Morrowind:Desolate Shipwreck

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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Thuraya Salaris, checked by Dillonn241

Exterior Images: added by Already Added, checked by Chezburgar
Desolate Shipwreck
(view on map)
# of Zones 3
Console Location Code(s)
Desolate Shipwreck, Cabin
Desolate Shipwreck, Lower Level
Desolate Shipwreck, Upper Level
Ascadian Isles, [1,-6]
The Desolate Shipwreck

Desolate Shipwreck is a ship sunk not at sea, but on the southern edge of Lake Amaya, just nearby and to the west of the Dren and Arvel Plantations. The cabin and all decks are completely flooded without any air pockets.

The Cabin

At least one crate full of Raw Ebony and a vial of skooma can be found here, and given the proximity to the Dren Plantation, it was probably a Camonna Tong smuggling ship in the service of Orvas Dren. It's unclear why a full-sized, ocean-going ship was used rather than a smaller vessel, as the lake is completely landlocked.
