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Lore talk:Death

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We should move out/merge information or creating independent lore pages for stuff on this page[edit]

Okay this page is really bloated for information that should be on the other pages if its not already. The page is way to long with all the afterlife information that should be listed in the respective lore pages for the various racial afterlifes in their Aetherius or Oblivion counterparts. Funerally customs should be on the the race pages themselves. The issue here is death is something they are not going to look up. Its more likely they will look up the terms Aetherius, Oblivion or look at the various racial pages. TheVampKnight (talk) 03:12, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

To restate the actual problem in a coherent way: this page is just straight up wrong. If you go down the list of citations, you’ll find that they seemingly just pulled books at random that sounded vaguely afterlife-y. It uses a random book about soul gems as a source for Altmeri beliefs, uses seemingly random NPC dialogue to say ‘Argonians don’t care about relatives beyond their immediate family’, and cites the monomyth a LOT for things the monomyth doesn’t say, just to give three examples of many. 05:35, 22 August 2021 (UTC)

Temporarily Locked[edit]

I've locked this page for a day. Please use this time to collaborate, discuss, and plan out ways to improve this page, if any improvements are needed. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 05:05, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

Transfering good Information and deleting the page.[edit]

This page, is really awfully bad in many ways. Reasons too much unrelated information and bloat when it comes to Lorkhan/Shor/whatever aspects in unrelated compacity and unneeded information when it comes to Gods this page shouldn't be able how they believed their afterlife came to be as that should be on the other lore pages. This should focus primary on Afterlife and Funeral stuff related to the races and their customs and views on said afterlifes, not god stuff. Inaccurate sourcing, made up information is one of the major reasons for this proposal.

Now there is some lore stuff that needs to be transferred that is good, information not found anywhere else. So what Fullerton suggested is deletion, and what I'm suggesting is a savage and deletion operation. Savage the good lore and transfer it to other lore pages, and then delete the bad information and the page.TheVampKnight (talk) 05:37, 22 August 2021 (UTC)