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Morrowind:Agrippina Herennia

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Quests: not written

Services: not written

Personal Inventory: written by the raconteur

House Contents: not written

Unique Dialogue: written by Hargrimm

Spells: written by Dragon Guard
Agrippina Herennia (agrippina herennia)
Home City Vivec, Foreign Quarter
Store Agrippina Herennia: Clothier
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 9 Class Clothier
Gold 350 Mercantile Expert (57)
Other Information
Health 83 Magicka 126
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Agrippina Herennia

Agrippina Herennia is an Imperial clothier who runs a clothing shop in the northernmost end of Vivec's Foreign Quarter western Canalworks. She is not directly involved in any quests, but her shop is the destination for one Teris Raledran, a trader who needs an escort into town.

She carries a common pair of pants, a common shirt, extravagant shoes, an extravagant shirt, an extravagant belt, an extravagant skirt, an exquisite ring, and an exquisite amulet. Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • shirt and vest:
(Disposition > 10) "I'm sorry. I have nothing in that style."
(Disposition > 30) "I'm sorry. I have nothing in that style. But you might try the High Elf Falanaamo. He has a shop in Caldera, and he specializes in the traditional Western styles. But he is not known as a generous man. I doubt he'll donate anything -- unless you have exceptional gifts of persuasion."


  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)