Morrowind:Remasa Othril

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Remasa Othril (remasa othril)
Location Odirniran
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 15 Class Thief
Other Information
Health 107 Magicka 124
Alarm 30 Fight 90
Faction(s) House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling)
Remasa Othril

Remasa Othril is a Dark Elf thief located inside Odirniran, a tower on Azura's Coast.

She is the leader of a House Hlaalu expeditionary force trying to capture the tower from a Telvanni sorcerer, Milyn Faram. Depending on your faction, you will either have to aid her assault or kill her on the necromancer's behalf.

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]


  • Odirninan
"Yes, we've had trouble with a Telvanni necromancer. He's still somewhere in Odirniran, and he's taken my sister hostage. We are still recovering from our last assault, but most of his minions are dead. Kill the necromancer and rescue my sister, Vedelea Othril. Please hurry, %PCName. Who knows what he's doing to her?"
"You killed the necromancer, but where is Vedelea? Is she okay? Escort her back to me if you find her."

If Vedelea survives:

"You killed Milyn Faram and found Vedelea! Thank you, %PCName. We can take care of anything else left here in Odirniran."

If Vedelea dies:

"I am sorry to hear about my sister. I should have expected this. Still, the necromancer is dead, and she died for a good cause."
"You've already helped us, %PCName. You should report back to Edryno Arethi."
  • Troubles for House Hlaalu
    • "You've got to hand it to the daemon-charmers. They surprised us. The Telvanni got these little groups squatting down all over the island, and we've done little to stop them. They're going to be tough to root out. It's going to cost money and lives. But we better make the investment now, before it's too late."