the varying cultures have their own stylizations: the Ayleids name it Tamri-El, the Marukhati call it Tam! Rugh!, and the Dov entitled it Taazokaan.


Taneth is one of the eight major cities in the province of Hammerfell, situated on the coastal highlands of southern Hammerfell. Taneth is a bustling and important port city occupied by the Forebears, the modern-day remnant of the Ra Gada. \

Tang Mo[edit]

Tang Mo (meaning the Thousand Monkey Isles) is a nation of Akavir. It is inhabited by many breeds of monkey-folk, collectively known as the Tang Mo. The monkey-folk are kind, brave and simple, but can raise armies when they must, as all other Akaviri nations have tried to enslave them at one point. Every year, the demons of Kamal thaw out after winter and attempt to invade Tang Mo, but the monkey-folk always successfully repel them. They are enemies of the snake-folk of Tsaesci, but have become allies of their once-bitter enemies, the tiger-folk of Ka Po' Tun.


Tanzelwil is a large ruin on the coastal highlands of Auridon, the second-largest island in the province of the Summerset Isles. The Altmer consider the ruins one of their most sacred sites on the island as it serves as a temple for the Ancients; ancestors to the island's people and a mausoleum to ancient kinlords. New monarchs of the province will travel to Tanzelwil's Ancestral Chamber and quietly commune with the dead to retrieve their blessings. The ruins are built in a large, forested valley that splits Iluvamir from the rest of the island. It extends west over a plateau that looms over the Auridon Strait.

Tarak Shan[edit]

Tarak Shan is a place of the battle, in which soldier Attrebus took part. He was wounded during the storming of Tarak Shan at some point between 2E 857 and 2E 861.[1]

Tarlain Heights[edit]

The Tarlain Heights is a forest region situated in the northwest of the region of Grahtwood, within the province of Valenwood. The Tarlain Heights is the least-populated when compared to the rest of Grahtwood. The town of Gil-Var-Delle was the largest settlement in the Tarlain Heights, but it was destroyed since 1E 2920 when the Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal had swallowed the settlement, leaving a shadowy wasteland of its former self. During the Winter, the capital city of Valenwood, Falinesti would station itself in the Tarlain Heights, in a site east of Gil-Var-Delle. But when Falinesti settled in 3E 432, it was no longer present in Grahtwood. The Wood Orcs of Grahtwood lived in the Tarlain Heights, with the most prominent group being the Barkbite Clan.

During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the village of Tarlain Heights was present in the area, being under the rule of Lord Aracher. It had a rivalry with Archen Cormount. It was neighbored by several settlements, including Archen Cormount in the northeast, Greenheart in the west, and Stonesquare in the east.


Tear (also known as Dres) is one of the eight major cities on mainland Morrowind. Tear is the capital of the Great House Dres, whose sphere of influence revolves around an agrarian agricultural society, building its vast fortune from the export of saltrice and its grip on the slavery industry. Tear is also known as the Jewel of the East and it is the most open to trade and commerce compared to other cities on the mainland. But even so, strange happenings occur in the night and few people ever complain about it.

Tel Aruhn[edit]

Tel Aruhn was an island-town found on the District of Vvardenfell, in the province of Morrowind. It was northwest of Sadrith Mora, amidst the rocky islands on Azura's Coast, specifically in Zafirbel Bay. For the longest time, it was the home of the Archmagister of House Telvanni on Vvardenfell, High Lord Magus Gothren. But it was widely-known for the Festival Slave Market, the largest slave market on the island-district. The island of Vounoura is roughly less than a month away from Tel Aruhn.

Tel Branora[edit]

Tel Branora was perhaps the southernmost town in Vvardenfell, on an island far to the southeast. It was the wizard tower of Mistress Therana, possibly the most eccentric (some say irrational) of the Telvanni Mage Lords, who held it since at least the sixth century of the Second Era. Because Therana was certainly eccentric, perhaps unbalanced, the Telvanni code would generally have seen her disposed of, unless she was capable of adequately defending herself. However, she obviously held great importance to the Council, or she would not have existed as a Master.

Tel Fyr[edit]

"The Telvanni decided to honor me with membership in their great house. This tower was their idea of a gift. Their choice of location was... portentous, let's say. For them. My own auspices are far brighter.." — Divayth Fyr

Tel Fyr was a remote Telvanni Tower, located directly south of Tel Aruhn and southwest of Sadrith Mora, on an island just off the mainland. Unlike most of the other Telvanni towers on Vvardenfell, most of Tel Fyr was built into a large hill, as opposed to being a free-standing organic growth. It has a dock outside the tower to receive boats and visitors.

Its main resident, Divayth Fyr, was proof of the Telvanni maxim that rank is insignificant next to the power to do whatever one desires. Divayth was not generally addressed as "Lord Fyr" and was not a member of the Council (despite invitation), but he was nevertheless one of the most significant and powerful of the Telvanni Lords. The tower itself was gifted to Fyr by the Telvanni council.

Around 2E 582, as Divayth was expanding his tower of Tel Fyr into the Abanabi Caves, a gateway to a part of Sotha Sil's Clockwork City, known as the Halls of Fabrication, was discovered. Divayth Fyr and a group of Telvanni mages tried to make their way to the gate but were stopped by the clockwork god's fabricants. Divayth Fyr therefore enlisted the Undaunted to destroy the fabricants and let him explore the Clockwork City. The plan succeeded, and the gate was likely sealed afterwards.

In the Third Era, Divayth Fyr had turned his back on most of the affairs of men. He converted most of the Abanabi Caves into the Corprusarium, a place where he experimented with the Corprus Disease. Whether the Corprusarium was a compassionate endeavor or simply a good means of gaining experimental subjects, it still was a place of value to all factions and segments of Morrowind society who wanted an alternative to simply killing family or companions who contracted the dreaded disease.

Tel Mithryn[edit]

Tel Mithryn is a settlement on the banks of the Iggnir River in southeastern Solstheim, made primarily out of four large fungi. It was planted by Master Neloth of House Telvanni from cuttings of fungi in Vvardenfell, presumably before 4E 5. The Nordic burial ground of Himmelhost Barrow was once found at the site of the settlement, but like many of the ruins was later buried by the ash from the eruption of Red Mountain. Relations between Tel Mithryn and the nearby Redoran town of Raven Rock have been cordial; the two settlements have been content to ignore each other.

Circa 4E 201, Tel Mithryn was plagued by a string of bad luck, with the death of its steward, withering of its fungi and frequent Ash Spawn and Dragon attacks. It was later discovered to be the work of Ildari Sarothril, who was subsequently killed. A priest of Dagoth Ur named Erden Relvel also chose the graveyard at Tel Mithryn as the site of his fated battle against the champion of the Tribunal. Following a string of Ash Zombie attacks, the Last Dragonborn followed Erden's summons and defeated him, ending the threat.

Tel Mora[edit]

Tel Mora (Dark Elvish for "Tower Forest") was the northernmost of the Telvanni-held islands. It was constructed in the middle Merethic Era by Aldmeri explorers. It was the tower of the Telvanni Councilor Mistress Dratha, one of the oldest of the Telvanni wizard lords.

Tel Mora was typical of a wizard tower in that it had a reasonable community living in smaller mushroom dwellings around the base of the tower. The construction of Tel Mora was also interesting, since the tower itself was set between two islands with a network of walkways over the water.

Around 2E 582, Mistress Dratha fell mortally ill as a part of a plot by the Telvanni noble Savarak Fels to take her place as ruler of Vos. The plot was foiled by the Vestige, and Dratha was restored to good health. The near-death experience caused Dratha to make a deal with a servant of Molag Bal, Xykenaz, to achieve immortality. Although the deal made her immune to aging, she was prophesized by Xykenaz to one day be killed by a mortal man.

By the Third Era, all of the residents of Tel Mora had to be female to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. Males were allowed to shop in the town and get service there, but had to stay well clear of the tower itself. There was regular sea transport to nearby Vos, as well as Dagon Fel, Tel Aruhn, and Sadrith Mora. Females, however, found warm welcome in Tel Mora and plenty of conversation at The Covenant, the local social center. Females could also avail the alchemy shop in the lower tower, which was considered perhaps the best alchemical supply shop in Vvardenfell, supporting the traditional idea of women's natural propensity for healing and herbal magic.

Dratha shared the Telvanni penchant for 'eccentricity'; in this case manifesting in an acute mistrust and hatred of males of any species, due to the prophecy concerning her death. While male Telvanni of high rank could talk to her safely and do chores, she was quite hostile toward male outsiders.

Tel Vos[edit]

Tel Vos was the home of the youngest of the Telvanni Mage Lords, Master Aryon, in 3E 427. The tower was located in the north-central Grazelands of Vvardenfell, and Master Aryon was the only Councilman at the time whose Tel was not on an island. Perhaps as a sign of his relative youth and openness to new ways, Master Aryon's tower was quite unique. While Tel Vos was worth a visit out of pure architectural interest, it also had a Dwemer museum, a small but excellent library, and a dungeon. Tel Vos was the primary regional center for the Grazelands, because it extended Telvanni influence beyond traditional reaches. The lack of services in Vos made what's available in Tel Vos all the more important.


Telepe is a small Ayleid ruin found in the Niben Forest of Blackwood, just northwest of the Cyrodilic city of Leyawiin.

Tempest Island[edit]

Tempest Island, also known as the Island of Storms, is one of several treacherous islands in the Strid estuary located off the coast of Malabal Tor in northwestern Valenwood. It is infamous for the unnatural storms that originate there. Surrounded by sand bars and shifting channels and covered in dense jungle, the island has never been fully explored by any civilized authority. A network of natural caves run beneath the island, offering shelter from the unpredictable weather above.

The island was once colonized by the Ayleids, whose white limestone ruins cover the landscape. It has long served as a haven for pirates, raiders and fugitives. The island is thought to have been the source of multiple phenomena, such as the Flood of the Era and the Lamia Invasion of 2E 435, both of which were preceded by fierce storms on the island. These events attracted the attention of academics such as Angalmo, but the island's extreme weather limited research.

In 2E 582, a Maormer invasion force began to assemble on Tempest Island to perform a mysterious ritual, harnessing powerful lightning magic in preparation for a planned takeover of Tamriel. The Aldmeri Dominion had originally refused to man a garrison on the island in order to focus on the ongoing Alliance War, but were eventually alerted of the threat. A group of Altmer soldiers led by Battlereeve Alduril were dispatched to the island to drive off the invaders, but progress was immediately blocked by a horde of lamias on the beach. The Undaunted arrived on the island soon afterwards and aided Alduril by fighting through the Maormer camps, destroying their Conduit Stones and killing their leader, Stormreeve Neidir. This dispelled the storm the Maormer had summoned.

Temple of Agamanus[edit]

The Temple of Agamanus is a Khajiiti ruin located south of Corinthe, in the province of Elsweyr. It is dedicated to the eponymous Sphinx of Gazia, Agamanus, and prior to its abandonment, the temple greeted pilgrims on their journey.

Temple of Miraak[edit]

The Temple of Miraak is a structure located in the center of the island of Solstheim. It served as the stronghold of Miraak in ancient times, before it was destroyed by the Dragon Cult. Renovations began on the ruins in 4E 201 when Miraak attempted to return to Tamriel, but were left incomplete with Miraak's defeat.

Temple of the One[edit]

The Temple of the One is the largest religious structure in Cyrodiil, located in the Temple District of the Imperial City. This great structure, a staple of ceremony and official worship since the days of Reman I and the institution of the Dragonfires ritual, is dedicated to the ineffable deity of the Alessian Order. They called this spirit 'the One', identifying it as Akatosh, the 'Supreme Spirit'. Although the Remans were not known to follow Alessian teachings, they regularly used the temple to worship, and Tiber Septim restored the building and its associated cult when he took the Dragon Throne. The temple was subsequently used for worship of the Nine Divines and the Communion of Saints.

Temple of Two-Moons Dance[edit]

The Temples of Two Moons Dance are places of philosophical study and martial training located throughout Elsweyr. They date back to the First Era at the latest, when the Khajiiti kingdom "Ne Quin-al" (now called Anequina) was known to trade the mighty graduates of its Temple to other Khajiiti kingdoms in return for various needs. The Temples have been known to produce the most skilled warriors. For untold years, the Temple in Torval has been the finest training ground for unarmed combat in all of Tamriel. Masters of the Two-Moons Dance have designed a prescribed course of training over many years in accordance with the Riddle'Thar. Many begin their training as children. The training is mental as much as physical. One of the most important lessons in their curriculum is to reject one's vanity. Students at the highest level possess such a degree of power and skill that few can best them in weaponless combat, even with the aid of magic. At the completion of their studies, students partake in a festival consisting of competitions in both debate and combat, then either go out into the world or become teachers themselves.

There are many Temples of Two-Moons Dance. The known ones include one located in the Anequina region of northern Elsweyr, one in Torval, one on the island of Khenarthi's Roost, one in Dune, and one in Rawl'kha. The temple in Rawl'kha is particularly important as it was where Rid-Thar-ri'Datta, the first Mane, revealed the Riddle'Thar Epiphany in 2E 311. It is considered the most culturally significant Temple of Two-Moons Dance in northern Elsweyr.


Ten-Maur-Wolk (formerly known as Tenmorvuk) is a Daedric ruin located near the northern river of Shadowfen, in the province of Black Marsh. Ten-Maur-Wolk was built by Dark Elven dissidents from the north as a temple dedicated to Boethiah and Vaermina.[nb 1] While the former residents have since disappeared, the site retains an altered version of its name. When the Third Empire took over and constructed maps of the province, they gave the site an Imperialized name: Tenmar Wall.

Tenmar Forest[edit]

The Tenmar Forest, also known as the Tenmar Jungle, in southern Elsweyr is a large region lying between Torval, the seat of the Mane, and the busy seaport of Senchal. Primarily known for the production and export of moon sugar, its sugarcane groves are venerated and diligently guarded by the Khajiit.

The forest is home to two subspecies of Khajiit rarely found elsewhere, the Dagi and Dagi-raht. The Tenmar Forest once contained the ancient Kingdom of Tenmar, one of the original sixteen states of Elsweyr. It was known for its jungle and tree-folk.

Tenmar Senche-Tigers and Tenmar Senche-Leopards are fearsome predators of the Forest, however, the Leopards are also bred by Khajiit for hunting.


Tethis is a place of origin of Brother Barnabas of Tethis, one of the members of Brotherhood of Seth as of 3E 389 - 3E 399.[2]

Thalmor Embassy[edit]

The Thalmor Embassy is the Aldmeri Dominion's diplomatic mission to Skyrim, located north of Solitude, which serves as the center of Thalmor activity in Skyrim.

The embassy is a gated complex. Elenwen is the resident ambassador, known for hosting the province's most powerful men and mer at lavish ambassadorial parties.

Thir River‎[edit]

The Thir River (or River Thir) is a large waterway in central Morrowind, flowing through the regions of Stonefalls and Deshaan. It travels from the Inner Sea in the north to the Padomaic Ocean in the east. Its spring is found between Lagomere and Siltreen close to Silnim Dale in the southeast, it then continues as a stream to Tal'Deic Fortress, where the Thir widens considerably. Flanking the fertile Deshaan Plain, it flows out east into the Padomaic Ocean and west to the ancient House capitals of Mournhold, where it empties into Lake Amaya (also called Lake Thir), and south to Narsis, where it splits off into a tributary called the Loqueach River. In the north, it flows out from a water source atop the peaks near the Obsidian Gorge, and heads north through the Brothers of Strife, meeting the lava flows of Ash Mountain and Tormented Spire, before it encircles the islands of Ebonheart. Its delta is found around Ebonheart and Vivec's Antlers, straight south of Vivec City, where the Thir River empties into the Inner Sea.


Thirsk is a Mead Hall created by Hrothmund the Red and some fellow Skaal early in the third century of the Third Era (though some residents claim the founding dates back into the late Second Era). It is located south of Skaal Village in the Felsaad Coast region, on the banks of Lake Fjalding.


Thormar (alternatively called Thormar Keep) is an Ayleid ruin located in the border region of Reaper's March, in the province of Valenwood. Thormar is a rather insignificant ruin, but it is the gathering place for Baan Dar's Boast, a celebration between the Wood Elves and the Khajiit, where both factions prank and pull practical jokes with each other for the chance to partake in Baan Dar's Five Fingers Dance.


Thorn is one of the eight major cities in the province of Black Marsh, in the Thornmarsh region. Historically, the settlement has ties to the Great House of Dres, whose slave-raid on the city earned it its title as a Great House. Thorn earned the epithet of the Jewel of the East, and the town is just as deadly as it is beautiful; vagabonds are always eyeing purse strings and the guards always turn a blind eye.


Thornmarsh is a coastal region in northeastern Black Marsh. It is bordered by Shadowfen to the west, Morrowind to the north, and the Padomaic Ocean to the east. The region contains the city of Thorn. Like the rest of northern Black Marsh, the area has more temperate grasslands compared to the swampier areas in the south.

It borders Morrowind to the north around Tear, a coastal plain part of the Dres District.

The Argonian tribes of Thornmarsh were one of three regions of Black Marsh to join the Ebonheart Pact at its founding in 2E 572. The Four-Spike Wattle is an arrangement of throat spines particularly popular on the coastal shores of Thornmarsh.

Thorstad Place[edit]

Thorstad Place (also simply called Thorstad and potentially named Mold)[nb 1] is a settlement found in the north-central part of the province of Hammerfell, found west-southwest of the city-state, Skaven.


Thras, also known as the Coral Kingdoms, the Sloadlands and the Thrassian Archipelago, is an archipelago located southwest of the Chain and northwest of the Summerset Isles, within either the Sea of Pearls or the Abecean Sea. It is the little-known home of the Sload, and was the source of the deadly Thrassian Plague that swept Tamriel in 1E 2200. In response to the Plague, the people of Tamriel assembled the All Flags Navy, which sunk the islands of Thras, though the surviving Sload managed to bring the islands back to the surface. The Pillar of Thras, a thousand-foot-tall spiral of coral said to be a portal to Oblivion, stands on the largest island. The Sload make sacrifices here, and while many of them die, a few seem to disappear a moment before being dashed on the rocks.

The geography of Thras appears to change over time. The earliest maps of Thras show a semi-circular group of sixteen islands, similar in formation to a partially-submerged coral atoll. The number and size of the islands varies significantly in maps charted over subsequent centuries. Agonio, the largest island in the archipelago, is depicted as much larger in the most recent maps than it was in the oldest. It is unknown if this fluctuation is caused by the tides or other, possibly unnatural means. Some sources suggest the archipelago itself may be some sort of living organism. The most consistent feature of Thras is a brackish lagoon found in the archipelago's center, where the Sload are able to move with relative quickness and grace using a network of coral formations and ancient shipwrecks.

Throat of the World[edit]

The Throat of the World, also called Monahven (lit. "Mother Wind") by the Dragons, Mount Hrothgar, and Throat Mountain, located in Skyrim, is the highest mountain in all of Tamriel (though it was considered second to Red Mountain before the latter's eruption in 4E 5). Seven thousand steps lead up the mountain to its summit, where the settlement of High Hrothgar is located, and where the Greybeards live their lives of absolute silence. King Wulfharth is said to have rebuilt the 418th step.

The term "Throat of the World" has also been used by Nords to refer to the land of Skyrim in general. It is also known as Snow Throat, one of The Towers. Part of the Prophecy of the Dragonborn mentions the "Snow Tower" lying "sundered, kingless, bleeding".


Tideholm is an island off the coast of the province of Elsweyr, where the Topal Bay meets the Southern Sea. It is specifically east of the port town of South Guard, east of the Quin'rawl Peninsula. Built inside the island's small mountain is the ruined citadel, Fort Vashr, a Khajiiti ruin that has long since been abandoned. The entirety of Tideholm has been described as a haunted deathtrap.

Tidewater Cave[edit]

Tidewater Cave is a natural sea cave found just southeast of Leyawiin on the shore of Topal Bay, near the mouth of the Lower Niben. As the name would imply, the cave's tunnels are partially flooded.


Tigonus is a large humid region in northern Hammerfell, specifically in the Iliac Bay region. The coast on the bay is a humid swamp while the interior is a verdant subtropical rainforest. A small island under its jurisdiction can be found northeast of the mainland, near the border to the Dragontail Mountains. A large mountain can be found on the edge of Tigonus, near the small bay it shares with Ayasofya, around the Ngonta Valley.

Tigonus (fiefdom)[edit]

Tigonus is a large humid region in northern Hammerfell, specifically in the Iliac Bay region. The coast on the bay is a humid swamp while the interior is a verdant subtropical rainforest. A small island under its jurisdiction can be found northeast of the mainland, near the border to the Dragontail Mountains. A large mountain can be found on the edge of Tigonus, near the small bay it shares with Ayasofya, around the Ngonta Valley.

Topal Bay[edit]

Topal Bay (also known as Topal Sea) is a large, placid body of water south of Tamriel. It is enclosed by the provinces of Elsweyr, Black Marsh, and Cyrodiil. In Cyrodiil, the city of Leyawiin and the Blackwood region lie on Topal Bay, at the delta of the Niben River. The bay's western shores are defined by Elsweyr's Quin'rawl Peninsula, where a great deal of smuggling occurs. Topal Bay empties into the Southern Sea.

The bay is named after Topal the Pilot, the Aldmer explorer who discovered the Niben River and charted Tamriel's sea lanes. The bay's coastline to the east with Black Marsh has long been notorious for rampant piracy. The bay is also fed by the Onkobra River, which supposedly flows from the heart of Black Marsh.

The Khajiit believe that moon sugar is "crystallized moonlight" caught by the waters of the bay and brought to the sugarcane groves of the Tenmar Forest by the tidal forces of Masser and Secunda. Khajiit Moon-Priests tend to the sacred waters of the Bay that flow into Moonlit Cove, natural caverns where this moons-blessed water is sheltered from the sun's rays.

Topal Island[edit]

Topal Island is a far-off island region (sometimes depicted as a chain of three islands), located in the middle of Topal Bay. The island region is located roughly southeast of Leyawiin and northwest of Soulrest, adjacent to the strip of land around Xi-Tsei that belongs to Cyrodiil. Additionally, the volcanic islet of Grand Topal Hideaway lies off the eastern coast of Topal Island.

The island shares its namesake with Topal Bay, which was named after Topal the Pilot.

Tor Draioch[edit]

Tor Draioch is a wizard's tower located in the Oakenvald region of High Isle, south of the Dufort Shipyards. It was considered a striking location by some, being included in tourism guides of High Isle and featured in paintings. Circa 2E 582, the tower was owned by Magister Irin.

The source of Tor Draioch's power is shrouded in legend, though one story remains prevalent above all. The tower supposedly stands in a historical location where an ancient battle against a powerful sorceress turned spirit named Windsorrow took hold. According to legends, this ancient woman fell in love and bore children with a passing chieftain. Eventually betrayed by the same, catching him in an affair. Her partner's lover murdered this ancient's children, which consumed her with rage and grief. Due to this her powers took hold, unleashing the winds on High Isle and destroying all in her path. Only when stopped by a group of heroes did peace return to the land. Her presence remained however, as the magical motes which manifest around the tower are believed to be not just remnants of her spirit, but of her murdered childrens' as well.

Tor Draioch is surrounded with protective wards to prevent wayward magic from spreading beyond its perimeters. Within the tower there is an arcane library, similarly protected and defended with wards. The motes which surround the tower are capable of casting incantations on people, such as illusory shapeshifting.


Tor-Hame-Khard (meaning "Warlord's Mountain Lair" in High Elvish) is a ruined estate located beyond the city-state of Shimmerene, within the province of the Summerset Isles. The site later lent its name to the town of Thorheim Guard, a butchered Tamrielic version of the original name.


Torval is one of the eight major cities in the province of Elsweyr, and is situated in the dense jungles of the Tenmar Forest. Torval is the seat of power for the Mane, the spiritual and temporal leader of the Khajiit. Their tribe lives with them in exotic palaces and symmetrical moon sugarcane gardens. The city has a long history associated with the Mane, going back to its time as one of the sixteen kingdoms. In modern-day, Torval is known for its southern wines.


Totambu is an inland fiefdom of Hammerfell, south of the Iliac Bay. It was named after Na-Totambu, the ruling class of Yokuda and progenitors of the Hammerfell Crowns faction.

Totambu borders Lainlyn to the northwest, Satakalaam to the north, Mournoth to the northeast, the Dragontail Mountains to the south, and Kozanset to the west. The main deity of this Redguard-dominated region is Zenithar. The military force of Totambu is the Order of the Scarab. They also served as the official guard for the royal family of Totambu, based in the city of Totambu. The Khulari clan is the predominant vampire bloodline in the region.

After the Warp in the West, Totambu came under the dominion of the Kingdom of Sentinel ruled by the Forebears faction. Later, however, it became a site of a Crown rebellion against King Lhotun of Sentinel. Totambu declared independence from Sentinel and pledged allegiance to the Crown leader Ayaan-si, High Prophet of Elinhir. Even though Lhotun's kingdom surrounded Totambu on all four sides, its people kept holding their resistance. The Knights of the Scarab remained a military force in the region even after the Warp.

Treva River[edit]

The Treva River is a small river at the center of the Rift in southeastern Skyrim. It flows northwest from Lake Honrich to Lake Geir. It was perhaps named after the eponymous founder of Treva's Farm on its eastern bank, which was built sometime before 2E 582. By 4E 201, the site instead hosted the fort Treva's Watch.

Mount Trolhetta[edit]

Trolhetta, also known as Mount Trolhetta, is a large mountain located in the Smokefrost Peaks region of southeast Skyrim, bordering Cyrodiil and Morrowind. Its located approximately at the intersection of the Jerall, Velothi and Valus mountain ranges.


Trumbe (translated as "[of] protection") is an Ayleid ruin located in the Gold Coast region of Cyrodiil, in the rugged highlands northwest of Kvatch. It was abandoned by its Ayleid occupants after the Alessian Slave Rebellion and fell into ruin.

During Varen's Rebellion of the Interregnum, Trumbe was cut off from the rest of the Gold Coast by Varen's Wall, a situation which persisted for many years thereafter.. During the return of the Daedric Prince Ithelia, a Daedric incursion from the plane of Mirrormoor occurred near Trumbe.

On Fredas, the 12th day of Rain's Hand 3E 431, a group of adventurers led by Grommok gro-Barak entered the ruins of Trumbe in search of treasure. The ruins were crawling with undead at this time and the adventurers fled, although they managed to drag a locked metal container back to their camp nearby. After eventually managing to open the container, the adventurers discovered a trove of Tsaesci treasure, including the Talisman of Abetment and the enchanted swords Dawnfang and Duskfang. The ruins were still plagued by undead circa 3E 433.


Tsaesci (meaning Snake Palace; see pronunciation) is a nation found in the southwest of Akavir. It was once the most powerful nation in Akavir, before Tosh Raka came to Po Tun and renamed it Ka Po' Tun. Its naval power remains unrivalled, and its holdings are widespread. Men once lived in Tsaesci, but the vampiric serpent-folk (also called Tsaesci) ate them (the use of the word eaten however is up to interpretation- it may be literal or metaphorical). The Tsaesci have enslaved the goblins of the surrounding isles, and use them for labor and food. They once attempted to enslave the dragons as well for use as food, and succeeded in enslaving the red dragons, but the black dragons fled to Po Tun. A great war was raged, which left both the cat-folk and the snakes weak, and resulted in the death of the dragons.

Tsaesci has had the most interaction with Tamriel of any Akaviri nation. The serpent-folk once invaded Tamriel in 1E 2703, and survivors left a large cultural influence on the Empire. The Dragonguard, a group dedicated to dragon hunting, came to Tamriel from Tsaesci and played a part in the formation of the Blades. Many Tsaesci relics and ruins remain in Tamriel, and most citizens think of the snake-folk when speaking of Akavir.

Tsaesci was invaded by Emperor Uriel Septim V in 3E 288, who founded the Imperial Province of Akavir. The settlements of Septimia and Ionith, located along a large river surrounded by fertile fields, were captured and refounded by the Empire. Thousands of settlers were brought to Akavir, and a road was built connecting the two settlements. The invasion lasted until 3E 290, when the Tsaesci attacked the invading Legions, who were already weakened by supernatural weather. This resulted in the death of Uriel V and most of the invasion force. The natives reclaimed the land, and Tsaesci has not been visited by Imperial forces since.


Tuinh is a druidic settlement located off the southeastern coast of the Galen, one of the islands of the Systres Archipelago. It was inhabited by the members of the Eldertide Circle. It lies to the south of Suncleft Cove.


Tulune is a coastal city-state of High Rock. Situated at the most western end of the province, it is bordered by Glenumbra Moors to the north, Glenpoint to the east, and Daggerfall to the southeast. The largest city is the city of Tulune. The dominant vampire bloodline is the Vraseth, and the regional deity is Julianos.

Tundra Plain[edit]

The Tundra Plain or Tundra Plains, also known as the Whiterun Tundra, is an ecological region that takes up a majority of Whiterun Hold along with small parts of Falkreath Hold, Hjaalmarch, the Reach, and the Pale, in the province of Skyrim. It is a vast plain with few trees, mostly flat but occasionally broken up by hills and outcrops. The Plain is dotted with a number of odd barrows and Giant camps, while the center is dominated by Fort Greymoor.


Turnpoint is a small settlement near the border of Cyrodiil and Valenwood, known for its abundant natural resources from the surrounding forests and rivers, as well as its signature stew.

Twilight Sepulcher[edit]

The Twilight Sepulcher is an underground nordic ruin located in the deep woods of Falkreath Hold, near the provincial border of Skyrim. The ruins serve as a temple dedicated to Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Darkness and Luck, and it has been guarded by the Nightingale Trinity for many years, even after death to which they serve as spectral guardians. The temple also serves as a conduit to the Evergloam, via the portal, the Ebonmere, which is activated and locked by the Skeleton Key. The Ebonmere appears as a three-pronged portal, with a circle of impossibly deep blue vapors congealing around it, and the circles of the waxing and waning moon at its base imbue users with powers befitting of a Nightingale Agent. The Nightingales have ease of access to the Ebonmere through a portal in their headquarters, the Nightingale Hall, must drink deeply from the Ebonmere to become Agents of Nocturnal.
