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Morrowind:Vindamea Drethan

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Vindamea Drethan (vindamea drethan)
Location Ashirbadon
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 137 Magicka 192
Alarm 0 Fight 90
Vindamea Drethan

Vindamea Drethan is a hostile Dark Elf sorceress located inside the cave of Ashirbadon.

She casts powerful spells and is guarded by atronachs and other daedra. Vindamea Drethan holds the Warlock's Ring artifact.

Along with the powerful artifact, she wears an extravagant robe and a pair of common shoes. She carries a dire viperblade and up to 20 gold. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the spells Toxic Cloud, Blood Despair, Absorb Willpower, Absorb Speed Absorb Speed (Ranged), Absorb Intelligence, Drain Blood, Wild Spelldrinker, Strong Spelldrinker, Weak Spelldrinker, Strong Reflect, Reflect, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Fire, Drain Destruction, Wild Distraction, Strong Shock Shield, Second Barrier, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Fire Shield, Great Feather, and Dire Weary.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Vindamea Drethan belongs to the Drethan family, which has their own ancestral tomb.