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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Thuraya Salaris, not checked

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Bandits, slaves
Console Location Code(s)
Azura's Coast, [10,-11]

Yakanalit is a small slaver hideout on an island northeast of Bal Fell.

Central chamber

There are five hostile bandits and six slaves here.

This cave makes an excellent place for beginners to scavenge, as the hostiles are not overly powerful and it holds an extremely high amount of loot for a cave of its size and difficulty. There are an impressive number of crates and barrels here. The random, leveled loot here includes: gold, gems, potions, alchemical ingredients, scrolls, weapons, armor, various sundries, skooma, moon sugar, soul gems, clothing, jewelry and magic items.


  • There is a locked (30) and trapped chest in the east room behind some screens containing a fair amount of gold.
  • There is a locked (20) and trapped chest in the north room behind some hammocks containing a fair amount of gold.
  • The only slave key in this location is on the table in the east room, on top of a piece of paper.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Ahaht Female Argonian Slave 1 40 100 0 10
Ahdri Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 0 10
Ahndahra Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 0 10
Gazalem Male Wood Elf Warrior 17 177 106 0 90
Harassa Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 0 10
Hurolf Male Nord Barbarian 14 149 80 0 90
Lidebras Male Redguard Warrior 12 155 78 0 90
Milah Female Argonian Slave 1 40 100 0 10
Tedysa Andarys Female Dark Elf Rogue 12 106 98 0 90
Tininnus Scinia Male Imperial Warrior 11 136 96 0 90
Weer Male Argonian Slave 1 40 80 0 10



Yakanalit, interior map