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Morrowind:Generic Dialogue B
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- Bad Daedra
- "The Temple teaches that the Three Good Daedra -- the Anticipations, Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala -- recognized the Divinity of the Tribunal and made homage to them. But the Rebel Daedra -- the Dark Daedra, Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon -- in their arrogance and pride, refused to keep faith with the Tribunal. These Rebel Daedra thus became the Four Corners of the House of Troubles, and they continue to tempt the unwary into heresy and dark worship."
- "The Rebel Daedra -- the Dark Daedra -- Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon -- in their arrogance and pride, refused to keep faith with the Tribunal. We call these Bad Daedra 'the Four Corners of the House of Troubles', and they continue to tempt the unwary into heresy and dark worship."
- "The four Bad Daedra, according to the Temple, are Molag Bal, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Sheogorath. Bad Daedra include Molag Bal's servant, the daedroth; Malacath's servant, the ogrim; Mehrunes Dagon's servant, the scamp, the dremora, and the clannfear; and Sheogorath's servant, the golden saint."
- Bal Fell
- "Bal Fell is the "City of Stone," an ancient First Era ruin in the southeastern islands and promontories of Azura's Coast. The site has a nasty reputation, and several Telvanni wizards currently have competing camps of hirelings and adventurers exploring and looting there. Legend says that Bal Fell was built on the site of an ancient Daedric worship center."
- Bal Molagmer
- "The Bal Molagmer, or "Stone Fire Men," once carried their burning stones from Red Mountain over all of Morrowind, lighting hearth fires and lanterns. Are those Bal Molagmer gloves? Those are priceless historical treasures."
- "The Bal Molagmer, or "Stone Fire Men," once carried their burning stones from Red Mountain over all of Morrowind, lighting hearth fires and lanterns. It is said that their fires brought the light of justice. They vanished many years ago."
- Bal Ur Region
- "The region is named after the ancient Bal Ur Daedric ruins, a local landmark and pilgrimage site. It's an uninhabitable ash waste, rugged highlands broken by lava fields and ash pits. There's no grazing for the Ashlander herds, but they hunt there. It's also a convenient refuge for outlaws and Ashlander outcasts."
- Balmora
- "Balmora is the Council Seat of Great House Hlaalu, and the largest town on Vvardenfell except for Vivec City. Located on the Odai River, and sitting astride the Ald'ruhn-Vivec road, Balmora is an important mercantile trade and travel center. High Town is the administrative center, with the Temple and manor houses. The shops, guilds, and tradehouses of the Commercial District are north of the river; Labor Town's modest cornerclubs and homes are south of the river."
- "Balmora is the district seat of House Hlaalu, and the largest settlement on Vvardenfell after Vivec City. Good roads lead north to Ald'ruhn and south to Caldera, Seyda Neen, and Vivec City. The Imperial Legion garrison of Fort Moonmoth lies south of Balmora."
- "The Imperial Legion garrison of Fort Moonmoth lies south of Balmora."
- "Good roads lead north to Ald'ruhn and south to Caldera, Seyda Neen, and Vivec City."
- "Balmora is a large town in the south of the West Gash region, bordering on the Bitter Coast region to the west, the Ashlands region to the north, and the Ascadian Isles to region to the south."
- Balmora Fighters Guild
- "West of the Odai River, looking up towards the Temple, the Fighters Guild is halfway up on your right. They're always looking for people. If you're thinking of joining up, ask for Eydis Fire-Eye, the local Guild Steward."
- Balmora Mages Guild
- "The Mages Guild is west of the river, one street up from the waterside, by the open plaza just north of the silt strider port. If you were planning to join the Mages Guild, you want to talk to Ranis Athrys, the Guild Steward."
- Balmora Temple
- "The Balmora Temple stands on Rich Hill in the northwest part of town. The shrine there cures diseases and poison, and they offer various other services as well."
- Bandits
- "An adventurer can make a living preying on bandits; the adventurer has right of salvage on weapons, armor, and goods recovered from dead outlaws."
- "Bandits typically operate from secret hideouts in the backcountry, and the Legions don't have troops or time to comb the wilderness for them."
- "The Empire has brought prosperity to Morrowind, and with prosperity comes bandits."
- Barenziah
- This topic appears for NPCs in Mournhold. Plitinius Mero, King Hlaalu Helseth, Almalexia, Barenziah, Fedris Hler, Gavas Drin, Tienius Delitian, and Effe-Tei all have unique dialogue pertaining to the subject.
- "We were all very excited when the Lady Barenziah returned to Mournhold. Of course, she brought her son with her. Still, it is wonderful to have a woman with such charm and grace in the Palace again." (Female, Disposition 50+)
- "I heard she has been killed! A sad, sad bit of news. All of Mournhold weeps for her." (if Barenziah is dead)
- "It's so good to have the Lady living among us again! She has always been a woman of the people, never putting on any airs of royalty." (female Dark Elves)
- "It's so good to have the Lady living among us again! All the Dunmer certainly seem to love her, and I can see why. A sharp woman, she is." (female non-Dark Elves
- "Well, it's certainly good that she is back among our people. It's been too long that the Lady has been away." (male Dark Elves)
- "Well, all the local Dunmer seem happy she's back. I suppose I can see why. Smart woman, doesn't seem to have been ruined by royalty. Know what I mean?" (Male non-Dark Elves, Disposition >50)
- "A fine woman. We're lucky to have her back in Mournhold. I know that a lot has been written about her, but don't believe everything you read. That woman's beauty is only equalled by her grace and wisdom. Shame she didn't pass that on to her son." (male NPCs, Disposition 50+)
- Barracks
- "The Barracks is an ancient Velothi building adapted for use as a barracks by the local Deathshead Legion garrison."
- Bears
- "Bears are but one of the sacred creatures the All-Maker has blessed us with. They embody the warrior's strength, and some of the Skaal can even summon them to fight by their sides."
- "Lots of them around this island. Some of them are pretty nasty, even diseased. Doesn't pay to mess with them, though their pelts can be valuable, I hear."
- "Bears are all over Solstheim. If you see one, be careful. They're vicious fighters, and some are known to be diseased."
- Bedal Alen
- Citizens of Mournhold will say:
- "I haven't seen him around lately."
- Berne
- "This clan above all disappears into the night. Not blessed with the magical powers we are given, they rely on stealth to claim their victims."
- "They are not unlike us in many ways. But, though gifted physically, they prefer the shadows, stalking their prey from the darkness. It is cowardly and weak, and they are not to be trusted."
- "We are the true masters of the night. Only we use our dark powers as they were intended. Sliding through the night, invisible in the shadows, we hunt our prey in secrecy and silence."
- Beserkers
- "Their kind isn't welcome here. They like mead well enough, it's true, but the berserkers have no respect for the rules of Thirsk or the word of its chieftain. They run around half naked and mad from the cold, and will kill anyone who crosses their path. Stay clear of them, if you value your life."
- "They are the "bare-sarks" or bare-chested. The berserkers wear no clothing and have been driven mad by the cold and too much mead. They are not welcome here or anywhere else on Solstheim, for that matter."
- "They are crazed Nords roaming the forest. Stay away from them."
- "What is it with Nords and getting naked?"
- "The berserkers are half-naked Nords who live to kill. They've been driven mad by the cold and have no respect for life or order. If you encounter any, prepare to run or fight to the death."
- Betmeri
- "The peaceful Khajiit and Argonian races are the most numerous and culturally advanced of the Beast races; the war-loving Orc tribes are relatively few in number and widely scattered, but notable as superior warriors and weapon crafters. Other smaller Beast races, like Goblins, Apemen, and Giants, are limited to mountainous areas in the west and north of Tamriel, and seldom encountered in the East."
- "Betmeri, or 'Beastmen,' were the aboriginal inhabitants of Tamriel. Each Beast race has its own distinctive accounts of the mythic era before the coming of Elves and Men; each Beast race is as culturally and physically distinct from one another as it is from Elven and Manish races."
- Birthsign
- "In Tamriel, persons born under certain constellations are said to be 'fortunate in their aspects'. Such persons are often blessed -- or cursed -- with remarkable abilities or weaknesses as a result of the magical conjunctions of celestial influences."
- Bitter Coast
- "The western coast of Vvardenfell from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok is called the Bitter Coast. The salt marshes and humid swamps of this region are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen. Also called 'the Smuggler's Coast', the region's secluded coves and islands provide refuge for criminal trade, and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters."
- "The salt marshes and hot swamps of Bitter Coast are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen."
- Bitter Coast Region
- "The Bitter Coast is named for the salt marshes and swamps along the southwest coast. The water is bitter, and so is life, generally. It's mostly uninhabited wilderness from Seyda Neen in the south all the way north to the West Gash and the Sea of Ghosts. Hla Oad is a fishing settlement on the mainland near the mouth of the Odai River; there's a fair track along the river inland to Balmora. Gnaar Mok is a fishing village on an island farther north, but both places are small, isolated, and poor."
- Bivale Teneran
- "Bivale Teneran is the fine clothier here in Ald'ruhn. Her shop is in the Manor District, which can be found in the north part of town, under-Skar." (Ald'ruhn)
- Black Marsh
- "Most of the native Argonian population of Black Marsh is confined to the great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps of the southern interior. There are few roads here, and most travel is by boat. The coasts and the northwestern upland forests are largely uninhabited. For ages the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves; though the Empire has made this illegal, the practice persists, and Dunmer and Argonians have a long-standing and bitter hatred for one another."
- Black-heart
- "Black-heart is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's strength and endurance. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters."
- Blades
- "The Blades are the Emperor's spies. They're everywhere, but no one knows who they are."
- "The Blades is an prestigious service order for citizens demonstrating the greatest loyalty to the Emperor. To be named to the Blades by the Emperor is a great honor, and publicly acknowledged members serve openly in noble courts and diplomatic posts. Privately, many Blades members act as the Empire's intelligence agency. Such agents conceal themselves with secret identities, operating in disguise as couriers, observers, and spies throughout the Empire."
- Blessings
- "Imperial cult members, or reverent, respectful guests, may make offerings at shrines and receive in return a blessing. Common blessings are healing, cure common or blight disease, resistance to common or blight disease, cure poison, and other health benefits. More extraordinary blessings are reserved for the advanced ranks of the faithful. No offering need be made by these pious souls; benefits may include long-term fortification of attributes and abilities."
- "Most shrines provide common blessings like healing, cure common or cure blight disease, and cure poison."
- "In addition to common blessings, most shrines provide special blessings of the saints that fortify attributes and abilities for long durations."
- "Temple faithful and reverent guests may make offerings at shrines and receive in return a blessing."
- Blight Disease
- "Lord Dagoth has sent the blight to destroy the foreigners, and to chasten those Dunmer who bend to foreign will. Those who oppose Lord Dagoth shall wither and die, while those who join Lord Dagoth shall be healed and strengthened, filled with the power and glory of Red Mountain, and inspired by the dreams of Dagoth Ur."
- "Ridding a colony of blight is expensive and dangerous, because of the fierce attacks of sick kwama foragers and warriors, and the risk of spreading disease."
- "An diseased kwama mine is a great hardship for the whole mining community. Blighted eggs are inedible, and miners catch blight diseases."
- "Only egg miners worry about that sort of stuff. Not us. Rock doesn't get blighted."
- "Kwama foragers range far from their homes, deep into the ashlands as far as the Ghostfence. Foragers caught in blight storms become infected, and return and infect their queen and the whole colony."
- "The four blight diseases are ash-chancre, chanthrax, black-heart, ash woe. They come from touching blighted creatures or from going about in blight storms. Unless you walk upon Red Mountain, you need not fear the blight storms. You need magical resistance to blight disease if you go there."
- Blight Diseases
- "Blight diseases resist common herbal and magical treatments, and are of two kinds: wasting diseases which attack one or more of an organism's systems, and abnormal growth diseases, which distort the organism's functions and structures. Natives avoid exposure to the Blight, and wear special protective garments when traveling in Blight-prone regions."
- "You get blight diseases by fighting with diseased creatures. Normal creatures that get caught in blight storms can turn into ugly monsters."
- "Blight diseases can't be cured by cure common disease spells or potions. You need special cure blight disease potions or spells."
- Blight Monsters
- "The 'corprus men,' they crawl from under the mountain. They prey in the night like demons. They follow the blight storms, walk in the storms, bring death, disease. Hunters won't hunt, herders won't herd. Scared to go out on the land. Ahemmusa are people of peace, not of war. We fight, we die; we don't fight, we die. We must have help, or there will be nothing left."
- Blight Storms
- "Red dust from Red Mountain. Grass dies, kwama and guar go mad, bite and fight. Hunters cannot find food. Herders get sick, watch the herds die. Lands to the west belong to Urshilaku. Lands to the south belong to Zainab. And to the north? Water and monsters. No safe haven for the Ahemmusa."
Yakum Hairshashishi has unique dialogue for this topic.
- Blight-sick Animals
- "Our herds are sick. And the game animals -- kagouti, alit -- they grow sick, too. When blight storms come, animals walk in the storms. They get sick, get the red taint. Then they go crazy, bite and fight, go mad, kill everything. Without the herds, without the game, we must starve."
- blighted creatures
This line is said by Briring and Gudling the Rascal.
- "The following creatures are susceptible to blight diseases: kwama queen, kwama forager, kwama warrior, kwama worker, scrib, cliff racer, alit, shalk, kagouti, nix hound, and rat. Since blight disease is contracted by contact, after an encounter with these creatures, make sure you haven't gotten a blight disease."
- Bloat
- "Bloat is the thick, pulpy-white tuber of the bloatspore plant. It grows in dark, damp locations."
- Block
- "The block discipline is the skill of parrying melee attacks with shields. A successful block reduces damage."
- Blunt Weapons
- "The blunt weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the club, staff, mace, and warhammer weapons styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
- blunt weapons
- "Clubs and staves are cheap, easy-to-master, all-purpose weapons for travelers and militias. The mace and morningstar are one-handed, the warhammer is two-handed, slow, and heavy; all three are proper weapons for professional warriors. Rank them by effectiveness as club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer, with club least effective." (Disposition 30)
- body armor
- "First, wear as much armor as you can carry and still fight without passing out. Second, use armor that matches the style you are skilled in -- light, medium, or heavy armored style. Third, keep your armor in good shape. Worn armor is less effective; badly-worn armor is just as heavy as new armor, but provides almost no protection. Fourth, buy the best quality armor you can afford. Fifth, if you're trained in unarmored style, you may be better protected without armor than with armor." (Disposition 30)
- Bonelord
- "The Bonelord is a revenant that protects the tombs of clan and kin. Bonemeal, the finely ground powder made from the bones of the skeleton minions, has modest magical properties."
- Bonemeal
- "Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the bonewalker, an undead creature often found guarding ancestral tombs."
- Bonewalker
- "Bonewalkers are among the distinctive ancestral revenants that guard Dunmer burial sites, and which may be summoned as spirit guardians. Among the undead, they are less worrisome than their more powerful manifestation, the Greater Bonewalker."
- "Bonewalkers defend the tombs of clan and kin. Bonewalkers are aggressive but not very dangerous. Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the bonewalker."
- Bonewolves
- "Foul beasts, not of this earth. These are creatures brought into existence by black magic. They are a mockery of the true and good wolves that roam this land."
- "I haven't seen one, but I've heard tales of these undead creatures. Nasty as a regular wolf, but not as afraid of death, seeing as they're already dead."
- "Hideous creatures, they are! It's almost as if they're wolves that can't give up the instinct to hunt, even in death."
- Bosmer
- "The Bosmer are foreigners, outlanders. They live in trees and eat nothing but meat. We have no forests here. Why don't they go back where they came from?"
- "We're small, sharp, and smart. We love wild creatures, wild beauty, and wild life, unlike our dull cousins. We are not very polite, but don't have to be, since we shoot straight and run like the wind."
- "The Bosmer are the clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are called "Wood Elves," but they call themselves the Bosmer, or the 'Tree-Sap' people. They scorn pretense and formality, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with the wild beauty of nature. They are nimble and quick in body and wit, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel."
- "The Bosmer are a light, careless, insubstantial people. They are barely civilized barbarians, living in unheated communal huts in the middle of empty forest wastelands. They are marvelous archers and cunning hunters, but they are worthless as hirelings, having no concept of contract, obligation, or loyalty. They are passionate and spiritually alive, but befuddled by primitive superstitions and shamanistic spirit worship."
- Bound Armor Spells
- "Bound armor spells summon lesser daedra constrained within the form of magical armor for the duration of the magical effect. The armor pieces are impossibly light, superbly formed, and supernaturally durable. The most common spells of this variety are: bound cuirass, bound helm, bound boots, bound shield, and bound gauntlets."
- Bound Weapons Spells
- "Bound weapon spells summon lesser daedra constrained within the form of magical weapons for the duration of the magical effect. The weapons are impossibly light, superbly formed, and profoundly bloodthirsty. The most common spells of this variety are: bound dagger, bound longsword, bound mace, bound battle-axe, bound spear, and bound longbow."
- Breton
- "Bretons are outlanders, foreigners, Westerners. They don't belong here. They should go back where they came from."
- "Bretons are arrogant, undisciplined, subject to wild swings of emotion. They make strong but unreliable wizards and mercenaries. They are occasionally independent and creative thinkers, but are faithless and unreliable servants and hirelings."
- "We Bretons are natural magicians, and born with a high resistance to destructive and dominating spells. Many great sorcerers have come from our home province of High Rock."
- "Passionate and eccentric, poetic and flamboyant, intelligent and willful, Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come from their home province of High Rock, and in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest of Bretons can boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical energies."
- Broadsword
- "Long popular in the West, the mass-produced, one-handed, double-edged heavy broadsword commonly used by the Legions is descended from the original elaborate, decorated Breton broadsword designs. The Nordic broadsword developed independently, and is a more plain, practical weapon. All broadswords are commonly used with sword-and-shield techniques, the Bretons favoring the heavy tower shield, while the legions prefer a smaller standard-sized shield."
- Brown Rot
- "Brown rot is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include necrosis and sleeplessness. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord."
- Bull Netch
- "The bull netch is a huge beast that hovers in the air, supported by internal sacks of magical vapors. Cured netch skin, durable, flexible, and variously colored, is used throughout the Empire in garments, armor, weapons, household goods, and furnishings."
- Bungler's Bane
- "Bungler's Bane is a mottled brown-and-orange shelf fungus collected from the trunks of trees in the Bitter Coast region."
- Buoyant Armigers
- "The light-hearted Buoyant Armigers are rivals of the more solemn Ordinators in service to the Temple."
- "The Buoyant Armigers serve the Temple as champions and knights-errant."
- "The Buoyant Armigers pattern themselves on Lord Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure, and they emulate his mastery of the varied arts of personal combat, chivalric courtesy, and subtle verse."
- "The Buoyant Armigers is an [sic] small military order of the Temple, exclusively dedicated to and answering to Lord Vivec."