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Oblivion:Bradon Lirrian

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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by rpeh (CS), checked by KickbackYak (CS - can't really do it in-game)

Services: written by n/a Corevette789, checked by KickbackYak (CS)

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Bradon Lirrian
(RefID: 00036281)
Home City Bruma
House Bradon Lirrian's House
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 4 Class Commoner
RefID 00036281 BaseID 00035EC6
Other Information
Health 0 (Dead) Magicka 116
Faction(s) Bruma Citizens; Lirrian family in Bruma
Bradon Lirrian's corpse

Bradon Lirrian was a Breton commoner who lived in Bruma with his wife Erline until he was killed recently by the vampire-hunter Raynil Dralas.

Trying to loot his corpse repeatedly will result in a bounty, since his body is involved in an investigation. Rumors are spreading that he was a vampire, Erline is convinced it isn't true, while Carius is. You'll uncover the truth during the related quest.

He wore a pair of sack cloth pants, a coarse linen shirt along with a pair of clogs. He also had a small amount of gold.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-related Events[edit]


A Brotherhood Betrayed[edit]

Around Bruma you may hear citizens say:

"Did you hear about Bradon Lirrian? A vampire hunter named Raynil Dralas made his way into town, snuck into his house and killed him."

When you enter Bradon's house you will find him sprawled across his bed, surrounded by his wife and investigator Carius Runellius, who will greet you with:

"You're going to have to leave. This is a crime scene and no one other than ourselves or Raynil Dralas will be allowed access."

When asked about Raynil, he will fill you in on what's happened:

"Turns out that Bradon Lirrian is a vampire. Or was. If it wasn't for Raynil Dralas, we may never have uncovered the truth. Let me explain. In the last week or so, we've found two bodies stashed in shallow graves outside the city walls. The bodies had puncture wounds on their necks. The bodies were those of some beggars who used to wander the streets looking for handouts. Vampire probably thought no one would miss them. Luckily for us, Raynil arrived in town. He said he was a vampire hunter, so we asked for his help. He tracked the vampire to this house. When he entered the place around noon, Bradon was sleeping. He was able to slay him at that point."

Asking Carius about Bradon will have him remark:

"As far as I know, he was a good man. I never saw this coming. But vampires are masters of deception, so I guess it makes sense."

Speaking to Bradon's distraught wife will result in a very different view:

"I can't believe this is happening. Please... please. I need your help. My husband was no vampire! It's ridiculous! No one will listen to me!"
"Forgive me. I loved my husband dearly, and to lose him this way makes no sense."
"I came home only just a few hours ago. I found the door open, and my Bradon dead. Standing over him was a Dunmer. I screamed and ran out into the street. Some city watch were nearby and heard me I suppose, as they arrived quickly. I heard the Dunmer identify himself as Raynil Dralas. He said he was a vampire hunter and that Bradon was his mark. The guards seemed to know about Raynil, and after a search of the house, the body of some beggar was found stashed in our basement. The guards sent for Carius, who is an investigator for crimes here in Bruma. In minutes, Raynil convinced Carius that Bradon was a vampire."

If you point out the evidence looks bad for Bradon, she will angrily say:

"Well of course it does! It was obviously planted here. Why would he stash a body in his own house? That's ridiculous! And another thing. The guards are making a big deal out of no one seeing Bradon out in the daylight. Well of course that's the case! He works at night, and has to sleep during the day. Why does that make him a vampire? It's all that Raynil character. I don't trust him."

When you head out to investigate and ask Bruma's denizens about Raynil, they will be surprised to hear Brandon was a vampire:

"Apparently, Bradon Lirrian was one of those vile creatures, and Raynil slew him. Kind of strange though. I never figured Bradon to be a vampire. He seemed to be such a likeable fellow."

After you've spoken to Erline and headed to Olav's Tap and Tack, speaking to the owner will cause him to share his suspicions:

"I know I may be out of line by saying this, but I think the city guards may be wrong. It's hard to imagine Bradon was a vampire. I could have sworn I saw him outside in the daylight before. Unless he just got that disease very recently, I'd say they were mistaken. When I heard Raynil killed him, I didn't know what to think. But after your visit here, I'm beginning to wonder."

If you ask him about Raynil, he'll provide you with his guest's room key and some nice words about the Lirrians:

"I always liked Bradon and Erline. They were a nice couple. I hope you get to the bottom of this, cause I don't believe he was a vampire either."

After speaking to Carius at Olav's, asking Erline about Raynil will inform you about his backstory with Bradon:

"I knew I'd recognized Raynil! I think when I first met Bradon many many years ago, he introduced me to him. They were part of some sort of brotherhood. They would roam Cyrodiil in search of legendary treasures and the like. The only reason he stopped doing that is because we got married, and he wanted to settle down. I'm afraid thanks to Raynil, that time is lost."

Once you return to Erline after having slain Raynil and recovered the Mundane Amulet, she will tell you the whole story:

"Long ago I made a promise to Bradon. I promised to never reveal to anyone what I'm about to reveal to you now. However, because you've avenged his unjust death, I feel that Bradon would understand why I'm breaking that pact. Bradon told me about this amulet when they first brought it home from whatever distant land it came from. He never really trusted anyone else in the group, and before he secured the treasure in that cave, he had a special enchantment placed upon it. The magic masks the true identity of the item. All it takes is a simple command word, and the amulet would be restored to its true state."

With the quest is complete, his reputation is restored among the Bruma townsfolk:

"I overheard that the vampire hunter who was in town was a fake. It was apparently a ruse to get his hands on Bradon's key to a treasure chest."

Asking Olav about him will simply net you: "Poor fella." Whereas Carius will reassure you:

"Although we can't go back and undo what's been done, I feel justice has been served, and Bradon's soul may rest with ease."


  • Somewhat surprisingly Bradon has a full schedule, although obviously it is never used. He was supposed to sleep from midnight to 6am and eat two meals in his house: one from noon to 2pm and one from 6pm to 8pm. At 8pm he was intended to take an evening walk around Bruma for four hours, centered on the area outside the Hammer and Axe. Outside those times he stayed in his house.
  • The AI package intended to give Bradon his evening constitutional is called SergeLirrianWanderExterior20x4, indicating that his original name was going to be "Serge".