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Morrowind:Suryn Athones

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Quests: written by Forfeit, checked by Yagutzal

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none), checked by Yagutzal

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Suryn Athones (suryn athones)
Home City Vivec
Location Justice Offices
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 17 Class Ordinator
Other Information
Health 161 Magicka 116
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 5(Curate)
Suryn Athones

Suryn Athones is a Dark Elf ordinator and Curate in the Tribunal Temple. He has his own little office in the Hall of Justice in Vivec.

He has some strong opinions about the Imperial Legion and refuses to back down. Because of this, Frald the White will order you to kill him during the related quest to stop him from spreading this slander.

Suryn wears an Indoril cuirass, helmet, pauldrons, gauntlets, and boots along with an expensive shirt and pants. He carries a Gavel of the Ordinator. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the spells Lightning Storm, Lightning Bolt, Shockbloom, Strength Leech, and Wearying Touch.

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]


  • slander
    • [Disposition -10] "I spoke nothing but the truth. The Legion is just a mob of blunt-eared apes playing at being soldiers. Is it just your cowardice? Or the incompetence of your so-called Knights? Or is it just the way you smell?"