Morrowind:Ancestral Tombs
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Ancestral tombs serve as the last resting places of any Dunmer family important enough to have one. They are usually guarded by the animated spirits of the dead - Ghosts, Skeletons, Bonelords and Bonewalkers - although some have been taken over by Daedra or vampires, making professional graverobbing a dangerous business.
- Alas Ancestral Tomb — Located northwest of Mount Assarnibibi, at the end of a short canyon. (map) (Quest Related)
- Alen Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for some vampires, located in the West Gash mountains southeast of Khuul. (map)
- Andalen Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on Azura's Coast located southeast of the Erabenimsun Camp near the peninsula. (map)
- Andalor Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of Indoranyon in the Grazelands. (map)
- Andas Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb, located north of the Erabenimsun Camp and along the coast. (map)
- Andavel Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located at the center of the large island north of Urshilaku Camp. (map)
- Andrano Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb halfway on the road between Seyda Neen and Pelagiad. (map) (Quest Related)
- Andrethi Ancestral Tomb — A tomb just west over the mountains from Balmora. (map)
- Andules Ancestral Tomb — A small, daedra-occupied tomb in the northern Molag Amur region west of Tel Aruhn. (map)
- Aralen Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for some vampires in the Grazelands. (map)
- Aran Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb east of Lake Nabia in the Molag Amur region. (map)
- Arano Ancestral Tomb — A large, Daedra infested tomb on the southern tip of Tel Branora's island. (map)
- Arenim Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb on Azura's Coast south of Sadrith Mora, east of the Erabenimsun Camp, and close to the Holamayan monastery. (map) (Quest Related)
- Arethan Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the mountains of Molag Amur. (map)
- Aryon Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb in the southern Ashlands region. (map)
- Arys Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on an island west of Tel Branora in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Ashmelech — The isolated home of the Aundae vampire clan. (map)
- Baram Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb on an island north of Tel Aruhn in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Beran Ancestral Tomb — A Daedra infested tomb south of Tel Branora in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Dareleth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the northeast Ashlands, west of Tel Vos. (map)
- Dralas Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb between Dagon Fel and Rotheran on the island of Sheogorad. (map)
- Drath Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb southwest of the Urshilaku Camp in the Ashlands region. (map)
- Dreloth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on Azura's Coast, east of the Erabenimsun Camp. (map)
- Drethan Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on an island in the Sheogorad Region, east of Rotheran. (map) (Quest Related)
- Drinith Ancestral Tomb — The large tomb in the northern Ashlands, east-northeast of Kogoruhn. (map)
- Dulo Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for some vampires in the northwestern Molag Amur region. (map)
- Fadathram Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb south of the Ghostfence in the southern Ashlands region. (map)
- Falas Ancestral Tomb — A small, Daedra-occupied tomb just south of Gnisis. (map)
- Favel Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of the Ahemmusa Camp in the northern Grazelands. (map) (Quest Related)
- Foreign Quarter Tomb — A burial ground in the Canalworks of the Foreign Quarter of Vivec. (map)
- Gimothran Ancestral Tomb — A mid-sized tomb on the northern edge of the Molag Amur region, south of Falensarano. (map)
- Ginith Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for a vampire named Irarak and his servants in the West Gash, northwest of Gnisis. (map) (Quest Related)
- Helan Ancestral Tomb — A tomb located in the southern Molag Amur region, just northeast of Molag Mar. (map)
- Helas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the eastern Ashlands between the Ghostfence and Falensarano. (map)
- Heleran Ancestral Tomb — A very small tomb hidden in the basement of Nedhelas' House in Caldera. (map) (Quest Related)
- Heran Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the Bitter Coast, south of Hla Oad. (map)
- Hlaalu Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb on Azura's Coast, south of Molag Mar. (map)
- Hlaalu Ancestral Vaults — A tomb found underneath Vivec's Hlaalu Canton. (map) (Quest Related)
- Hleran Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for some vampires to the west of Ald'ruhn. (map)
- Hlervi Ancestral Tomb — An island tomb north of Sadrith Mora in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Hlervu Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb on Azura's Coast, south of the Holamayan Monastery. (map)
- Ienith Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb in the Grazelands northeast of Falensarano. (map)
- Indalen Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb northeast of Caldera. (map)
- Indaren Ancestral Tomb — A Daedra-occupied tomb in the northern Ashlands. (map)
- Llando Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the northern Ashlands between the Urshilaku Camp and Valenvaryon. (map)
- Lleran Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb between Hla Oad and Pelagiad, north of Seyda Neen in the Ascadian Isles region. (map)
- Llervu Ancestral Tomb — A very small tomb located between Ald Velothi and Gnisis in the West Gash. (map)
- Maren Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb in the Molag Amur region west of the Erabenimsun Camp. (map)
- Marvani Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb concealing a larger one, called Tukushapal, in the southern Azura's Coast region near Tel Branora. (map) (Quest Related)
- Nelas Ancestral Tomb — A large island tomb in the northern Sheogorad Region. (map)
- Nerano Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of Tel Vos in the Grazelands. (map) (Quest Related)
- Norvayn Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb northeast of Hlormaren in the Bitter Coast region. (map)
- Omalen Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb in the northern Ashlands, north of Kogoruhn and southeast of Valenvaryon. (map)
- Omaren Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized, Daedra-occupied tomb leading to a lost Daedric Ruin in the Azura's Coast region, due east of Sadrith Mora and northeast of Anudnabia. (map) (Quest Related)
- Orethi Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the island of Sheogorad, west of Dagon Fel. (map)
- Othrelas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on an island west of Vivec's Foreign Quarter, home to some vampires. (map)
- Randas Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized, daedra-occupied tomb southwest of Bal Isra in the West Gash. (map)
- Ravel Ancestral Tomb — A large, Daedra-occupied tomb north of the Shrine of Azura and southwest of the Holamayan Monastery. (map)
- Raviro Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb occupied by some vampires west of Molag Mar. (map)
- Redas Ancestral Tomb — A large, Daedra-occupied tomb just south of Molag Mar on Azura's Coast. (map) (Quest Related)
- Redoran Ancestral Vaults — A small tomb located in the middle of the Canalworks in the Redoran Canton. (map)
- Releth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on an island south of Telasero and northeast of Mzahnch in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Reloth Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb southeast of Khuul and west of Maar Gan in the West Gash. (map) (Quest Related)
- Rethandus Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb between Gnisis and Khuul in the West Gash. (map)
- Rothan Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of Maar Gan on the edge of the Ashlands region. (map) (Quest Related)
- Sadryon Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb just north of Sadrith Mora in the Azura's Coast region. (map)
- Salothan Ancestral Tomb — A small, Daedra-occupied tomb east-southeast of Gnisis and east-northeast of Berandas in the West Gash region. (map)
- Salothran Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb located halfway between Andasreth and Bal Isra in the West Gash region. (map)
- Salvel Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb just inside the northeastern corner of the Ghostfence, northeast of Tureynulal. (map) (Quest Related)
- Samarys Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb on the Bitter Coast northwest of Seyda Neen. (map)
- Sandas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the Ascadian Isles. (map)
- Sandus Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb just outside the eastern Ghostfence, northwest of Falensarano. (map)
- Sarano Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb, due north of the Fields of Kummu (via a north-northeast bit of road), in the Ascadian Isles region. (map) (Quest Related)
- Saren Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized, daedra-occupied tomb northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort and northwest of Marandus. (map)
- Sarethi Ancestral Tomb — A vampire lair on the northern shore of the island of Sheogorad, on the peninsula northwest of Dagon Fel. (map)
- Sarys Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb on an island off the Bitter Coast, west of Seyda Neen and south of the Odai Plateau. (map)
- Savel Ancestral Tomb — A small but crowded tomb between Molag Mar and the Shrine of Azura on Azura's Coast. (map)
- Senim Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb southeast of Dagon Fel on the island of Sheogorad. (map)
- Seran Ancestral Tomb — A quite small, generic tomb within the borders of Khuul in the West Gash, southwest of the silt strider. (map)
- Serano Ancestral Tomb — A hideout for some vampires just north of Galom Daeus in the Molag Amur region. (map)
- Sethan Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb just south of the Zainab Camp in the Grazelands. (map)
- Telvayn Ancestral Tomb — A mid-sized tomb serving as a bandit hideout northeast of Gnaar Mok and east of Andasreth in the West Gash. (map) (Quest Related)
- Thalas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort in the southern Ashlands. (map)
- Tharys Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb just southwest of Balmora in the West Gash. (map)
- Thelas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of Seyda Neen on the Bitter Coast. (map)
- Thiralas Ancestral Tomb — A Daedra-occupied tomb mid-way between the Zainab Camp and Tel Aruhn in the Grazelands. (map)
- Uveran Ancestral Tomb — A mid-sized tomb just south of the Caldera Mine and north of Balmora in the West Gash. (map)
- Vandus Ancestral Tomb — A mid-sized tomb east of Marandus and north of Bal Ur in the Molag Amur region. (map)
- Velas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb just southwest of Telasero in the Molag Amur region. (map)
- Veloth Ancestral Tomb — A mid-sized Daedra-occupied tomb just southeast of Berandas in the West Gash. (map)
- Venim Ancestral Tomb — A necromancer's hideout just north of the Zainab Camp in the Grazelands. (map)
- Verelnim Ancestral Tomb — A Daedra-occupied island tomb off of Azura's Coast, north of Holamayan and south-southeast of Wolverine Hall. (map)