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Morrowind:High Fane

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High Fane
(view on map) (lore page)
Console Location Code(s)
Vivec, High Fane
Vivec, Temple, [3/4,-13]
The High Fane

The High Fane is the heart of the Tribunal Temple, located atop Vivec's Temple Canton.

High Fane interior

A full range of services are offered here, though mostly restricted to higher-ranking members of the Temple. Endryn Llethan is one of the primary quest-givers for the faction, and the Archcanon Tholer Saryoni makes his home here as well. His quarters are locked from both the front and the back, which connects to the Hall of Wisdom. This can be a problem if you pick the lock from the Hall of Wisdom in order to get in, as the door will actually lock behind you, and you'll now have to pick it again to get out, this time while sneaking to avoid being seen by Saryoni. If you proceed far enough in the Temple quests or the Main Quest, you will be given a key to these doors in order to speak with the Archcanon. There are shrines here to all of the Saints, offering a selection of blessings for a small price (free to members of the Temple above Novice rank). As well, you may find 5 skill books here: 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 2 and Sermon 10 (Alchemy and Short Blade) may be found on the shelf near Eris Telas, and Sermon 6, Sermon 24, and Sermon 28 (Armorer, Spear, and Light Armor) may be found in Saryoni's quarters. A chest in the Archcanon's quarters is one of two sources that use the l_m_enchantitem_temple_rank8_2 leveled list in the base game (the other one being Llandris Thirandus).


Main Quest[edit]

Tribunal Temple[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Dileno Lloran Female Dark Elf Priest Service Tribunal Temple Disciple(Disciple) 20 114 134 100 30 Merchant; Spell Merchant; Spellmaker
Endryn Llethan Male Dark Elf Monk Service Tribunal Temple Master(Master) 19 136 108 100 30 Trainer
Eris Telas Male Dark Elf Apothecary Service Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 14 94 170 100 30 Merchant
Llandris Thirandus Male Dark Elf Enchanter Service Tribunal Temple Initiate(Initiate) 12 86 160 100 30 Merchant; Enchanter
Tholer Saryoni Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Patriarch(Patriarch) 26 145 150 90 30