Morrowind talk:Salit Camp
Stuck-in-fireplace bug[edit]
This bug was proposed here, for the Xbox GOTY version in 11/2012, and confirmed here, for an unspecified version, in 5/2013.
In 2023, I don't have this bug on PC, but I have a different configuration - 1.6.1820 (Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon, bought from GOG in spring 2022). I am also playing under OpenMW 0.46 on Linux, rather than morrowind.exe on Windows. I don't have any other mods installed, other than using OpenMW.
When I enter Zalit's Yurt from the outside, in first person, I do see something slightly funky - my "eye level" appears a little higher up than normal, but then it slowly falls to the normal eye level, and also pulls back just a bit, as if I were walking backwards. In most other locations, when I go through a door to an interior, I don't see a motion like this. I interpret this as the navmesh/pathing being a little bit strange in this interior, but OpenMW handles it slightly differently than morrowind.exe, so I don't get stuck.
I don't know if it's worth changing the bug to "may get stuck" instead of "will get stuck", since by some definition, OpenMW counts as a modded game. 08:18, 11 June 2023 (UTC)