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Oblivion:Bruma Caverns

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Bruma Caverns
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Nuisance Animals
Console Location Code(s)
BrumaCavernsExterior, BrumaCaverns
Jerall Mountains
West of Bruma
Bruma Caverns

Bruma Caverns is a small cave west of Bruma containing nuisance animals (quest-related). It contains only one zone, Bruma Caverns.

Related Quests[edit]


  • The cave provides a secret passage into Bruma through the basement of Jearl's House.


Key to Maps
Bruma Caverns, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 4, 34
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Bruma Caverns (editor name BrumaCavernMapMarker). The entrance door is ENE of the marker, 40 feet away.
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 36 Clouded Funnel Cap plants, 3 Milk Thistle plants, 1 Monkshood plant, 27 Motherwort plants, and 5 Wormwood plants

Zone 1: Bruma Caverns[edit]

Bruma Caverns

Being a very small cave with only nuisance animals and devoid of loot, it is fairly unremarkable. It does provide a secret entrance into Bruma through Jearl's house, which can be useful if you are trying to evade the guards. However, the door to Jearl's basement is locked with a leveled lock, so either a spell or lockpicks are required. A key does exist, but is not available until the initiation of the quest Spies, at which point it can be obtained from Jearl or her companion, Saveri Faram.


Doors and Gates: