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There are many books in Morrowind, attempting to provide players with an authentic experience by letting them delve as deeply as they want into the lore of Tamriel. Acquiring and reading them all in-game is a difficult task, so they are collected here. On this page there are further book categories as well as a list of all the books that appear in the game. A list of books broken down by subject can be found here.
Special Categories of Books
- Faction Books
- Most factions in the game have books that document what they believe.
- Skill Books
- Lists the books in the game that increase the character's skills.
- Notes
- Shorter notes, ledgers, logs, etc.
Title (ID) | ![]() |
Author | Description | |
2920, The Last Year of the First Era |
Carlovac Townway | A fictional series of books about historical events involving Vivec and the Empire
The 36 Lessons of Vivec |
Vivec | Words of wisdom relating to Vivec
ABCs for Barbarians bk_ABCs |
25 | Picture book for barbarians
Aedra and Daedra bk_AedraAndDaedra bk_Aedra_Tarer_Unique |
50 | Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and Daedra
The Affairs of Wizards bk_AffairsOfWizards |
50 | Turedus Talanian | Information for people interested in joining House Telvanni
The Alchemists Formulary bk_AlchemistsFormulary |
300 | Instructions for some of the common potions made around Morrowind
Ancestors and the Dunmer bk_AncestorsAndTheDunmer |
25 | An outdated guide for foreign visitors to Morrowind
The Annotated Anuad bk_AnnotatedAnuad (green cover) bk_ChildrensAnuad (blue cover) |
50 | Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic Era
Antecedants of Dwemer Law bk_AntecedantsDwemerLaw |
25 | A historical account of the development of Dwemer law and custom from its roots in High Elven culture
The Anticipations bk_Anticipations |
50 | Anonymous | Overview of the members of and the relationship between the Tribunal and the Daedra
Arcana Restored bk_ArcanaRestored |
75 | Wapna Neustra Praceptor [sic] Emeritus |
Cryptic instructions for the restoration of Arcana
The Arcturian Heresy bk_ArcturianHeresy |
25 | A brief, undated, early historical document covering the Underking and Tiber Septim
Arkay the Enemy bk_ArkayTheEnemy |
40 | KW | Instructions for the faithful to foil Arkay
The Armorer's Challenge BookSkill_Armorer1 |
325 | Mymophonus | A competition between two skilled armorsmiths
The Art of War Magic bookskill_destruction4 |
225 | Zurin Arctus, with Commentary By Other Learned Masters | Mastering the art of winning
Ashland Hymns bk_Ashland_Hymns |
35 | A volume of folk verses collected from Ashlanders
The Axe Man bookskill_axe2 |
225 | A surprising way to become proficient with an axe
Azura and the Box BookSkill_Sneak3 |
200 | Marobar Sul | Book 11 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
The Balladeer's Fakebook bk_Balladeers_Fakebook |
35 | Popular Western drinking songs
Biography of Queen Barenziah |
Stern Gamboge, Imperial Scribe | The life history of Queen Barenziah
Biography of the Wolf Queen BookSkill_Speechcraft1 |
250 | Katar Eriphanes | A history of the unambiguously evil Queen Potema, the so-called Wolf Queen of Solitude
The Black Arrow |
Gorgic Guine | A story of revenge, and a true master archer
The Black Glove bk_BlackGlove |
60 | Promotionary pamphlet for the Morag Tong
Blasphemous Revenants bk_BlasphemousRevenants |
55 | A call for the destruction of all vampires and those who follow them!
The Blue Book of Riddles bk_BlueBookOfRiddles |
250 | A collection of riddles
Boethiah's Glory bk_Boethiah's Glory_unique |
25 | Worship book for Boethiah
Boethiah's Pillow Book bk_BoethiahPillowBook |
0 |
Bone |
Tavi Dromio | Tale told of the invention of bonemold armor
The Book of Daedra bk_BookOfDaedra |
45 | Excerpts from a lengthy tome describing the nature of each of the Daedra
The Book of Dawn and Dusk bk_BookDawnAndDusk |
25 | A collection of sayings and aphorisms attributed variously to the Tribunals and to their saints and servants
Book of Life and Service bk_BookOfLifeAndService |
40 | Book relating to the undead of the Soul Cairn
Book of Rest and Endings bk_BookOfRestAndEndings |
40 | Obscure bits of cult mumbo-jumbo
Breathing Water BookSkill_Alteration1 |
400 | Haliel Myrm | Lessons on water breathing
Brief History of the Empire |
Stronach k'Thojj III | A description of events in the history of the Empire
The Brothers of Darkness bk_BrothersOfDarkness |
100 | Pellarne Assi | A brief history of the Dark Brotherhood
Brown Book of 3E 426 bk_BrownBook426 |
75 | A yearbook of the affairs of the Telvanni Council
The Buying Game bookskill_mercantile1 |
200 | Adabael Timsar-Dadisun | Tips on buying and selling
The Cake and the Diamond BookSkill_Alchemy2 |
200 | Athyn Muendil | An alchemist tricks a thief!
The Cantatas of Vivec bk_CantatasOfVivec |
50 | A book of gospels in the form of epic songs
Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick bk_fishystick |
5 | The definitive reference to fishy sticks throughout Tamriel
Chance's Folly bookskill_security4 |
250 | Zylmoc Golge | The folly of a double-crosser
The Changed Ones bk_ChangedOnes |
50 | Story of how Boethiah refuted Trinimac
Charwich-Koniinge Letters |
Charwich and Koniinge | Letters sent between Charwich and Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star
Cherim's Heart of Anequina bookskill_medium armor1 |
225 | Livillus Perus, Professor at the Imperial University | Interview with Cherim, a master tapestry weaver
Children of the Sky bk_ChildrenOfTheSky |
50 | A description of the Nords and the Thu'um
Chimarvamidium BookSkill_Heavy Armor3 |
225 | Marobar Sul | Book 6 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Chronicles of Nchuleft bk_ChroniclesNchuleft |
250 | An Anonymous Altmer | A historical chronicle of events in the Dwemer Freehold Colony of Nchuleft
Confessions of a Skooma-Eater bk_Confessions |
25 | Tilse Sendas | A narrative of a cured skooma addict
The Consolations of Prayer bk_ConsolationsOfPrayer |
25 | A prayerbook for Blessed Almsivi, Triune Grace, and all the hosts of saints
A Dance in Fire |
Waughin Jarth | A clerk's adventures in Valenwood
Darkest Darkness bk_darkestdarkness |
60 | A description of various Daedra
The Death Blow of Abernanit BookSkill_Block1 |
300 | Anonymous (with notes by Geocrates Varnus) | The death of Dagoth Thras
Divine Metaphysics... bk_DivineMetaphysics |
1000 | An explanation of Anumidium's construction, written in Dwemeris
The Doors of the Spirit bk_DoorsOfTheSpirit |
50 | Mantra of the Dunmer spirits
The Dowry BookSkill_Security3 |
300 | Marobar Sul | Book 10 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
The Dragon Break Re-Examined BookSkill_Alteration2 |
250 | Fal Droon | Explanation of a historical error of timing
The Eastern Provinces Impartially Considered bk_easternprovincesimpartial |
50 | On the benefits and liabilities of the ongoing management of Morrowind and Black Marsh
The Egg of Time bk_EggOfTime |
1000 | Bthuand Mzahnch | A refutation of a popular theory among the Dwemer that the use of Lorkhan's Heart involved unjustifiable risks
Fellowship of the Temple bk_fellowshiptemple |
25 | Archcanon Tholer Saryoni | Evangelical and documentative orthodox work of the Tribunal Temple
Feyfolken |
Waughin Jarth | The Great Sage tells a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic Enchanters
The Final Lesson bookskill_enchant5 |
350 | Aegrothius Goth | Two apprentices are separated
The Firmament bk_firmament |
40 | Ffoulke | A book of constellations and their meanings
The Firsthold Revolt bookskill_mysticism1 |
200 | Maveus Cie | The story of how Hlaalu Helseth's sister kept the Summerset Isle city of Firsthold
The Five Far Stars bk_five_far_stars |
25 | Zershishi Mus-Manul | Ashlander poetry
The Five Songs of King Wulfharth bk_fivesongsofkingwulfharth |
30 | A summary of five epic songs of the Ash King, plus an apocryphal song of the Tribunal, Dagoth-Ur and Nerevar
For my Gods and Emperor bk_formygodsandemperor |
25 | Imperial Cult | A handbook for new Imperial Cult members
Fort Pelagiad Prisoner Log bk_fortpelagiadprisonerlog |
0 |
The Four Suitors of Benitah bookskill_restoration3 |
300 | Jole Yolivess | A man quests to marry his childhood crush through the use of Fortify Attribute spells
Fragment: On Artaeum bk_fragmentonartaeum |
20 | Taurce il-Anselma | A work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of Artaeum
Frontier, Conquest, and Accomodation bk_frontierconquestaccommodat |
25 | University of Gwylim Press, 3E 344 | Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel
Galerion The Mystic bk_galerionthemystic |
50 | Asgrim Kolsgreg | A biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages Guild
Galur Rithari's Papers bk_galur_rithari's_papers |
0 | Galur Rithari | Galur Rithari's account of his attempts to rid himself of vampirism
A Game at Dinner BookSkill_Alchemy1 |
200 | An Anonymous Spy | A spy's observations upon poison making and a dinner party
The Gold Ribbon of Merit bookskill_marksman1 |
250 | Ampyrian Brum | A man tutors his old friend in marksmanship
Grasping Fortune bk_graspingfortune |
30 | Serjo Hlaalu Dram Bero | Evangelical and documentative work of Great House Hlaalu
Great Houses of Morrowind bk_great_houses |
3 | A description of the five great houses of Morrowind
Guide to Ald'ruhn bk_guide_to_ald_ruhn |
3 | An overview of Ald'ruhn's people and notable places
Guide to Balmora bk_guide_to_balmora |
3 | An overview of Balmora's people and notable places
Guide to Sadrith Mora bk_guide_to_sadrithmora |
3 | An overview of Sadrith Mora's people and notable places
Guide to Vivec bk_guide_to_vivec |
3 | An overview of Vivec's people and notable places
Guide to Vvardenfell bk_guide_to_vvardenfell |
3 | An overview of the district of Vvardenfell
Guylaine's Architecture bk_guylainesarchitecture |
60 | Guylaine Marilie's outdated summary of historical Dwemer architecture
Hallgerd's Tale bookskill_heavy armor1 |
325 | Tavi Dromio | Squabbling over the greatest warrior ever leads to a tale of heavy-armor-master Hlaalu Pasoroth
Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale bk_hanginggardenswasten |
55 | A travel guide to the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, written in both Dwemeris and Aldmeris
Hanin's Wake bk_bartendersguide bk_bartendersguide_01 |
10 | A noxious and lethal drink allows for a mass sacrifice
Homilies of Blessed Almalexia bk_HomiliesOfBlessedAlmalexia |
25 | Almalexia | A series of children's fables, each with its own moral
Honor Among Thieves bk_honorthieves |
100 | Arnie the Scrib | A manual for those wishing to join the Thieves Guild
The Hope of the Redoran bookskill_blunt weapon1 |
250 | Turiul Nirith | A tale of a child blessed by a prophecy and the interpretation thereof
The Horror of Castle Xyr bookskill_destruction1 |
250 | Baloth-Kul | A One Act Play
The House of Troubles bk_HouseOfTroubles_c bk_HouseOfTroubles_o |
50 | Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal
How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs bookskill_heavy armor4 |
200 | Menyna Gsost | The story of how Gortwog won the land to the north of Wayrest
A Hypothetical Treachery bookskill_destruction3 |
175 | Anthil Morvir | A One Act Play
I'm My Own Grandpa bk_Im_My_Own_Grandpa |
10 | Gaeldol, the Funniest Wood Elf Ever | A collection of jokes
Ice and Chitin BookSkill_Light Armor2 |
325 | Pletius Spatec | A tale of the manipulation of chitin armor
Imperial Charter of the Guild of Fighters bk_charterFG |
30 | The purpose, authority, tenents, and membership requirements for the Fighters Guild
The Importance of Where BookSkill_Blunt Weapon2 |
200 | Marobar Sul | Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Incident in Necrom bookskill_illusion3 |
225 | Jonquilla Bothe | A story about an illusionist
Invocation of Azura bk_InvocationOfAzura |
50 | Sigillah Parate | A work written by a priestess of Azura arguing the superiority of Azura to other Daedra Princes
Journal of Tarhiel bk_falljournal_unique |
50 | Tarhiel | The ramblings of Tarhiel, inventor of the long-distance jumping spell
Kagrenac's Journal bk_kagrenac'sjournal_excl |
400 | Kagrenac | An unreadable text containing Kagrenac's daily thoughts
Kagrenac's Planbook bk_kagrenac'splans_excl |
400 | Kagrenac | An unreadable text containing Kagrenac's plans
Last Scabbard of Akrash BookSkill_Armorer2 |
250 | Tabar Vunqidh | Story of a slaver's daughter and her Khajiit lover
The Legendary Scourge bk_LegendaryScourge |
200 | A short story and poem about Scourge, the mace of Malacath
Legions of the Dead bk_legionsofthedead (bk_sharnslegionsofthedead for the unique version) |
0 / 50 | An informational book on the undead
A Less Rude Song bk_istunondescosmology |
40 | Anonymous | A standard bawdy ballad
Lives of the Saints bk_LivesOfTheSaints |
25 | Tribunal Temple | Listing and describing prominent saints of the Dunmer
The Locked Room bookskill_security1 |
200 | Porbert Lyttumly | How a pupil outlocks her cruel lockpick instructor
Lord Jornibret's Last Dance bookskill_light armor3 |
300 | Song involving men and women's parts
The Lost Prophecy bk_thelostprophecy |
0 | Gilvas Barelo | One of the Nerevarine Prophecies
The Lunar Lorkhan BookSkill_Alteration5 |
350 | Fal Droon | A theory about the moons Masser and Secunda
The Lusty Argonian Maid bk_lustyargonianmaid |
20 | Crassius Curio | A short excerpt from Crassius Curio's bawdy play
The Madness of Pelagius bk_madnessofpelagius |
20 | Tsathenes | Profiling the renowned Mad Emperor
Mages Guild Charter bk_charterMG |
30 | Rules for membership of the Mages Guild
The Marksmanship Lesson bookskill_marksman4 |
250 | Alla Llaleth | How a Bosmer slave teaches his master's son marksmanship
Master Zoaraym's Tale bookskill_hand to hand5 |
300 | Gi'Nanth | About the Temple of the Two Moons in Elsweyr and its students
The Mirror bookskill_block2 |
225 | Berdier Wreans | About a skilled fighter's showdown with his greatest enemy
Mixed Unit Tactics v1 bk_MixedUnitTactics |
25 | Codus Callonus | A book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years War
The Monomyth bk_manyfacesmissinggod |
30 | A theological book containing the common creation myths
Mysterious Akavir bk_MysteriousAkavir |
50 | Information about the continent Akavir
Mystery of Talara |
Mera Llykith | The five-part story of Princess Talara
Mysticism bk_Mysticism |
25 | Tetronius Lor | A treatise on the school of Mysticism
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! bk_NGastaKvataKvakis_c bk_NGastaKvataKvakis_o |
200 | N'Gasta | An obscure text written in the language of the Sload by a necromancer
Nchunak's Fire and Faith bk_nchunaksfireandfaith |
60 | Nchunak | Nchunak's journey among the Dwemer and his attempts to understand the teachings of Kagrenac
Nerevar Moon-and-Star bk_NerevarMoonandStar |
200 | An Imperial scholarly work on the legend of Indoril Nerevar
Night Falls On Sentinel bookskill_blunt weapon3 |
275 | Boali | How a knight weeds out an enemy of the king
No-h's Picture Book of Wood bk_BriefHistoryofWood bk_BriefHistoryofWood_01 |
10 | No-h | An interesting book about wood
Notes on Racial Phylogeny bookskill_restoration2 |
275 | the Council of Healers, Imperial University | About the similarities and differences between the races of Tamriel
The Old Ways bk_oldways |
40 | Celarus the Loremaster | A guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefs
On Morrowind bk_OnMorrowind |
40 | Erramanwe of Sunhold | A historical synopsis of the Imperial conquest of Morrowind
On Oblivion bk_onoblivion |
40 | Morian Zenas | A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra
On the Preparation of the Corpse |
How to obtain and prepare a corpse for necromantic purposes
Ordo Legionis bk_ordolegionis |
30 | An introduction to the Imperial Legion
Origin of the Mages Guild bk_OriginOfTheMagesGuild |
25 | The Archmage Salarth | Where and how the Mages Guild started
Overview of Gods and Worship bk_OverviewOfGodsAndWorship |
50 | Brother Hetchfield | Speculation concerning the worship of gods and their benefit from such
Palla |
Vojne Mierstyyd | A conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead woman
The Pig Children bk_PigChildren |
100 | Tyston Bane | Discusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac Bay
The Pilgrim's Path bk_PilgrimsPath |
25 | Tribunal Temple | A book describing each of the Temple's shrines
Poison Song |
Bristin Xel | A historically inaccurate epic set in the aftermath of the war with the Dwemer and House Dagoth
The Posting of the Hunt bk_PostingOfTheHunt |
200 | A document announcing a ritualistic hunting of a mortal by Daedra
The Prayers of Baranat bookskill_hand to hand1 |
250 | Adventure of a man in his quest to release a kidnapped lady
Progress of Truth bk_progressoftruth |
150 | Dissident Priests | A book questioning the doctrine of the Tribunal and even its godhood
The Ransom of Zarek BookSkill_Athletics1 |
200 | Marobar Sul | How a boy escapes his kidnappers
The Real Barenziah |
Anonymous | Biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind
The Real Nerevar bk_RealNerevar |
50 | A Telvanni retainer's informal history of Nerevar
Realizations of Acrobacy bookskill_acrobatics1 |
200 | Master Rhunen Zebavi | Story of a struggle between Telvanni councilors
The Rear Guard BookSkill_Light Armor1 |
200 | Tenace Mourl | How a lone man guards a besieged castle and how he obtains his food
Red Book of Great House Redoran 3E 426 bk_redbook426 |
60 | A yearbook of the affairs of the Redoran Council of Vvardenfell District
The Red Book of Riddles bk_redbookofriddles |
50 | Small collection of riddles
Redoran Cooking Secrets bk_redorancookingsecrets |
20 | Dinara Othrelas | How to cook "Crab Meat and Scuttle" and "The Hound and Rat"
Reflections on Cult Worship bk_reflectionsoncultworship... |
25 | Cuseius Plecia | Comparisons between the Imperial Cult and the Temple
Response to Bero's Speech bookskill_destruction2 |
200 | Malviser, Battlemage | Commentaries of "Bero's Speech to the Battlemages" book
The Ruins of Kemel-Ze bk_tamrielicreligions |
40 | Rolard Nordssen | An archaeologist's adventure through ancient Dwemer ruins
Saryoni's Sermons bk_SaryonisSermons |
50 | Archcanon Tholer Saryoni | Annotated text of the Temple with commentary by Archcanon Tholer Saryoni
Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi bk_SecretsDwemerAnimunculi |
450 | Diagrams of a Sphere Centurion in various stages
The Seed BookSkill_Axe3 |
200 | Marobar Sul | Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
A Short History of Morrowind bk_ShortHistoryMorrowind |
5 | Jeanette Sitte | Some excerpts from the book's introduction and its section on Vvardenfell
Silence bookskill_illusion2 |
230 | Ganpheril Kimeth | How an adventurer's fight with a powerful mage was aided with a simple Silence spell
Sithis BookSkill_Alteration3 |
275 | Text detailing an apparent connection between Sithis and Lorkhan
Smuggler's Island bookskill_spear1 |
250 | Quarde Anarion | A tale of eleven moon sugar smugglers' grisly fate
Song of the Alchemists BookSkill_Alchemy3 |
200 | Marobar Sul | Book 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Special Flora of Tamriel bk_specialfloraoftamriel |
25 | Hardin the Herbalist | A list of the rare plants of Tamriel
Spirit of Nirn, God of Mortals bk_spiritofnirn |
40 | Opinions of the god Lorkhan and the origin of creation
Spirit of the Daedra bk_SpiritOfTheDaedra |
100 | A look into the Daedric mindset
Starlover's Log bk_SamarStarloversJournal |
350 | Samar Starlover | Entries from the journal of a Battlemage seeking escape from Battlespire
The Stranger bk_a2_1_thestranger |
0 | These are the words of the prophecy called "The Stranger"
Surfeit of Thieves bookskill_security5 |
350 | Aniis Noru | How a busted robbery gets even worse
Tal Marog Ker's Researches bk_TalMarogKersResearches |
450 | Tal Marog Ker | On the exploits and studies of Chimere Graegyn
Tamrielic Lore bk_Yagrum's_Book |
250 | Yagrum Bagarn | A list of ancient artifacts, compiled by the last living Dwemer at the behest of Divayth Fyr
The Third Door BookSkill_Axe1 |
250 | Annanar Orme | Tale of a heart-broken, vengeful, axe-wielding woman
Trap bookskill_sneak4 |
250 | Anonymous | A starving man steals money for food, but pays a high price for his action
The True Nature of Orcs bk_truenatureoforcs |
30 | Book detailing the Orsimer race and their origin
The True Noble's Code bk_truenoblescode |
40 | Serjo Athyn Sarethi | Gives the guidelines to the members of the House Redoran
Unnamed Book bookskill_short blade1 |
225 | Anonymous | A lesson on how to assassinate with a knife, followed by a story of counterbetrayal
The Vagaries of Magicka bk_VagariesOfMagica |
200 |
Vampires of Vvardenfell |
A book giving an overview of vampirism in Morrowind
Varieties of Faith in the Empire bk_varietiesoffaithintheempire |
30 | Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College | An expansive list of the pantheons and associated divine spirits of Tamriel's dominant cultures
Vernaccus and Bourlor bookskill_marksman3 |
250 | Tavi Dromio | How a short-tempered Daedra tries to make something of himself
Vivec and Mephala bk_vivecandmephala |
40 | Informational book about ALMSIVI and Mephala
The War of the First Council bk_WaroftheFirstCouncil |
25 | Agrippa Fundilius | A brief account of a First Era religious conflict
The Warrior's Charge bookskill_conjuration5 |
325 | An old poem of the Redguards that deals with the constellations
The Waters of Oblivion bk_WatersOfOblivion |
250 | A work on the dangers of Daedra and Oblivion
Where Were You When the Dragon Broke? bk_wherewereyoudragonbroke |
55 | Various | A brief description and multiple accounts of the Dragon Break
The Wild Elves bk_wildelves |
35 | Kier-Jo Chorvak | Brief description of the Ayleids, or Wild Elves
Withershins bookskill_restoration1 |
250 | Yaqut Tawashi | A humorous tale of a man's ailment and cure
The Wolf Queen |
Waughin Jarth | The life story of Queen Potema
Words and Philosophy BookSkill_Long Blade1 |
225 | An interview with a Bosmer master swordsman about her life
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi bk_wordsclanmother |
40 | Clan Mother Ahnissi | How a Khajiit explains the origin of the world
Words of the Wind bk_words_of_the_wind |
45 | A volume of verse collected from Ashlander wise women
The Wraith's Wedding Dowry bookskill_unarmored1 |
300 | Voltha gra-Yamwort, translated by Apthorne | Story of how an Orc reclaims her wedding gift from thieves
Yellow Book of Great House Hlaalu bk_yellowbook426 |
20 | Gives a list of Hlaalu councilors and house affairs
The Yellow Book of Riddles bk_yellowbookofriddles |
30 | A small book of interesting riddles |