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Oblivion:Claudius Arcadia's House

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Description: written by Kiz

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Claudius Arcadia's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICTalosPlazaClaudiusArcadiasHouse, ICTalosPlazaClaudiusArcadiasHouseBasement, ICTalosPlazaClaudiusArcadiasHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Talos Plaza District
Claudius Arcadia's House

Claudius Arcadia's House is located on the western wall of the Talos Plaza District.

There is a notice on the door notifying people that the Imperial Legion has seized ownership of the house. Upon entering his house, sitting upon the bookshelf to the right is a common selection of books featuring volumes 1-5 of The Real Barenziah and other reference books. The kitchen area of the first floor holds many foodstuffs. Two watermelons and a pumpkin sit on the floor next to a food pantry and two barrels also containing food. On top of the pantry are two bottles of cheap wine with a further two on the food preparation table next to two venison steaks. A clutter sack and a rice sack sit at the feet of the preparation bench. On the dining table two potatoes, two mutton steaks and nine radishes sit upon four clay plates adorned by silver cutlery as well as two bottles of beer and two clay cups to drink from. Another food barrel stands opposite the basement door.

Other than the remains of the Dark Brotherhood ritual, little of interest is in the basement other than the standard clutter containers. Going down the stairs there is a chest with another opposite the ritual site, nestled among four barrels and two sacks. The ritual spot has a skull, a human heart set upon human skin, two bones and an iron dagger all of which are in-between four candles and sit upon blood soaked stones. Five crates and two barrels make a wall around the ritual with another two barrels behind the crate wall.

The upstairs serves as the bedroom of the Imperial watchmen and an art studio. The bureau to the right of the door when entering the upstairs, has a copy of Frontier, Conquest and a bottle of beer. In the alcove behind the stairwell is a storage area of two barrels, three crates and two sacks. The bookshelf in the art studio is home to four folded cloths, a novice's alembic and retort, some paint brushes and three reference books. The bedroom on the top floor is the main area of interest in Claudius's house. Immediately in front of you when entering the bedroom section, a hard-locked chest holds Claudius's journal. A wine rack holds fifteen bottles of cheap wine with another two on the table with silverware and nine blackberries. In between the bed and the wall are a clothing wardrobe and a clutter barrel.
