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The console is accessed by pressing the key to the left of the "1" key: on standard American English language keyboards this is the tilde (~) key. On British English keyboards, this is the backtick (`) key. If it doesn't work, check Engine Bugs § Tilde and other keys not working and discussion archives.

When you enter a valid command in the console, nothing should be returned and the typed command will turn blue compared to the normal brown. If you receive an error message, you did something wrong. An example command is:

player->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345

which will add 12345 gold to player, or


which turns the collision (clipping) in the game on/off.

Whitespace, Punctuation, and Capitalization[edit]

There should be no whitespace between the target name (if any), the -> (used only with a target name), and the first command. Numeric entries should never have commas or spaces in them (it's 12345, not "12,345" or "12 345"). Most numeric entries are integers not floating-point (i.e., are whole numbers without decimal places).

Commands and values (if any) must be separated by a space, a comma, or both. These are all equivalent:

player->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
player->AddItem, "Gold_001", 12345

These are invalid:

player -> AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
player - > AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
player->AddItem; "Gold_001"; 12345

Double, straight quotation marks must surround any ID or value that contains a space, as do most NPC and many item IDs. They are optional around those without spaces, but it is best to habitually include them to avoid errors. These are equivalent:

"Vedam Dren"->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
"Vedam Dren"->AddItem Gold_001 12345

These are invalid:

Vedam Dren->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
player->AddItem, Demon Katana, 1

Underscores and spaces cannot be swapped for each other. Some commands themselves (e.g., Set GameHour To) contain spaces, are not quoted, and must retain the spaces.

The entire commandline is case-insensitive. These are equivalent:

Player->AddItem "Gold_001" 12345
player->additem "gold_001" 12345

Common Commands[edit]

The following is a selection from the complete list.

[Square brackets] = an optional entry. The brackets are not part of the command.
Variables are marked up as such (and appear as italic monospaced in most browsers).
Quotation marks shown are part of the command (but sometimes optional).
Command Abbr Description
AddTopic, "TopicID" Adds the given dialogue topic to the player's list of known topics. Known topics will appear when the player talks to NPCs that have that topic. Example: AddTopic "join house Hlaalu".
CenterOnCell, CellID COC Places the player, at ground level, in the specified interior or exterior cell ID. The center is the center of the game defined cell and may not visually be in what looks like the center, e.g. of a settlement or room. If this is above water, the player will fall into the water immediately after this forced teleportation (absent a Levitate or Water Walking effect).
CenterOnExterior, xPosition, yPosition COE Places the player, at ground level, in the center of the exterior cell that contains the world coordinates xPosition and yPosition (specified in that order).
StartScript ScriptName Runs in-game scripts. Example: StartScript "vampire_cure_pc", which cures vampirism.
CreateMaps, "GameFilename" Creates map image file depending on the Create Maps Enable value in the Morrowind.INI file, for the game file (.esp or .esm) specified (relative to the game's Data Files directory). Example: CreateMaps, "Morrowind.esm", for the main game. If the value in Morrowind.INI is 1 (Xbox), the file GAMEFILENAME.MAP (e.g., MORROWIND.ESM.MAP for the main game) is created in the DataFiles path with the map data. This file output uses an unknown format. If the value in Morrowind.INI is 2 (Exterior Cell Maps), and you have created a directory Maps in the main Morrowind game directory, this command will create a 256 × 256 high-color bitmap of each exterior cell in the game. This command takes a long while even on fast computers, as each cell in the game must be loaded.
ChangeWeather, "Region ID", Type Number Changes the weather for a specific region. Example: ChangeWeather "Isinfier Plains Region" 0 will change the weather in central Solstheim to clear. If you use the region you are currently in, the game transitions to the weather you selected over about a minute of real-world time, as soon as the command is entered. The transition can rarely take longer than this; more below. The weather you selected will stay in effect until the next automatic weather change, normally every 12 in-game hours.

The region codes are:

The possible weather variants are as follows. Types 8 (Snow) and 9 (Blizzard) are only available if Bloodmoon is installed.

The weather potentially changes on its own every 12 in-game hours. If you enter this command for the region you are in when the weather isn't about to automatically change, the transition to the weather you selected will start immediately. However, if you enter this command for the region you are in when the weather is already transitioning because of an automatic change, the game may complete that transition first, and then start a new transition to the weather you selected. This whole process may take a couple of minutes of real-world time.

EnableLevelUpMenu Enables the level-up menu (where one chooses which attributes to increase). With a save game beforehand, this can be used to check progress toward bonuses for specific attributes if one has lost track.
EnableStatReviewMenu Brings up the character modification screen, which can be used to change your race, class, birthsign, and other stats. Note that there are two problems, as you will lose all your spells, and your immunity to all diseases (if you have progressed far enough in the Main Quest to have that).
EnableNameMenu Opens name menu, where you can change your character's name.
EnableRaceMenu Opens race menu, where you can change your race and/or head, once per game session. If you change race, this will also change any abilities and handicaps that go along with it. The warning above about EnableStatReviewMenu also applies to EnableRaceMenu, if you attempt to use it without restarting the game program entirely (not just reloading a save game) after previously using the command or after doing initial character generation. If you do not restart, the command is treated as EnableStatReviewMenu, and will go through changing class, etc., not just race and head, and with thus trigger spell and immunity erasure. Additionally, using this command while in third person will cause the game to crash.
EnableClassMenu Opens class menu, where you can change your character class.
EnableBirthMenu Opens birthsign menu, where you can change your character's birthsign, which will also change any abilities and handicaps that go along with it. This resets your character back to level 1 effectively re-creating your character. It change attributes and skills back to their defaults, and you lose all of your spells you learned.
FillJournal Adds all entries to the journal (i.e, mark all quests as finished). This command takes a long time to complete.
FillMap Shows all the towns on the full map.
FixMe Moves player 128 units away from current location. (The collision detection sometimes goes wrong in tight places and pins you down to one spot. But this will usually get you out if you are stuck somewhere.)
GetFactionReaction, "FactionID1", "FactionID2" Shows the numeric reaction code between two specified factions. The faction ID numbers are required; this wiki's article on each faction provides its ID. [This is not true yet.] See Factions § Reaction Table for how to interpret the results.
Help Shows shorthand for most commands.
Journal, "QuestID", QuestStage Adds an entry to your Journal for a particular integer stage (given by QuestStage), of a particular quest (given by QuestID). Quests' IDs are given on the quest walkthrough articles of this wiki, along with their quest stages, which can also be found using the Construction Set dialogue window. This command is useful for skipping certain parts of a quest, and especially for fixing quests that have broken due to a bug or player error.
SetJournalIndex, "QuestID", QuestStage SetJournalIndex is primarily useful to set a Journal to an entry without displaying any journal text. This can be used as a form of a quest variable without being forced to actually create a global variable to govern that quest -- for example, to display something to the player, and then set a special flag for that quest you can set the index to 46, and then check to see if the dialogue entry is 46 instead of 45 to have the NPC do something different when reacting to the player.
Lock level Locks the currently selected lock (door or container) at whatever integer lock level you input (normally between 1 and 100). This even works on containers that should not logically be lockable, such as baskets and urns. To select an object, open the console, with the object visible below it, and click the object to select it (you'll see its name in the console title bar). Due to a bug, a lock level of 1 is sufficient in all cases to prevent NPCs opening doors, since none of them pick locks even if they have high Security skill, and even if they are in active pursuit of you. A practical use for this command (or the less cheaty Lock spell) is to use a personal code (e.g. 1 for done, 2 for haven't-done-yet) to tag doors and even containers in large areas you intend to return to later. Note: You can set a value greater than 100, making a door unopenable by you without resorting to magic that boosts your Security skill over 100 and higher than the lock level, and even then a Luck boost may also be required.
PlaceAtPC, "ObjectID", count, distance, direction Places the given object into the world near the player. For example, PlaceAtPC,"Sharn gra-Muzgob" 1 20 1 will place that NPC 20 units in front of the player. See the editor for more object IDs. Making those values 1 0 0 will place the object/person exactly where you are standing. You can usually just step out of them, but in some instances you can get stuck. Note: This command will duplicate NPCs/items, not teleport them; for the latter, use PositionCell, which has a different syntax.
ModFactionReaction, "FactionID1", "FactionID2", value Changes the Reaction values between two factions, specifically the first faction ID towards members of the second faction ID. This wiki's article on each faction provides its ID. See Factions § Reaction Table for numeric faction reaction levels. As far as the player is concerned, this changes Dispositions in conversation, and can also affect the likelihood of being attacked my members of a hostile faction. For instance, one can make factions that normally hate one another, like House Telvanni and the Mage's Guild, feel amicable instead. Doing this more than temporarily may have undesirable effects on gameplay (mostly making too many interactions super-easy, though one can also worsen a faction reaction on purpose). Note that only first faction's reaction is changed, so in order to change the attitude in both directions, simply repeat the command, swapping the two faction's IDs.
ResetActors RA Resets the location of every NPC in the current cell to where they originally were. This can be used to fix NPCs that get stuck in hills or walls and move NPCs that are blocking a passage or doorway. Use this command with caution, however, as it will also reset the locations of any NPCs in the cell that you have moved with Command Humanoid or the console. Alternatives include PositionCell and Move.
SetPCCrimeLevel value Sets your Bounty to the given integer value. For example, SetPCCrimeLevel 0 will clear you of any bounty for your crimes and stop pursuit by arresting guards.
Set GameHour To value Example: Set GameHour To 5 would set the time of day to 5am. The game uses a 24 hour clock, so 5pm would be 17. Note: While Show GameHour returns floating point values (like 3.8646), Set GameHour To in the console only accepts integers (whole hours), e.g., 3 or 4 – you cannot specify something like 6.5 or 6:30 for 6:30am.
Set Timescale To value Changes the speed of the day/night cycle. A value of 1 makes the day go at real-time speed; an in-game day would last 24 hours in real life. A value of 10 will make it ten times as fast as real-time (i.e., one in-game day lasts 2.4 hours), etc. The default timescale is 30 (1 in-game day = 48 real minutes).
ShowGroup SG Show selected actor's group members
Show VariableName Shows the value of a single in-game variable. Example: Show PCVampire will return 0, 1, or -1, depending on the player's vampire state.
ShowSceneGraph SSG Create a new window (in the operating system, outside the gameplay window) with all the game renderer's information.
ShowTargets ST Show selected actor's target group members.
ShowVars SV Console command that lists all the global and local variables presently in effect.
StopCellTest SCT Stops a cell test previously started by the TestCells console command.
StreamMusic ["filename"] Plays the specified file, in a directory path relative to the game's Data Files/Music subdirectory; for example: "Explore\My Song.mp3". An absolute path can also be specified (e.g., "C:\Username\My Music\My Song.mp3"). Filenames are case-sensitive (in the original game in Windows and in OpenMW on some operating systems), so be sure to get the case correct. If the path\filename contains a space character, the quotation marks are mandatory around the path; otherwise they are optional. The format can be MP3, WAV, or MIDI (.mid). Used without a filename, StreamMusic just plays random music from the files available under Data Files\Music and its subdirectories. In OpenMW on Linux or Mac OS, the path will use forward slashes not back-slashes.
TestCells TC
TestInteriorCells TIC
TestModels T3D
ToggleAI TAI Toggle the NPC/creature AI
ToggleBorders TB Toggles the display of exterior cell borders
ToggleCombatStats TCS Turn combat stats on/off. Stats are displayed in the console window.
ToggleCollision TCL Turns clipping on and off for the player and all NPCs in range. This allows you to fly around through walls and objects (don't go through doors that lead to another area). Use with care as often NPCs and creatures will become stuck when you use this command (to reset, turn collision on and type RA into the console). To do them again just turn collision back on.
ToggleCollisionBoxes TCB
ToggleCollisionGrid TCG Displays the grid which controls how objects collide with things.
ToggleDebugText TDT Displays various debug texts on the screen, such as position and video frame rate.
ToggleDialogueStats TDS
ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns the "fog of war" effect in the automap display off or back on. Turning it off is useful for taking screenshots of complete maps with no blacked-out areas in them.
ToggleFullHelp TFH Shows you ownership and script of objects you hover the pointer over. Useful for knowing who to avoid selling stolen items to, and which items (including containers and beds) are owned at all.
ToggleGodMode TGM Makes the player mostly invulnerable. You can actually still die, when using spells on characters or creatures with Reflect.
ToggleGrid TG Displays a grid showing the status of the active (exterior or interior) cells.
ToggleKillStats TKS Displays statistics in the console on how many creatures you've killed each time you kill another.
ToggleMagicStats TMS
ToggleMenus TM Closes all open menus, dialogue, barter, enchanting, etc.
ToggleScripts Unknown - Possibly toggles the scripts on or off.
ToggleStats TST Toggles display of the various debug statistics.
ToggleSky TS Toggles the sky on or off.
ToggleTextureString TTS Shows texture strings for targeted objects?
ToggleWorld TW Turns off the world. NPCs will still display until you move your camera, at which point they will disappear. Does not actually turn off collision, only hides rendering.
ToggleWireframe TWF Toggles the display of wireframe 3D objects.
Unlock Unlocks the currently selected lock (door or container). To select an object, open the console with the object visible below it, and click the object to select it (you'll see its name in the console title bar).
TogglePathGrid TPG Toggle path grid display. Displays the grid that helps define where NPCs normally walk.

Targeted Commands[edit]

Targeted commands are used with a player-> prefix to affect the player character. But any "actor" (NPC or creature) or object can be targeted that way by using an "ID"-> prefix, giving the person or object's in-game ID, though many commands have no function with non-lifeforms and/or non-containers. Another way to target an object (especially a non-unique one, which cannot precisely be addressed by prefix) is to click on it while in the console. The title of the console window will change to the object selected, and any targeted command without prefix will now apply to it. Some commands that should work with a prefix on unique NPCs will not, and require the console-click technique. A complete listing of targeted commands can be found at the function list.

[Square brackets] = an optional entry. The brackets are not part of the command.
{Curly braces} = a mandatory choice between multiple possible entries. The choices are literal characters, not variables. The braces are not part of the command.
Variables are marked up as such (and appear as italic monospaced in most browsers).
Quotation marks shown are part of the command (but sometimes optional).
Command Description
AddItem "Gold_001" value Adds value amount of gold (septims).
AddItem "ItemID" number Adds number amount of a specific item to the inventory. Items' IDs can be found in the items articles on this wiki, or in the Construction Set.
AddSoulGem "CreatureID" "misc_soulgem_type" [1] Adds to the inventory a soul gem filled with the soul of whatever creature's ID is specified in place of CreatureID (the ID can be looked up in the Construction Set, or at the article about the creature at this wiki). The type is replaced by the type of soul gem you wish to use (e.g. grand, greater, lesser, etc.). Depending on game build, this command may or may not require a number to be specified at the end. The soul gem type must have sufficient capacity for the soul of the creature chosen.
AddSpell "SpellID" Adds the specified spell to those currently known by the player (or other specified target). This command can only be used to add stock spells – the ones you buy from spell-selling NPCs, not the custom ones from Spellmakers – by their spell IDs (which usually coincide with their names, including the spaces). Aside from the obvious cheat potential, an "anti-cheat" is to give key enemies more (and more powerful) spells, as well as more Magicka (see SetMagicka, below) if you've become so overpowered that the game seems too easy even at maximum difficulty.
GetPos {x, y, or z} Gives the coordinates of the player/object on the map. Takes the literal one-letter name for a single axis – x, y, or z – per command, and returns a floating-point value. The command can help when you're attempting to find something that's listed by its coordinates. Also used to get current player coordinates to reuse in a PositionCell command (to move a unique NPC or item to you without making a duplicate, as PlaceAtPC would), or in SetPos commands (to reposition something precisely to where you were just standing or to somewhere relative to where you are standing).
Move {x, y, or z} value Allows the relative positioning of objects within the cell (interior or exterior), away from their current position. Takes the one-letter name – x, y, or z – and a numeric (integer or floating point) value for a single axis per command. Examples: Move z 10 will very slightly raise an item, if it is clipping with the surface it is laying on (this often happens with Dwemer schematics). Move y -1000 will notably move a person or object backward (from their vantage point of the front of the character/object). Precise positioning of objects (usually done for player home decoration) takes some practice. An object may reset to an earlier position (after a game reload or after leaving and returning to the cell) if your manual moving caused it to clip with another surface. The most practical use for this command is moving out of the way an NPC who has slowly migrated and is blocking passage or standing on top of a small item. It can also be used to cheat, e.g. to move a guard to where he cannot see your crime. The proper way to do this is with a Command Humanoid spell. Using a value like Move z 5000 can be used to move an object into the air and it will stay there (e.g., to hang a lantern on a rafter, or to just have a hovering sword for fun). If used on an NPC or creature, they will, however, fall to the ground, possibly taking damage or dying if the z height is excessive.`
PCJoinFaction "FactionID" Forces the player to join the designated faction.
PCRaiseRank "FactionID" Raises the player's rank in the designated faction.
PCLowerRank "FactionID" Lowers the player's rank in the designated faction. Use at Rank 0 causes the player to leave the designated faction.
PCClearExpelled "FactionID" Clears the player's expulsion status from the designated faction.
PositionCell xPosition, yPosition, zPosition, direction, "CellID" Sets a unique actor's or object's exact position in the current cell, by moving it in its current state from anywhere in the game (not by duplicating it from its original state, as is done with the PlaceAtPC command). This takes all three numeric x, y, and z axis values (not axis names) in series and in that order (usually obtained with player->GetPos x, etc., then moving out of the way to make room for the incoming person or object). These values can be rounded to integers, though the z (height) value should always be rounded up to keep someone from spawning in, and possibly falling through, the ground/floor. Be mindful of negative values and don't give them as positive by accident. The direction parameter can most concisely be given as 0, though another value can be specified, such as 16200. The CellID is the full cell name as shown in the local map, and must be quoted if it has spaces, e.g. "Caldera, Guild of Mages". As of June 2017, not all location articles at this wiki provide the in-game ID of the place, so the map is best. Complete example: "Dabienne Mornardl"->PositionCell, -564, -61, 934, 0, "Rethan Manor" – to move a useful enchanter, who is not tied to any quests, into the Hlaalu player stronghold without bothering with a tedious Command Humanoid walk. PositionCell can also be used to recover a follower NPC who has gone missing and whose quest state should not be reset. If used with the ID of a non-unique person (e.g., generic guard) or object as the named target, the command appears to move the first one the game encounters in the present cell, and will fail with an error if there isn't one, or fail silently if the only such item in the cell is in the inventory of a person or container. Behavior with unique NPCs and items is inconsistent: while this command can be used to move a unique NPC to a new cell, you cannot use it do things like bring Artifacts to you from a distance (though you can clone them to yourself with PlaceAtPC or AddItem).
Resurrect When used on a corpse, resurrects it. An NPC who is dead from the beginning of the game (or whose scripted appearance is only as a corpse in an ongoing one) will not be resurrected. When an NPC is resurrected, they get all their original items back, lose any new items they had, and are otherwise reset to their initial state (Disposition, etc.), as with use of PlaceAtPC to clone the NPC. Can be used on non-NPC creatures. Technically, this includes the player if the player-> prefix is used. However, resurrecting the player is known to cause issues, including resetting the spellbook.
Rotate {x, y, or z} value Allows the relative rotation of an object (including an NPC, though many of them are mobile and will not stay in the position you shift them to) within the cell (interior or exterior). To use the command, specify an axis of rotation – x, y, or z – and then the numeric (integer or floating point) value of the arcminutes you want to rotate the target (for reference, 60 arcminutes equal 1 degree). Examples: Rotate z 300 will turn an item five degrees clockwise; Rotate x 5400 will stand a horizontal object perfectly vertical. Only Rotate z works on NPCs, including corpses (and will only work for a moment if a live one is engaged with you, since they'll turn to face you again). This command is mostly used for decorating player homes, but also has cheat potential, in that it can be used to about-face someone to make Sneak easier in their presence. A practical use for it is to get a stuck NPC to stop walking into a wall, especially if they are blocking passage. It can also get a slowly-migrating NPC to drift in a different direction, if you do not cause them to turn away from the new direction in which you've pointed them for a good long while. An object may reset to an earlier orientation (after a game reload or after leaving and returning to the cell) if your rotation caused it to clip with another surface.
SetFatigue value Sets maximum fatigue, and applies it as the current value.
SetFlying {1 or 0} Setting this to 1 turns on Levitation (with an additional step). To get this command to work, enter the console command and then start Levitation by spell, potion, or any other usual means. The effect (at the magnitude, i.e. speed, that you started it with) should now last until you disable the flying with the console by setting this to 0 (which you must do eventually if you've used this on yourself, or you cannot use Rest).
SetLevel value Sets level to the integer specified. For this to work properly on the player character, you'll have to either save the game and restart, or gain a level in the normal fashion, after using this command. While people have experimentally used this to raise their level into the thousands, there's no practical reason to do so; it will increase some player stats, like Health, to cheaty levels of invincibility against NPCs (who have pre-set levels), and similarly increase stats of leveled creatures, resulting in very lengthy fights against them, in which gear may wear out before the fight is over. The command (along with others here, like SetMagicka) can be used to increase the stats of an opponent for a more challenging fight, if a "boss" turns out to be disappointingly easy to beat against your overpowered character.
SetHealth value Sets maximum Health, and applies it as the current value. You may want to use ModCurrentHealth instead. Warning: Using a SetHealth 0 command on NPCs to kill them in an out-of-game way – perhaps to find out what they're carrying, then use Resurrect to bring them back – can have negative effects. While such a killing by the player rather than the player character has no effect on Bounty (other NPCs do not notice the death or blame you for it), it is still registered by the Journal processes. Even temporarily killing a quest-related NPC may change the quest outcome, e.g. finish the quest early, not give the quest at all, or force it to have a negative outcome even if you actually performed the quest steps properly otherwise. It can even cause more serious glitches. For example, killing and resurrecting Joncis Dalomax this way will trigger Imsin the Dreamer to ask about him, condemn you for not rescuing him in a quest you may not be doing for a faction you may not belong to, then kick you out of the faction even if you're not in it, and get stuck in a loop asking about Dalomax if you talk to her again. While the console's Journal and PCClearExpelled commands can be used to correct the situation, it is much safer to experiment with SetHealth by making a save game first then reloading after the corpse examination.
SetMagicka value Sets maximum Magicka, and applies it as the current value.
SetPos {x, y, or z} position Allows the absolute positioning of objects within the cell (interior or exterior). Takes the one-letter name – x, y, or z – and a numeric (integer or floating point) value for a single axis per command. An objects positioned in this manner may or may not retain this position after a load/reload event, or after leaving and returning to the cell, and will be more apt to reset if your manual positioning caused it to clip with another surface. Using the Move command (within the same cell) is more reliable for precise positioning, perhaps after PlaceAtPC (spawns a copy) or PositionCell (moves the original) to get it in the general area. If the item and its desired final location are both visible at the same time, you may find the Move command easier to use.
SetReputation value Adjusts the Reputation to the given integer value. It seems that the nominal maximum value is 255, but if a higher value is entered it appears to be applied. This command has no effect if not used with the player-> prefix, since only the PC has a Reputation stat.
SetDisposition value Adjusts an NPC's Disposition toward the player character to the given integer value. The maximum is 100. This command has no effect if used with the player-> prefix or the prefix of a creature, since only NPCs have a Disposition stat.
SetSuperJump value Adjusts the magnitude of the target's jump effect to the specified integer value. Higher values result in greater jump height. Note: A value of approximately 300 is needed to achieve a jump effect similar to the Scroll of Icarian Flight. Without an abnormally high Acrobatics skill (at least 125), the fall back down is likely to be fatal unless you land on an elevated surface. Set to 0 to disable.
SetWaterBreathing {1 or 0} Setting this to 1 allows breathing underwater (0 disables). If it does not work, try casting Water Breathing and the effect should turn on and remain permanent until disabled with the console. This can safely be left on, except for one quest which requires the player character to drown. A helpful use of this command is to apply it to follower NPCs, who would blissfully drown themselves while following you underwater for very long, though properly one should cast an on-touch Water Breathing spell on them.
SetWaterWalking {1 or 0} Setting this to 1 allows walking on water (0 disables). If it does not work, try casting Water Walking and the effect should turn on and remain permanent until disabled with the console. Disabling it will be necessary eventually, since some quests and other activities require you to go underwater.
SetSkillOrAttributeName value Replace SkillOrAttributeName with something specific to set a skill or attribute to the integer value specified. Multi-word skill names are compressed to drop spaces. Skill example: SetBluntWeapon 50; attribute example: SetSpeed 300. Warning: Use caution when increasing Speed to very high levels; a single tap of the forward button and you can get stuck in a wall. Also, be careful with Acrobatics if you don't want to fly for three minutes without ever seeing the ground. Setting Strength to improbably high levels can cause weapons to break in just a few hits. A helpful use of this command is to apply SetAcrobatics 200 to follower NPCs, who are clumsy and stupid, and quite easily fall to their deaths following you, even doing something as simple as jumping down off a large rock, following you too quickly down a silt strider ramp, or not properly following you across a rope bridge. Death by absurd falling scenarios is one of the most common failures of follower-related quests. This is more of a game mechanics fix than a cheat. A value of 200 is enough for them to survive any such misstep, and has no other effect on the game other than also helping them to follow you when you climb slopes, and to not get stuck for no apparent reason on small rocks they should be able to step over. (Most third-party mods that provide companion NPCs give them this largely invisible stat boost as a basic survival and usability measure.) Some players frustrated at the slow pace of the early stages of the game use SetSpeed or SetAthletics to move faster. Other uses for this set of commands are to reduce maxed skills so you can level further (a cheat), and to reduce your combat stats and/or increase those of key enemies to make the game harder if you have become overpowered even for the game's maximum difficulty setting.