Lore:Taking Care of Your Bear

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Book Information
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Taking Care of Your Bear
by Pantea Maria, Imperial Animal Trainer
A guide to caring for Bear pets and mounts

Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a bear cub. Whether it be a brown, black, snow, Sovngarde or sunback, your new pet should provide years of joy and loyal companionship. Here are some helpful hints in raising and training your new friend!

Feeding: Bears are omnivores and can eat both plants and meat. After emerging from hibernation, wild bears survive on berries and scavenge winter-killed elk, deer, and other mammals. They like fish, including dried fish. Regardless, it is strongly advised to have a regular source of foodstuffs available. Bears have their own personal preferences, so feel free to experiment with various foods to find out what your bear likes.

Waste: Bears, indeed, dispose of their waste in the woods. Be prepared to have sufficient measures taken, either in an outdoor lifestyle or with sufficient employees to handle matters. Bears can be housebroken, but this proves to be a chancy operation at best. Patience is advised.

Activity: Bears like to engage with their environment, and some owners like to let them roam free in rural settings. Those kept as pets in more civilized areas should have sufficient room to exercise, and, should situations permit it, a keeper to tend to their needs. Bears can sprint faster than humans, so keep that in mind when engaging in horseplay.

Hibernation: Bears kept in captivity, with an ample amount of food, do not hibernate. However, as a result, they may gain excess weight, which would normally be burned off during the winter sleep. Plan your bear's meals accordingly.

Discipline: Bears are by nature curious and inquisitive, and can often be destructive, particularly when food is involved. Start early when training your bear and let them know when they are breaking the rules. Be firm with your bear but recognize that it is at heart a wild creature, and may not adapt well to domesticity.

Older Bears: Bear cubs are affectionate and cute. As they mature, bears may prove to be harder to handle. Some may be trained as mounts and serve alongside their masters for years (living up to 50 years in captivity), while some prove untrainable and must be returned to the wild.