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Oblivion:Amantius Allectus' House

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Summary: written by WoahBro

House Inventory: written by WoahBro

Description: written by WoahBro

Residents: written by WoahBro

Related Quests: written by WoahBro
Amantius Allectus' House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICTempleDistrictAmantiusAllectusHouse, ICTempleDistrictAmantiusAllectusBasement, ICTempleDistrictAmantiusAllectusHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Temple District
Amantius Allectus' House

Amantius Allectus' House is a house within the Temple District of the Imperial City. The house itself is situated between J'mhad's House and Salomon Geonette's House.

Amantius Allectus' House
Amantius Allectus' Private Quarters
Amantius Allectus' Basement

Both Amantius Allectus and his wife Caula reside here, and the house itself consists of three zones: Amantius Allectus' House, Amantius Allectus' Private Quarters, and Amantius Allectus' Basement.


Amantius Allectus
Caula Allectus

Related Quests[edit]

Amantius Allectus' House[edit]

The entrance to this house is located near the entrance to the Arboretum in the Temple District. On the main floor, there are two things of note. One, on the right as you enter near the basement door, is Amantius' desk. This is the desk that will contain his diary during May the Best Thief Win. The other interesting thing is a door at the bottom of the stairs that has no key and doesn't lead anywhere.

Amantius Allectus' Private Quarters[edit]

In his private quarters, there are two chests of valuables. One, the house treasury, is near the foot of his bed, and contains some gold, and a chance of some jewelry or silverware. Caula's jewelry box is in the corner opposite their bed, behind the armory in a small alcove in the wall. Both are locked.

Amantius Allectus' Basement[edit]

Amantius' basement is where he performs his strange experiments on plants. There is a desk with several potted plants on top of it as well as blood stains and a novice mortar & pestle. There is also a door to the Temple Sewers in his basement, which Methredhel will use to escape the house if she steals Amantius' diary before you.


  • Both Amantius and Caula Allectus carry keys to this house.