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Morrowind:Rithleen's House

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Rithleen's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
"Balmora, Rithleen's House"
Balmora, [-2,-2]
Exterior, stairs up lead into house.

Rithleen's House is a home in eastern Balmora.


It is located above Tyermaillin's House. Rithleen, a trainer and Journeyman of the Blades lives here. The house is small, consisting of a single room.

Related Quests[edit]


The house primarily contains clutter. Within, you'll find a bed with a copy of The Mirror (a Block skill book) sitting on top of it. Containers hold small amount of ingredients, couple sacks fixed amount of saltrice. There is also a level 15 locked chest (for which there is no key) at the foot of the bed which contains a random amount of gold, some common clothes, and a chance to find special loot.


  • Items can be taken from house without penalties, even if you're not a member of the Blades.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Rithleen Female Redguard Warrior 10 151 74 0 30